AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I'm Tom.
I've been lurking MFC awhile.
I'm a man of few words, unless rum.

I like models that are any of the following:
laid back
TomHonks said:
I'm Tom.
I've been lurking MFC awhile.
I'm a man of few words, unless rum.

I like models that are any of the following:
laid back
Hello, Mr. Honks!!
TomHonks said:
I'm Tom.
I've been lurking MFC awhile.
I'm a man of few words, unless rum.

I like models that are any of the following:
laid back

Welcome Honks. Where is your avatar from? I recognize it... :think:
Frankie said:
TomHonks said:
I'm Tom.
I've been lurking MFC awhile.
I'm a man of few words, unless rum.

I like models that are any of the following:
laid back

Welcome Honks. Where is your avatar from? I recognize it... :think:

Flynn from Tangled. Everyone tells me I should sue Disney for using my likeness. I guess, if you took off the Disney beer goggles and dialed up the ugly a bit. Either way it's pretty much my permanent MFC face.
Hello, I'm immoral, and I regularly perv on MFC, when the site's not being a dick anyway.

I like to think of myself as an asshole with a heart, but Zoey keeps telling me I'm not, I haven't decided if I believe her or not.

I tend to not comment on things unless I have a strong opinion, or I've been awake too long, but I seem to have the odd ability to see multiple sides of discussions.

I also like to ramble about whatever comes to mind.

Oh, look, shiny.
Bigmacz here. "Long time listener, first time caller" - pretty much sums it up.

I dig computers, D&D (btw; 4.0 rule set is ftw!) ample women and shiny new tech widgets.

And by ample I mean women who have the right parts; hips, tits, lips and ass. Most of my friends say I am the chubby chaser, just cause I like my women to look like women. (think along the lines of Abbey Brooks, ooh ahh, I digress). Huzzah! To the good things in life.

That is all, move along citizen...
I love how our recent newcomer posts in here have had some personality in them! Rock on. :dance: Welcome.
Hello, I'm FHK and I'm new to the forums.

I like short walks on the beach because my feet get tired and I get short of breath due to having asthma.

Nice to meet you all!
Alright diving in...
hi i'm LittleTease-appropriately named since i'm *starting* as a non-nude (please don't shoot me...) and i'm new to this site and to camming in general
so I officially just got my camera in the mail today and i'm hoping now to get started on MFC and start my little career towards being a cam girl
been stalking this site for a week or two now and have to gush, i'm completely in love
i feel so much more prepared for this now than i did a week ago thanks to all the info here
so thanks a lot everyone and hope to get to know you better
LittleTease said:
Alright diving in...
hi i'm LittleTease-appropriately named since i'm *starting* as a non-nude (please don't shoot me...) and i'm new to this site and to camming in general
so I officially just got my camera in the mail today and i'm hoping now to get started on MFC and start my little career towards being a cam girl
been stalking this site for a week or two now and have to gush, i'm completely in love
i feel so much more prepared for this now than i did a week ago thanks to all the info here
so thanks a lot everyone and hope to get to know you better
Glad to help and great to have you! Follow the model instructions for verified status when you're ready. :)
Hi everyone.
My name is Angie and I do bit of webcam fun on MFC and
I probably spend more time on my multigym than on camera but that is life. :lol:
I am living in Ireland but originally from Slovakia so excuse my English I am still learning...
Im Chris

I've been on mfc since 2006..back when it was all columbian and russian models...and the asians were low on numbers......dont get me wrong..i love asians and russians and columbians under most circumstances...just got tiresome
Hi my name is Carlos. Yeah my s/n doesn't give that away right? Anyways I am a regular in ElaySmith's room. She told me about this wonderful board! I love it so far, and hope to be posting regularly.
Carlos1 said:
Hi my name is Carlos. Yeah my s/n doesn't give that away right? Anyways I am a regular in ElaySmith's room. She told me about this wonderful board! I love it so far, and hope to be posting regularly.
Nice to meet you Carlos. Honestly I've been trying to avoid looking at your posts because your signature banner is so freakishly huge and bright colored. But I suppose that's my fault for allowing such big images. Any chance you could make it more subtle, for the greater good?
TomHonks said:
I'm Tom.
I've been lurking MFC awhile.
I'm a man of few words, unless rum.

I like models that are any of the following:
laid back

Welcome, Tom!
Brunettes, eh? :think:
Well, nobody's perfect... :lol:
I'm Neil,

Not quite sure how I stumbled upon Amber but so glad I did. She's great the easy way she takes everything in her stride in contrast to the way I handled the misery of losing my wife who died suddenly and far too young.

Amber reminds me that there is human fun and happiness aplenty and she is so generous at sharing it around.

Apart from the slow business of digging myself out of the depression of my bereavement and trying to build a new life for myself, essential efforts at recreational fun have been limited but now a) I have Amber here/at MFC and b) I am learning to fly (another 38 hours or more to get a private pilots licence).

Love the interaction of some of Amber's regulars too

I am not an asshole, don't want to be one but have probably often been called one. If you want to be my friend don't make that mistake unless I've known you for a while and you can convince me I'm being one!

JoleneJolene said:
Welcome, Tom!
Brunettes, eh? :think:
Well, nobody's perfect... :lol:

Yep, always had a thing for dark hair. Don't worry, though, the fire crotch has a special place in my heart too.
Howdy Im Dulce Daniels

Just want to say Hello. Im new to MFC settling in really well. Thanks to MilaMilan for pointing me to this forum, finding it so useful and learning a lot from the MFC girls you all Rock in your own ways. Thank you to Amber for this forum also....Hope to speak to you all soon


I'm Nordick. Yes, that implies that I'm from a nordic country, and a dick. But I'm only a dick towards other dicks. But that doesn't mean I'm gay. Not that I have anything against gays mind you! I'm just sayin'.


I joined MFC in June 2010, and to be brutally honest, to begin with it was only to see some naked chicks. (Shocking, I know.) But during these months I have discovered many a model whose room is great fun to just hang out in even when they are fully clothed, thanks to their wonderful personality and the fun company they consequently attract. Amber, naturally, being among the forefront of such models.

So yeah, like I said, I'm from a nordic country; Finland, to be precise. I was born in 1982, am currently unemployed and have no degree whatsoever despite my half-assed attempts at studying, but I'm working on getting my life on some sort of track sometime soon. I'm an aspiring writer, but seem to be suffering from a chronical writer's block so I haven't actually written anything worth mentioning. I have a short story/novella/whatever that I've been sporadically working on for like five years now, but meh. (perhaps this knowledge will help you forgive me my overt wordiness.)

I also play videogames. A lot. Mostly single player, I'm not that big on online play. LotRO is nice, though, and I wish I could afford to get back to EVE Online some day. I don't have any consoles though, I'm a PC man. I also muck about on the internet a lot, probably way more than is healthy.
I play RPGs too, and I strongly disagree with bigMacz about 4th edition D&D; I think it sucks. I have a group I gather to play with every weekend, so I surprisingly have a social life outside of the internet, too.

On MFC, I make a point of treating the girls with utmost respect. I absolutely adore women, and some models there are among the most charming examples of womanhood I've ever run into. No matter if I've paid money for a bunch of tokens, to me such a gorgeous woman showing me her girly bits is a privilege, not a right. Plus I have an overdeveloped chivalry gland.

Sadly, living here on the far side of the middle of Nowhere I'm fantastically unlikely to ever meet any of these girls (or you other wonderful folks) in person, but you know; Yay for Internet! I can only hope my online presence will bring the girls even a fraction of the joy their online presence brings me.

So without further rambling, here I am now. Hi all.
Hello all you Ambercuties :-D

I have been doing phone related stuff in the adult space since 1994, nice to meet y'all ;-)

I am currently working on rolling out a new service which allows performers to easily create their own pay-per-minute phonechat website for free, as well as a geo-social adult hook-up app for smartphones which has been getting quite a bit of mainstream attention lol

I spent 16 years overseas (Germany, Tenerife) and now am based in Southern UK.
Nordick, MMFCG, and PhoneGuy, nice to have you! Enjoy your visits. :)
heyyy dolls! I'm Janet, I'm 19, live in Reno. I'm pretty girly, although I'm basically addicted to video games at the moment. I've been camming for a couple months now. Stumbled across the forum and I'm happy I did. I've met some really nice girls through here and I'm always asking for tips and advice on camming. :)

Hows everyone?? My allergies are Killing me so bad, but this weekend has been relatively amazzzinnggg XD

if you'd like to chat, hit me up yo!!

Hello all, my name is Reggie, I stumbled across the site while googling something. If I can be honest, I've never actually been to MFC but I'm definitly going to check it out now. You ladies are beautiful.
So, I've lurked here for some time mostly to see amusing things my favorite models say. LovelyLemon in particular can really be best appreciated here; she is like some kind of camgirl super-genius.

I'm a tall blond nerd, turned professional poker player, turned back to nerd. When I'm not perving on beautiful women, I'm probably driving at speeds greatly in excess of any posted limits or making things out of wood or gambling. Ever since I was a small boy, I've teased girls that I like and its way too late to change now. If I've said something smart-ass to one of you, I swear it was meant in love. Ask my sisters.

In terms of what appeals to me in women, I've no real clue. I find beauty in a surprising array of forms. If I had to pick commonalities, I always seem to go for the clever, sarcastic, slightly goofy girls. I enjoy the witty way they mock people who say dumb things in chat, even when it turns against me (I'm looking at you, AmberDawnNude). I like to do goofy things (A few weeks ago I was tipping every model who could write or repeat a limerick) and the usual long drawn out masturbation watching is always a huge favorite. I tend to be kinda dominating in my fantasy life, but I've got a lot of different gears. I hardly ever threaten to abduct anyone and live with them in my van down by the river (except JoleneJolene, but she provoked me).
FasterMike said:
So, I've lurked here for some time mostly to see amusing things my favorite models say. LovelyLemon in particular can really be best appreciated here; she is like some kind of camgirl super-genius.

I'm a tall blond nerd, turned professional poker player, turned back to nerd. When I'm not perving on beautiful women, I'm probably driving at speeds greatly in excess of any posted limits or making things out of wood or gambling. Ever since I was a small boy, I've teased girls that I like and its way too late to change now. If I've said something smart-ass to one of you, I swear it was meant in love. Ask my sisters.

In terms of what appeals to me in women, I've no real clue. I find beauty in a surprising array of forms. If I had to pick commonalities, I always seem to go for the clever, sarcastic, slightly goofy girls. I enjoy the witty way they mock people who say dumb things in chat, even when it turns against me (I'm looking at you, AmberDawnNude). I like to do goofy things (A few weeks ago I was tipping every model who could write or repeat a limerick) and the usual long drawn out masturbation watching is always a huge favorite. I tend to be kinda dominating in my fantasy life, but I've got a lot of different gears. I hardly ever threaten to abduct anyone and live with them in my van down by the river (except JoleneJolene, but she provoked me).
