AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Hello everyone!
I'm Aria ,25 yo 😄 and I just got here after a friend of mine told me about this wonderful site because . I have a serious problem with my chaturbate account 😅
Greetings and hugs 🤗
Hi my name is Anna and im new here. Recently decided to start streaming on chaturbate with my partner and quite of successfull in the last 2 days made 150 $ with 3h streaming.

Unfortunelty i got banned for no reason and support is not answering.

Anyone knows what to do ?

Did i got scammed ? Some People telling me that CB is scam.
Hello everyone, I'm Bea. I've been in the industry on and off for about a year and I'm still trying to get into the swing of things. I will be streaming on CB
Hello, how are these I want help with my account, it goes like Banned account But in reality it was not my fault if I do not blame the Studio with whom I work previously please I need help I thank you if someone could help me thanks
Hi everybody, it's Kat. Pineapple on pizza is awesome. That is all.

Hi, Kat! The first time I'd tried it was when my mom had ordered it. Who am I to turn down pizza that someone else paid for? 😂 Plus I love pineapple chunks anyway. I tried it and actually liked it a lot.

But most of the time when I eat pizza, I just get a slice or two of regular cheese pizza from a local spot.
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Hey there :)

My bf and I are going to try this out I think. I’ve been doing a ton of research, but any tips would be amazing!

I think we will do fairly well, though I have read solo does better than couple? But other things I’ve read state couples can definitely do well. Perhaps it just takes more time?

We are doing this for money/fun purposes. We’re pretty unconventional and have tattoos and piercings. We’re also into the dom/sub lifestyle. I’m excited. I’m pretty sure he’s on board lmao. But I would love any tips or suggestions from fellow performers! Any dos or don’ts?

Thinking about split camming between LiveJasmin and CB, but not sure if we should dive straight into that.

Thanks loves ❤️
am a strip chat cam girl, I got banned by my boss who owns a studio, taking advantage of poor girls in Kenya. i need help with how i can recover my banned account since i have no access to emails associated with the previous account. She banned me permenently when i left her studio .someone help
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am a strip chat cam girl, I got banned by my boss who owns a studio, taking advantage of poor girls in Kenya. i need help with how i can recover my banned account since i have no access to emails associated with the previous account. She banned me permenently when i left her studio .someone help
If you haven't done so already, make a new thread in the Stripchat support sub-forum here. The Stripchat reps, @Charlie_SC and @Stella_SC here are very helpful.
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Hi, I’m Hayley, my boyfriend Jay & I are on Chaturbate as @WebCumCouple

We started camming this past summer, about five months ago.

I’m so happy I found this forum!
I’ve been trying to get in contact with CB for over two weeks, but they haven’t responded yet. So hopefully I’ll be able to find some help on here.

We hosted a ticket show and had 248 ticket holders, but never got paid the tokens for them. Then, I did another ticket show the following day and the same thing happened. Needless to say, I’ve deactivated that specific app since then, but we had this happen once before and were using the app that CB suggested we use, so I’m surprised this happened. 248 ticket holders is a lot of money!
Anyways, I’ll be looking for lots of tips, and app/bot suggestions, and id like to bring up a few topics. So I’m really happy to have found a place I can actually do so.

Come say hi & I’ll show you support too!
Happy Sunday! I’m Tayler. I’m a new cam model which is crazy to me because I’m middle-aged. I never thought I’d be brave enough to take the leap, especially now that I’m older, but I had the house to myself this past New Years Eve and I did it! I am really enjoying it. I am camming on weekends right now. I hope to increase my hours as time goes by. I am on this forum to learn from everyone and hopefully meet some performers near me to do shows with.
Hello w
I am a otherworldly dreamer with a perfect dreaming skull and a imperfect faithless heart ❤️

You heard me. Introduce yourself!

The best posts in an introduction thread include more than just your name, so give us a little more if you're feeling up to it. ;)

If you're a CB or MFC member or model with specific support questions, please see this section - Unofficial Support - and post your inquiries there.

If you're an active cam model looking for verification, info/instructions are here - Model Verification Requests - but please remember you won't be able to post your verification until you've been signed up at ACF for a period of time, and after you've made a good handful of thread posts. So get active! :)

JUST A REMINDER: "Hi" and "yes" are not introductions. Posts made in that fashion will be deleted. Try again. :)
Hello Amber an all, we are Michael and alice, a funny couple
Hey guys I'm alice I've been on cb for about 3 months I was a dancer for 8 years though so some experience in the sexual aspect but all my friends moved and I would love to talk to people and get some advice from girls doing the same and in the same field so I I feel like I'm part of a community of like minded ladies
I'm a moderator for 3 models on Chaturbate, and I assist a 4th with her room logistics. I really appreciate having a forum where I can check up on what is on model's minds, what is and isn't working for them, so that I can be a better moderator. These girls mean the world to me and I want to be the best mod I can be. Thank you so much for this forum.

I'm a just a guy who likes to have fun with cammodels every now and then, this is my username on all the sites i frequent.

Looking forward to having interesting conversation ;)
Hello everyone! My name is pearlvibe.I don't know what to tell I'm an upbeat and positive guy who loves chatting and answering questions with people. I also like watching live streams of games or talk shows in my free time.But what I want to say most is that I love this Amber girl so much.
I'm Mercy :) I absolutely love to watch cam girls but I can't say I've found one I enjoy watching more than Amber :p

I game... I love to play WoW among many other video games... I also think Amber is awesome and think more models should have the most wonderful attitude that she does. We gotta keep supporting wonderful hot girls like Amber because there are very few of them in this world. We're lucky she shares so much with us
Hi, my name is Nathan, my girlfriend works on chaturbate, and I'm trying to help her out

Hi, Nathan. Tell your girlfriend that this is a great forum that she can sign up on. That would definitely be helpful to her.
Screenshot 2023-12-31 at 16.04.06.png Hello I am British pornstar Jordanna Foxx , i got bored of that and went into femme domme under Vixen Black , I also am part of a couple Sienna & Hunter. Am on a few profiles locations never got the hang of being consistent i go i spurts of activity haha

Im Cairo, 26, male, and very new to the camming industry. I have been very interested in learning more about it and the best ways to earn money but still have fun!

I love to please, cook, listen to music, and talk to people. I was also hopping someone could help me figure out how to find a partner to have on the show with me.