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Mom reveals she used breast milk to make brownies

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Random human breastmilk = wtf???? Disgusting outrage!

Random bovine creature milk = yum yum drink up


I thought much the same, innit (also, allo bb :wave).

I would like to know if I'm consuming milk pumped from a human and not conventional milk so I can kinda understand why people might be annoyed, but I don't see this as being overly outrageous. Breast milk is safe, is it not?

Sidenote: Are there laws to stop women from selling breast milk, so long as it's labeled as such? I reckon there'd be a market for it (a market ranging from the slightly pervy to the purely practical and even the pretentious) and it could be a relatively easy way for new mothers to make a bit of extra money from home.
Sidenote: Are there laws to stop women from selling breast milk, so long as it's labeled as such? I reckon there'd be a market for it (a market ranging from the slightly pervy to the purely practical and even the pretentious) and it could be a relatively easy way for new mothers to make a bit of extra money from home.

It's totally legal. A few years ago I remember hearing about a pop up store in Covent Garden that was selling breast milk ice cream apparently it was selling like crazy. Don't know what happened to it, I guess once the initial hype went away they went out of business or something.


It seems like it was too expensive to screen all the breast milk to make sure it was safe so they couldn't produce much of it. The guy says it will be back at some point though.
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Ehhh I feel like she shoulda known it was gonna weird people out. I personally wouldn't want to eat something made with random human body secretions that hadn't been tested or whatever. But ... it's also weird we drink random animal milk with prolly all kinds of things in it. Idk though, can you catch stuff from human milk like... AIDS? Lol
Idk though, can you catch stuff from human milk like... AIDS? Lol

Yes: "HIV and other serious infectious diseases can be transmitted through breast milk. However, the risk of infection from a single bottle of breast milk, even if the mother is HIV positive, is extremely small." (from ) .

Now, milk from other species is usually safe for us - both because we pasteurize/control the level/presence of pathogens on it, but also because we aren't really close relatives of the ones we get most of our milk from, which makes it harder for viruses that affect them to affect us. Now, if we tried to consume milk from other primates the risk would increase a lot (and sadly we even have an example of this - HIV is a mutated version of a virus that affected only monkeys).
There are milk donation services that screen and pasteurize breast milk for parents who want to breastfeed and can't. I avoid dairy save the occasional delicious cheese, and I don't believe the milk of other mammals is for us to drink. But, I would be like lawsuit angry if someone put any of their own fluids in food and gave or sold it to me without my consent. Humans do a lot of weird things and who knows what she has in her bloodstream. If she eats meat, dairy, smokes, uses certain meds, takes supplements it's all in there. No thanks.

I would bet that this story is wholly false though. No one's going to pump breast milk because she doesn't have time to go to the store and sell the goods for school bake sale profits. Sounds like a story cooked up by lactation fetishists. If I was baking with breast milk, I'd sell that shiz for a lot more than some kid at a bake sale could afford. Hehehe.
No one's going to pump breast milk because she doesn't have time to go to the store

Doesn't it take a while to pump? Like, longer than it would take to run to the store?
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I dont understand why this such an outrage.....its ok to take other animals milk but you cant use your own species milk?? Im so confused. People are so strange. Human milk is probably a million times better for us than other animals milk.
I think the problem for me would be that most of us willingly drink/eat things from animals and we expect it because it's the normal. We don't usually expect Billy's mom's breast milk to be in our food.

Then my mind randomly went to "yeah most of us willingly eat animals but I'd be mad if someone used human meat in a dish because they didn't have time to go to the store for hamburger" :haha:
Doesn't it take a while to pump? Like, longer than it would take to run to the store?
The fastest I've ever filled my 5oz pump was 7 minutes. Not sure how much milk her recipe called
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There's a reason to eat other species than your own, for all we know she could be starting the next UK food epidemic: MadMom Disease.


While I agree that you shouldn't eat humans or random human breast milk, I just wanna point out that most if not all plagues came from animals, and many other diseases as well. To name a few: Anthrax, West Nile Virus, Tuberculosis, Listeria, Mad Cow Disease, The Flu, Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, Salmonella, The Black Plague, etc.
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It is fascinating how a site as scummy and devoid of facts as the Daily Mail always manages to start people arguing.

For me, if the DM says the sky is blue I go outside and check it myself first.
Or as I love to call it the Daily Fail. The daily mail could say my eyes are blue and I'd have to go look in a mirror to make sure--even though they've always been blue.
who the fuck puts milk in brownies?
My recipe is eggs, butter, flour, cocoa powder, and a few other dry ingredients. No milk to be found. I've never heard of milk in brownies. At least not in my family :haha:
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Damn, yet another scare debunked by someone taking a moment to think

She could have substituted it for another ingredient though (butter, oil, or eggs?).

My main concern is the safety of it. I remember hearing a few years back about a new mother accidentally breast feeding another mother's baby in the hospital, and they had to do lots of medical tests (HIV, etc).

Plus, you should need some type of disclosure to use your own bodily fluids in something that you are feeding to someone else!
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Human breast milk is best from the breast. like when she is on top and those "jugs" {I just figured out that meaning} are hanging in front of your mouth. yum. You should try it @Guy
who the fuck puts milk in brownies?
Hahaha, exactly my thought!!! I have never heard of milk in brownies before unless she used cocoa and milk instead of milk chocolate. But it was a Daily Mail article so the probability of this story being real is slim to none. haha
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