AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Rants? Got 'em? Here's your place.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Oct 15, 2011
I had put in the Daily Thoughts thread that I have given thought more than once that a safe place was needed for the ACF community to post their rants.

I have seen threads started based on a rant. I have seen tangential rants placed in the middle of threads. I have seen pertinent rants in threads that really were not begging for a reply.

Thus my reasoning for this.

I realize this is the internet, where there are no rules. I realize this is a forum on the internet where only the site owner's opinion is the only one that matters when you get right down to it. But stepping into the deep end, here is what I imagine in my own utopia:

What does not belong in this thread

- Anything that is wanted to be debated
- Anything in which a reply is expected or wanted

What this thread of for

- Anything you just want to get off your chest
- Anything that triggers something that is off thread topic that you don't want to debate
- General rants that nobody else may care about

And, the biggie - No replies to the rants. Just let it go. The person posting does not want to discuss it, just rant. That is the hard part.

Yeah, I know, this may go down in flames. But since it has crossed my mind a few times, why not give it a shot?

The floor is now yours.
I've considered a place to rant as well, but a lot of my rants are things I'd prefer to make more anonymously. That way if I want to revisit the issue and see what others think about what I said, I can go there, but otherwise none of my aliases would be connected to it so I wouldn't have people seeking me out to tell me their opinion. Many of my rants are just mental spit-boarding as things come to me and on top of that they are typically about things I'd typically filter and not discuss because while they are in my head, they typically aren't the things I do or would act on. I guess this is a very mild rant about how I would want to rant. :p


al;skoierlh ja guh.

thank you. thank you for letting me let this out. Few things infuriate me more than organized systems which take away the freedom of its people under the guise of safety or health or... or pretty much anything. People DIED so we could have all this shit, man, why you just vote it away into nothingness?

okay. breathing. Hurrrrrgh.

Also - is there a debate thread? Anywhere?
my turn my turn!

i busted my ass until it literally broke my back. right at 20 years taking care of people who couldnt take care of themselves any more. did it for shite pay, next to zero benefits. every paycheck damn near half of it gone and debt out my ass because of that. oopsie! you worked too hard? you fucked up your back, knees, hands and mind? too bad so sad. you can't drive any more because you vomit, pass out and nearly have a heart attack from the agoraphobia? oh well. cant go any further than the bathroom without a cane, and need a walker for trips anywhere else, and still have to have your frakkin 75 year old dad drive you to get there? eff you bud.
nope, you arent disabled, not at all. and to drive that point home we're going to make you play our game for 5 frakkin years just to get you to the point where you are going to have to dope yourself to the gills and take a 2 hour ride to see the next person that is going to tell you no, go fuck yourself dude, you suck, eat a big fat dead donkey dick. oh and btw you still have to beg borrow and steal to pay the property taxes, leech off of everyone you know for your meds and generally be useless in the meanwhile.

thx for the vent:)
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wtf? wtmff? where the hell have all the frakking trolls come from lately? and where the frak did basic manners go?
am i that frakking old that im now reduced to saying "kids these days have no manners"?
because wtf? oh wait, there arent any kids here, never mind.
the last month or so has been full of rudeness and insults and trolling. heck i can deal with insults and trolling, just do them with a modicum of intelligence. screaming "whore" at someone is not an insult, its just a way of yelling to the world:
"hello, i have the IQ of a fairly un-evolved mosquito, please look at me anyway"

look, here's my thing. if i depise someone, if they are my enemy and mean to do me harm in any way possible, when we finally come face to face and i have to shoot them i will at least do it with manners.
i know that idea has been absent from society for ages, but come on does it really have to sink so low that schoolyard insults are how we argue? (poorly spelled ones at that usually). jesus h. christ on a pogo stick, i'd rather go back to duels being started with a slap to the face of a glove than deal with cretins who truly believe that "skank" is how you do battle.

i catch my fair share of "jeez south wtf dude?" when i say something that i didnt think out properly and am thus misunderstood. do i respond by whining and sayin "you twat, how dare you question my integrity?" no, i explain myself more completely if it is a misunderstanding.
if it isnt and it is simply a disagreement i might choose to debate the subject (i like to pretend with some wit and humor) or i might simply hit the thank button for their effort at contributing to my growth as an individual.

oh, and on the whole "x should die/be killed" type postings. stfu, just stfu.

and threats on the internet? come on people, think a minute before you do something that stupid.
A: it is illegal and sets you up for consequences should you ever run into the person you threatened.
B: like you are really going to buy a plane ticket or drive to where ever and actually do something
C:you never know who it is you are leveling the threat at. sure that model may look all tiny and weak, but one of the hardest sparring sessions i ever had was with a 5 foot 2 inch 90 lb young lady. in platform heels at that since i had chuckled at the idea of someone defending themselves in such footwear (i was 22, what can i say). i was 5'11 and around 270 at the time and she made me look like an idiot on the mat. plus, hello, weapons anyone?
you roll up on a lady acting all big and bad and she shoots you. justifiable in any of the 50 states as far as i've ever heard.
heck, that leaves out boyfriends, husbands, brothers, uncles and dads of said ladies as well, but i recognize that women are not weak frail little thing that need protection so that would be at the bottom of my list as to why i would never threaten some model.
and D: wtf dude? (or lady, some chicks can throw a threat readily) really?

ok rant over, venom expelled. much better now
Heard an interesting analogy today. The KKK wears hoods so its members can have anonymity. This gives them the feeling of power and freedom to do that which they know they could not get away with if their identity were revealed. Trolls on the internet have the same reaction from the anonymity it provides.

Internet trolls are simply wearing the digital equivalent of the white hoods.
Damn, I'm glad I went ahead and started this thread. Mostly because it seems like everyone is abiding by the intent and not replying.

For that, I say thank you.

Secondly, because I now have something I want to get off my chest.

this is going to be at least two parts. It may get longer as I get going. Feel free to TL/DR, click next or whatever.

The first point, I could make an argument for either side. Hence, the lack of need for discussion.

Personally, I have long felt a bit uncomfortable discussing models that are not members of this fourm. To me, it just seems like gossip. Whether it be positive or negative connotations, (although inevetibaly, it seems to turn negative), it just doesn't sit right wiht me.

One could argue, "What's the big deal? These models have put themselves out there in public domain, what's the difference in discussing them than, say, a band or professional athlete?"

I can't really say there is that much of a difference. But to me, it just feels wrong. Maybe it's because of the sense of community that this forum has created. Maybe that's an altruistic view and doesn't belong here.

(As an aside - this is pretty sucky as a "rant". It's more of a stream-of-conciousness type thing.)

Which brings me to my second point. The whole MilaMilan ordeal.

I have kept it a arm's length purposely.

Firstly, my opinion is just that, opinion. What my views are do not really matter. Although there is plenty of information out there, the devil is in the details. I don't know all the details.

Secondly, this has been very divisive. It has been very divisive to one of "my communities". Yeah, that is selfish. And I do, in no way, expect everyone to agree on everything. What would be the fun in that?

Listen, we are all here for various reasons, whatever they may be. But let's face it, the idea of being a cam model is repulsive to many members of society. Whether models or members, this is a fairly safe place to be. Discussing things as varied as whatever goes on in the inner sanctum to joke threads and live music and everthiing in between.

If you bothered to read this, thank you.

Carry on.
i'm glad Youtube now has little notifications in the corner of the song if its uploaded by Vevo so i can avoid them like the plague,

it seems youtube has gone from the free platform for people to upload their videos of whatever they wanted to a new way for

the music industry to wrangle more money out of people in the guise of advertising on their videos and being paid for views and

lets not pretend ANY artists are getting any money from this, they got paid before or after they released the album for the label

they never see any of the money after that. Still i use adblockers on Youtube so i don't have to see the advertising but id rather not

click on a video that creates revenue to those who first wanted to remove all free music from the internet then found and

ingenious way to get around it, so remember next time you click on that top 40 song for the 50th time its not going to the artist

so they can buy talent.

* 150million revenue mostly from your youtube veiws, its capitalism at its finest
AllisonWilder said:
Where did common courtesy and manners fucking go? Why is it okay to type out things on the internet that you would never say to a person in real life? Why is it fucking okay to 'troll' girls because you don't think they're thin enough or pretty enough? That's fucking ridiculous.

But on the flipside, how many of us will offer money to someone we meet IRL for them to get naked & maybe stick things inside themselves? I see many gorgeous women at work or when I'm out and about during my day... getting a phone number is one thing but I wouldn't even dare ask them "how much for a flash?"
Obviously it's a different context. But I think the anonymity of hiding behind a keyboard is a confidence booster for most. I can ask (or, better yet, TIP!) to see boobs on the internet without having to worry about being slapped or pepper sprayed.
Unfortunately, too many people lack basic respect for others, and this same lack of accountablilty or consequences leads them to believe they can be anonymous assholes.
Acronyms! Fucking hate them! I can't ever remember all of them and by the time I finally learn them, there are 50 more in their place. :angry4: I'm blaming it on all the farking texting! What the heck does tldr and any of those other seemingly random strings of letters mean? I need a list!
*This rant was brought to you by my teenage sister's annoying and hard to understand texts. We have completely unlimited texting with the full keyboard thingies on our phones so she has no excuse to confuse me so! And now she's getting my 40+ year old mother to do it. :-x :? I will never understand another conversation they try to have with me again.

Second rant: Why are there so many opinionated and hateful people in the world? Are tolerance and unconditional love imaginary? I didn't grow up with either (though I have them now) and now that I'm an adult, I see even less of it in the world. :( Why is it so easy for humans to hate each other? I can understand being angry at someone or not liking them, but hating? That concept is totally foreign to me and boggles my mind to the point I feel like I'm getting motion sickness.

Why can't we just bake a cake made of sunshine and rainbows and share it with everyone? :crybaby: *feels*
Rose said:
Acronyms! Fucking hate them! I can't ever remember all of them and by the time I finally learn them, there are 50 more in their place. :angry4: I'm blaming it on all the farking texting! What the heck does tldr and any of those other seemingly random strings of letters mean? I need a list!

tl;dr = too long, didn't read or some such thing. It took me over a year on this forum to figure that shit out. :cool:

It's annoying to be asked to show ID when making a purchase, but at the same time, it makes me feel safer knowing someone is checking to see that the person using my card is, in fact, me. I spent just over $400 today on various home items at Target and even though they had to have a manager over to push some buttons or whatnot to make the transaction happen, nobody bothered to even check my ID. I think that's crazy. Now, granted, I used my card and all was well, but $400 isn't exactly chump change to me.

I have no idea where I'm going with this but I wanted to say it so there it is. :shifty:
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I'm sick of people who judge women based on who's been in their vagina.
That's a fucking HUMAN BEING you're talking about, and you're giving her the same worth as a common household item.
A person should have the same amount of worth as a human being whether they've slept with 1 person or 10000.
You don't change as a person or become worthless once someone fucks you.

It's ridiculous that at this day and age, a woman's thoughts and ideas are countered with either a jab at her looks or her sexual partners.
Sex doesn't make you any less smart or able to hold your own, or anything.
IT's just. fucking. sex.

This is something that will always irritate me.
It shouldn't be SO hard to get affordable health care in the US. It's taken me MONTHS to find a psychiatrist and the sessions are about $300 an hour. I do have insurance but my deductible is not met so it does me no good, currently. Mental health is JUST as important as physical health. I have no doubt in my mind that if more people could get the mental health they need, our society would be more productive, harder-working, happier, physically healthier, and over all a better place. But the only people that can get this type of help is the rich. It's seriously screwed up.
I dont give a flying fuck WHAT a woman wears, she is NEVER asking for it :angry4:

And just because a woman dresses provocative DOESN'T mean she is promiscuous :angry4:

Even if a woman does sleep around, SHE IS STILL A FUCKING PERSON and deserves to be treated with respect! :angry4:

Rant over :-D
"I like you better with blonde hair"
"I like you better brunette"
"I like your small boobs, don't change them."
"I like your long hair, don't cut it"
"I like you thick, don't exercise"
"You would look better if you lost weight"
"Don't ruin your body with tattoos"

I know that because you were born with a stick attached to your stomach you think you are god, but you're not. No one gives a flying fuck about your insignificant opinion!!! I'm sure I have opinions on your appearance, as well, but I'm civil enough not to give them. And $20 says there's more wrong with you than me, so stop nit picking at all of my features!!!
WHY is it so hard to get a fully functional internet connection?

No matter who I go to or what I do, I am ALWAYS having some sort of ISP based issue.
And I've gotten two different companies to admit that the problem is on their side, but they don't want to fix it.

I changed from one company to the one I'm on now because I didn't have internet for a month.

And now my internet's having issues the last few weeks and its up to ME to find a way to fix problems they've told me are on THEIR end.

I already have a job, and I'm sick of doing everyone else's.
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The problem with seeing models as human beings is that it makes it a lot easier for them to then lose their balance and fall off the pedestals of idealism and fantasy. Sometimes, I just want the fucking ideal and goddamned fantasy.
People who can make jokes about "sensitive" topics, but when one comes up THEY find sensitive they can't take it. There are TONS of things I should probably be offended by, but if it's done in a humorous way and done correctly (this of course is where shit gets fucked, because who really knows the right way?) I honestly think damn near anything can be funny. If you can't take it coming back around, keep your mouth shut.

(Just realized this was posted AFTER someone was ranting about their own issues with people making jokes about them and I'm in no way trying to attack Mr. MegansDude.)
MegansDude said:
When people sees an old picture of me skinny and then they think its funny to say, "What happen?' That comment is not funny at all, it's just rude and insensitive. People will hurt anyone for a laugh.
When people say that gaining weight while pregnant makes you fat or that you used to be so skinny before you were pregnant. :woops:

Even worse when said person is your long term partner's father! :angry4: Unless it's coming from your doctor or long term partner, I don't think anyone's weight should be discussed between others. Yes we can see what size you are, but what the numbers on the scale or your pants say is your own business. People just need to learn to hush.
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