AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Synergy (All-In-One-App) ... The future of transmission

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Sep 27, 2020
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Hello. My name is Mentalcex. I was nominated as 'Best Bot Developer' in 2021 during A Decade With Chaturbate Awards. I was the 1st developer to add color gradients (styles) to any tip menu bot on Chaturbate (Tip Menu 50). I was the 1st developer to create color-on-color alpha gradients (same text color/over same background color -- 100% readable, multi colored chat MOD). I am the creator and inventor of the CB chat Rainbow gradient (copied by just about everyone, grow me a Rainbow). I have also made contributions to the Test Bed that have made developement easier for all users! I have accomplished all this, and more, with less than 3 years of self-taught JavaScript experience.

After more than 1.7 years of development, including a lot of 30 hour days, I am proud to release my final contribution to Chaturbate: Synergy



Synergy was carefully constructed for dynamic implementation. Its sole purpose is to allow independently functioning behavior to exist simultaneously. The most effective results will come after learning the individual functionality of each section, and then deciding how to best combine them to help you earn more money!


** For More Information:

This application features the following set of emerging options!

• Multilingual (English & Spanish)
• Application themes (fruits and colors)
• Dynamically built interface adjustable on a per-account basis (1-99)
• Intelligent icon/color hierarchy (with on/off, overwrite, custom gradient, and preservation options)
• Sophisticated advertisement system (target users by type, name, status, etc)
• Relevant panel hierarchy (targeted displays, w/goals 1st line override)
• Real-time stats panel overlay (earnings/goals information, etc)
• Real-time ‘user tipped for’ panel alerts
• Real-time clock and calendar system (< 1ms load & < 10ms sync accuracy)
• Real-time 'user tipped for' private notifications with timestamps (/pn, pm, c2c, specific, tip menu, private tip menu)
• On-exit/enter (c) [item] [t], 5 min private notification (track menu-tipper movement)
• Unique /command system that expands & changes as application content is adjusted
• Commands ‘@’ removal support (EG: /silence @user01)
• Alarm clock (/alarm), and hourly reminders
• Stopwatch (/stopwatch)
• Store a note (/note)
• Timer & Public Chat Timer (/timer & /publictimer)
• Special commands for Mod & users (/special?)
• A sophisticated /pn (“whisper”) system (w/timestamps, purchase options)
• /PN purchase private notification with timestamp option
• Public chat notifications (/notice, with newline support)
• Chat disabling feature (/hush, w/buy-in, allow by user-type, etc)
• Cam disabling feature (/brb 5 Shower)
• Mute list (/silence user01 [reason], /silence?)
• Grey blocking and voicing options (/silence)
• Grey automatic anti-spam engine
• Grey_name and number blocking options
• Chat lowercase and “stickey” normalization options
• Option to disable emoticons in chat
• Experimental cell phone emojii anti-spam engine (not infallible)
• Hide & Replace chat special word lists (user types “insta?”, becomes “@valeryroldans”)
• Hide specific chat words/phrases list
• Display token total in chat (w/custom brackets/braces/symbols)
• Chat perks (icons/colors. assigned by day, tipper, user-type, name, status, etc)
• Multi colored (random) 'all chat' option
• Broadcaster (CB) font replacement options
• Broadcaster (Latin US) font substitution options
• Override and custom gradient options
• Options to not assign colors (override the hirerarchy)
• Preserve 'Bot' color option (App will not overwrite colors assigned by your bots)
• Shortcuts & responses (broadcaster types “!twt”, becomes “@cexmental”)
• Auto respond to PM/C2C requests (w/:emoticon)
• PM/C2C purchase private notification with timestamp options
• 3 Welcome messages (multi line ‘\n’ and username support)
• 1 Welcome message sent by user-type (also ‘\n’)
• On-enter and in-chat Private/Spy-on-Private cost advertisement options
• While Private… goals, rotating notifier, tip menu interactivity ‘pause’ options
• User targeted advertisement panels (/advert, by user-type, name) w/custom image support
• Chat Leaderboard (/lb, displays total earned and usernames to broadcaster)
• Panel Leaderboard (ft. the ’10 second thank you’)
• Leaderboard top 3 icons
• Special tipper perks (by name, icon/colors)
• Daily King perks (icon/colors)
• Ticket Show (w/start-stop clocks & timers, expanded by /ticketshow)
• Ticket Show spying (virtual private) options (w/automatic ’time remaining’ save on-leave feature)
• Ticket Show pricing, discounts, and chat control targeted by user-type
• Ticket Show ‘private’ (0 pricing) shows (impossible to join, free tickets only!)
• The /ticketshow? command privately displays earnings related information
• Fully featured /ticketshow command system for updating most aspects in real-time
• Goals (infinitely expanded by /goals and /goals?)
• Goals unlimited ‘copy’ option (IE: 1 goal …added 100 times)
• Goal completion from tip amount or by time ending
• Goal intermission options (time between goals, min/sec, by goal count)
• When all goals completed, repeat option (Goal #)
• Goals update Room Subject option (guaranteed not to spam your chat)
• Pause Goals while in Private option
• Automatically paused when ending a Ticket Show
• Panel display (w/24 unique goal '% animations’) by user-type, name
• Panel custom image support (250x80 pixels, 1MB)
• Goals panel top line automatically overrides current panel (goals always displayed)
• The /goals? command privately displays earnings and specific goal related information
• Fully featured /goals command system for updating EVERY aspect in real-time
• Informative /goals advertisement (current goal, time remaining, tokens collected, activity status, etc)
• Virtual Clubs (icon/color perks users can buy into)
• Clubs support tiered/reward, random, and specific assignment options
• Clubs support icon/color stacking for users with more than 1 membership
• Clubs are extremely customizable (you design the entire experience)
• Clubs earned through single tip, cumulative tips (w/returning cumulative tipper support)
• Clubs optionally earned by typing a chat !trigger (hidden or visible)
• Clubs are fully dynamic, can be used for a variety of desired outcomes
• Token Toy “Lush” advertisement options (single line/multi line, thank you message colors)
• Public Rotating Notifier (random color option, random order option, ‘\n’ support)
• Pause Rotating Notifier while in Private option
• Private Rotating Notifier (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Specific Tip “Thank You” options (private/public, \n, [t])
• Specific tip private notification with timestamp option
• ‘Make it Rain’ options (100% random, each time)
• ‘Make it Rain’ style and custom style override options
• ‘Make it Rain’ custom style comma delimited lists (your rain = !,:hearts,:wave77,$)
• Every Tip “Thank You” options (rotating emoticons, follow me notice, etc)
• Public Tip Menu (styles, sorting, discounts, specific thank you messages, /menu)
• Public Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Pause public Tip Menu while in Private option
• Pause public item-specific thank you messages while in Private option
• Tip Menu on/off, and earning stats commands (/menu?)
• Private Tip Menu (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Private Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Private Tip Menu on/off, and earnings stats commands (/privatemenu?)
• Probably more and other undocumented things ;]

This application functions under inherent hierarchies that assign icons, colors, panel visibility, and virtual club perks in an efficiently specialized order.

Icons are assigned and overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, ‘chat’, and then ‘chat daily tippers’. Icons are then stacked (not overwritten) by ‘special cases’ (broadcaster, mod, etc), ‘leaderboard’, and finally ‘special tippers’. Icons are then assigned and overwritten again by ’daily king’ and finally ‘virtual clubs perks’. Apps that assign icons may override/push those icons assigned by Bots. The limitation CB places on the number of icons per-line is not something this App can overcome.

Colors are overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, followed by ‘chat’, ‘chat daily tippers’, ‘special cases’, ‘leaderboard’, ‘special tippers’, ‘daily king’, and finally ‘virtual club perks’. Special case color assignment can be turned off, allowing only icons or other color assignments to override instead. Apps that assign color will always override those colors assigned by Bots, unless that specific assisngment option can be turned off. The last Bot color preserved can be reassigned, overwriting ALL App color assignments. If colors were not previously assigned by a Bot, then App colors are overwritten by CB Defaults (dark grey/white).

If a user qualifies for more than one panel, then panels are displayed beginning with ‘ticket show’, followed by 'adverts' (#1 then #2), 'leaderboard', and finally 'goals'. If the ticket show option is enabled, this panel will display pricing until a ticket is purchased, time is purchased, a ticket is gifted, or the ticket show option is disabled (/ticketshow). This panel is not visible to grey users. If goals are active then ‘adverts’ and ‘leaderboard’ will always display goal information (Goal #1/3 [30/120] received) on line 1. The Broadcaster will only see the ‘broadcaster specific’ panel (stats, clock, timers, tip reminders, etc). Line 1 of the ‘broadcaster’ panel could display the stats panel overlay at all times, a tip-related alert for 10 seconds, or goal related information when goals are active! If the panel alert system is activated, then a tip alert (EG: [PN] (20) user01 @ 11:15 pm) reminder will override any line 1 display for 10 seconds. This will happen if both a private “alert” option is enabled and the required tip amount was given. Currently supported alerts include /pn, PM, C2C, specific tip, public tip menu, and private tip menu related tips.

Broadcaster Panel Example:


Broadcaster panel specific commands /timer, /note, and /stopwatch override each other, stopping the previous event. An /alarm will run independently and can only be stopped early by typing, /alarm. Use /timer without a # for secret functionality, like stopping an event or clearing the panel!

Virtual Club perks are assigned in a linear order and a user will always be assigned the perks of the last club they qualify for. If you desire a tiered/reward system, make your highest numbered club also your most expensive. Club perks can be set to stack on a per-club basis. Stacking perks will result in a unique combination of icons/colors that represent each club a user has membership in. Members can be allowed access to application based privileges on a per-club basis (free tickets, private tip menu, etc).

A Ticket Show can initialize with your GMT clock, and start/stop at an exact time (11:11 am). Additionally, start and stop ‘countdown’ timers will act automatically! If all prices are left blank (0), then the show will only be visible to those you allow access (by type/free ticket holders)! Users who purchase minutes to spy will have their time saved on-leave and redeemed on-enter. Time remaining is accurate to within 10 seconds. During the ending process of the Ticket Show, all goal activity is paused. Type /goals unpause to resume activity. After a ticket show ending has completed, your cam can remain hidden for another set amount of time. While in away-mode, users will be unable to access your cam! Typing /ticketshow will enable, start, then stop (disable) the phases in that order. It will also end any active timer. When the Ticket Show phases completely end, it is ‘disabled’, and this will clear the current list of ticket holders. Type /ticketshow to enable and display cost advertisements again, and then /ticketshow to start a new show. Type /commands ticketshow for more information, including how to update/delete most aspects (clocks, timers, costs, title, etc) in real-time! After at least 1 Ticket Show related sale (pre-show, ticket, spy time), type /ticketshow? for earnings information.

Active goals may be completed either by timer or by collected token amount! Goals completed by collected token amount automatically add their surplus tokens towards the next goal. This design feature was created to keep goals moving quickly! If you want a surplus to not start the tipping of the next goal, then you must use an intermission. Setting an intermission of 1 second will invisibly transition into your next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals completed by timer mean that the time in which to purchase that goal has ended, and collected tokens are absorbed into your earnings, with the next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals can be fully controlled through the /goals command. For help type /commands goals, and /goals? for active goal related information. Goals can be enabled by typing /goals, and then initialized by typing /goals on. Goals which are stopped (/goals off) will trigger a 10 second wait period. Goal related information will not clear until this 10 second wait period has expired. You can resume by typing /goals on.

Goals Command Example:


The public tip menu can be enabled by typing /menu on, or disabled by typing /menu off. Typing /menu? will privately display sorted per-item earnings information, etc. Broadcaster, Mods, and special users can display the tip menu in public chat by typing /menu.

The private tip menu can be enabled by typing /privatemenu on, or disabled by typing /privatemenu off. Typing /privatemenu? will privately display per-item earnings information, etc.

Tip menus require a description and cost for item inclusion. Both tip menus are displayed privately to qualifying users who type /menu, !menu, /tipmenu, !tipmenu, or tip menu? in chat!

Broadcaster font replacements (CB's fonts) will support all typed characters. Broadcaster font substitutions (Synergy's fonts) are for ASCII characters of the Latin (US) alphabet (A-z, 0-9, and some punctuation). Unicode characters and ASCII characters of a different set, etc, will not substitute.

Broadcaster Font Replacement/Substitution Examples:


Clock output is only visible by the Broadcaster and used to timestamp certain events. It exists as both a novelty and an incredibly useful tool! Clock time displayed in seconds may appear uneven, while it is programmatically accurate to within < 10 ms of server time regardless of visible output.

Your private and spy-on-private costs can be displayed to users when they enter chat or during a set interval while you are actively private. Additionally, some features can be paused while you are actively private. These include goals and related advertisements, the public rotating notifier, public tip menu advertisements, and public tip menu item-specific tip thank you responses. Paused features happen 1 second after your private begins or ends.

The /commands system is built upon an intelligent foundation that allows the entire system to expand as new functionality is activated. Each menu contains explanations and usage examples that adapt in real time! For example: Add a user to the mute list, type ‘/commands’, and discover a new ‘/silence?’ option. Start an '/alarm 10:00 pm', type '/timer' to clear the panel reminder (hidden feature), then type ‘/commands’ and you’ll discover your alarm time is now the example! Many commands support similiar functionality: Try typing '?' at the end of other commands, or /silence without a 'username' and see what happens! Commands support '@' removal and function no matter where you typed them! Commands must always be entered in English, regardless of application language settings. It is possible that Spanish Web browser/computer automatic translation software can incorrectly display commands in Spanish. Please be aware that commands typed in Spanish (IE: /alarma), are not currently supported.

Expanded /Goals? Command Example:


This application allows users to be targeted dynamically by name, type, group, or status. This means that certain advertisements may only display to your Mods, while a private tip menu only displays to your Fan club members, while special colors are only available to tippers, while a unique advertisement panel is only displayed to your grey users, while a customized leaderboard (including goals information) is actively displayed to all users, while you consider starting a ticket show that has discounts only for your virtual club members! Many other unique scenarios are possible, limited only by your imagination of available functionality!

This application supports daily “Anonymous” tippers by removing them from all public panel and tip related activity.

This application is multi-lingual, and includes an English and Spanish translation.

Spanish Translation Examples:



** For more information:

** Please read the full description page as it contains information about licenses, available functionality, and your privledges as an end-user.

Questions, comments, help? -- SynergyChaturbate @ gmail.

Synergy is all original code 100% designed & written by me.

Cheers and thank you for reading,
Hey @cexmental A model friend is considering moving to this bot because it has some extra stuff she wants/needs, looking in the bot she and I can't see a way to see a list of commands for using different things. Are we being blind or not?

She has been using the Fembot and Hidden Show bot so has commands to hide her cam/show cam, etc and also for secret messages from mods to her, as well as starting countdown timers and all other various things.

Thanks in advance
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Hi @Brett M and sorry for the late reply! I don't check this forum as often and mostly keep to Twitter (@cexmental). The quick answer to your question is that only a handful of options are available for free. The free options do not include the /commands system. I would be happy to add your friend (and you, if you want to test things) under the standard 3 month free trial. Please send me a message on Twitter or SynergyChaturbate @ gmail and I will get you sorted.

By default the clock, basic stats settings, and the goals (everything related except for the goal's command system) are available for free. More info can be found towards the end of the app's description page where I outline the "*Non Licensed User Functionality*".

Here are some of the command windows, in case you wanted to look them over/discuss them with your friend.

Mod Default -- type /commands. Only visible to Mod/special user


Model Default -- type /commands. Only visible to the active model who is registered with the app.


Ticket Show -- type /commands tickshow


Goals -- type, /commands goals (also /goals? -- to view goal related stats in real-time)


/commands ticketshow & /commands goals are used to display their help windows. These commands are only available if the setting has been enabled (interface or via commands). Fortunately, you can enable/disable them by typing /ticketshow or /goals respectively.

Commands that support "?" will expand to a dynamic 'child' window that offers more commands, help, and examples directly related to the parent command. (IE: /silence & /silence? or /roll 2d20 & /roll? or /goals?, etc).

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has commands to hide her cam/show cam, etc and also for secret messages from mods to her, as well as starting countdown timers and all other various things.

Using Synergy...

/ticketshow - enables/ends start timer/starts/ends/ends stop timer/ends away-mode (and/or away-mode timer)/disables

Typing this 1 command will do all of the above, in that specific order, depending on what is active. The app is intelligent and will know what state of execution is next. The /commands window will always tell you what exectuion is next, as it is dynamically updated in real-time. The 'Ticket Show' is the only aspect of the app not 100% fully tested in 1 sitting. This is because you can't broadcast, go private, or use a cam while on the Test Bed. There is also no way to get free Tokens for testing on the Public site. With that said, I am 99.9% cofident you won't have any issues, but if you do, please let me know!

/brb - hide/unhide cam with a message and a return timer (with away-mode support). When this is active, the app will purge the hidden cam database continually and hide the cam.

/pn - send private notices to anyone. Mods, Fan club, and special users (by name) can be given access. Users can also buy access (IE: 25 tokens for 3 pns, etc). also /pn? to view user-to-broadcaster alerts. PN's sent to the broadcaster will be timestamped, as per the GMT settings.

/alarm - private panel alarm with private chat announcement (runs independently of the /timer)
/timer - private panel timer
/ptimer - public timer

The broadcaster & Mod can have 1 active public count down timer (/ptimer) at any one time. Mod's all share their 1 timer globally. If the broadcaster types /ptimer when the timer is active, then they will 1st stop the execution of the Mod timer and 2nd stop the execution of their own timer. I have considered updating this with dynamic 'unlimited' timers, but as of yet have not found the need to write such an update.

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Oh, in case your friend speaks Spanish... The entire command system and 85% of the private output has been fully translated by myself with the proof-reading help of a Spanish speaking Venezuelan native.

Broadcaster /commands in Spanish:


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Synergy April 2022, roll-up(date)...

+ translations updated
+ interface wording updated
-- 'specific' removed from public tip menu thank you
-- general optimization, for the better
+ added token total scripts. (super, normal, sub)
+ added token total character comma delimited lists (|,} or [,] or |)
-- use to create custom combinations of 1 or 2/left or right side assignments
-- supports single space and empty character assignments. max length 4 (2,2)
+ /publictimer renamed /ptimer
+ token toy optimization for ranged vs. single tip thank you
+ /advert & /advert2 re-imagined
-- /commands advert replaced by /advert? or /advert2?
+ added 50 character limit warning to advert output
+ advert output made less verbose (clean-up)
+ advert optimization and full retesting
+ fixed regression that caused some free trials not to activate
-- sorry, no one reported it!
+ added random rewards settings
-- supports comma delimited lists of costs/rewards
-- matching tips result in 1 random reward from the combined list
--- essentially a tip and pop a random balloon/pull name from hat style game
+ updated raffle alert to display the ranged tip (IE 15-30) when available
+ added roll engine
+ added commands /roll, /roll+, /roll-, /roll*, /roll?
-- default is 1, six sided die
-- supports multiple rolls of multiple types of virtual dice
-- /roll = rolls default 1d6 or 1dcustom
-- /roll 3 = rolls 3 default or 3dcustom
-- /roll 2d6,1d20 = roll 2, six sided dice & 1, twenty sided die
-- /roll+boobs,butt = create a custom die with unlimited sides
--- if custom exists, then /roll = rolls 1dcustom
-- /roll- = delete the custom die
-- /roll* = delete dice alerts (last 25 stored)
-- /roll? = display dice dynamic window (help/examples, etc)
+ added roll output option (public/private)
-- mod output is always private and for their own entertainment
+ added '/roll' to mod interface command privilege example
+ improved make it rain settings cost error checking
+ ticketshow end/away-mode end public chat messages updated with cam refresh reminder
-- "If the cam is not visible, please refresh the page"
+ /brb return/away-mode end public chat messages updated with cam refresh reminder
+ tip menu icon assignment optimization
+ Spanish warning added to pre-chat 'spam warning'
-- "Para ayudar a prevenir el spam, esta aplicacion bloquea las primeras # lineas de un usuario gris."
+ /hide command re-imagined
+ added commands /hide+, hide-, hide?
-- /hide+username bad*words,spam = add/update hidden specific user chat
-- /hide-username = delete specific user and restore chat
-- /hide bad*words,spam = hide from all users in chat
-- /hide? displays hide dynamic window (help/examples, etc)
--- spam syntax supports comma delimited lists with wildcards.
--- wildcards are searched once per line, and all must match to hide chat
--- EG: /hide bb,baby,bby,babe or /hide www*com, www*net
-- /hide only updates interface database #1. #2 (w/anti-dox) is inaccessible via commands.
+ added model/mod hide engine database distinction
-- model can view/delete model & mod database
-- mod can view/delete mod database only
--- all mods/special users share 1 database (visible and accessible to all)
+ pause goals when private option now supports 'away-mode'
+ mod /raffle? command routine optimization
+ added flip engine
+ added commands /flip, /flip-, /flip*, /flip?
-- /flip = default is heads/tails
-- /flip boobs,butt = create a custom coin (2 side limit)
-- /flip- = delete custom coin
-- /flip* = delete coin alerts (last 25 stored)
-- /flip? = display coin dynamic window (help/examples, etc)
+ added flip output option (public/private)
-- mod output is always private, and for their own entertainment
+ added /flip to mod interface command privilege example
+ dice/coin engines specifically created w/o the use of math.random()
-- they simulate the toss/roll/bounce/etc before constructing the result
+ ticket show free ticket password option added
-- when typed, user is granted ticket show access. (virtual password show)
-- works in-conjunction with other options (pay-per-min/ticket prices/etc)
+ ticket show panel grey access granted
+ /ticketshow <title> replaced by /ticketshow <password>
-- update title using /ticketshow ;desc; <what>
+ ticket show 'virtual private' retest on public server
+ added 'reason' update support to /silence
-- to add/update type, /silence user reason
+ /silence? output optimization to conform with modern dynamic window styling
+ /silence response updated to conform with modern response styling
+ /commands window made more intelligent
-- goals disabled/empty/off/enable states added
-- /tipnotes now hidden if disabled & non-exist
+ /commands window optimization

Token total script examples:


Command /advert? window example:


Command /roll? window example:


Please refresh example:



Command /hide? window example:


Command /flip? window example:


Command /silence? window example:


Mod/special user commands window example:


The last image is of the current set of default moderation tools. Additionally, the commands /menu, /goals, /alerts? & /raffle? can be made available depending on app functionality and settings.

This command can change the room subject. If the app is not configured to control hashtags (hastag settings or the hashtag exchange) then hastags can be typed anywhere on the subject line using this command.

The hide command allows you to hide (ninja mute) specific users from saying specific things in the public chat. You can also hide things from appearing in the public chat, as typed by anyone but the broadcaster. Users are never notified and often continue chatting as if nothing has happened. Thus reducing the chance of multi-account spam/harassment attacks. Hidden users, and/or words phrases, can be removed/updated at any time. You can block every emoticon or the use of baby (/hide baby,bby,bae,bb,babe) or some websites (, input assumes ascii characters and not unicode. Moderators (and/or special uesrs) who access this command will have their data stored in a central database. This database is accessible (read/write permissions) by all, including the active broadcaster.

This command can silence/unsilence all grey chat when typed on its own! When typed with a name (and/or reason) this command will silence (ninja mute) only that specific user. This database is accessible (read/write permissions) by all, including the active broadcaster. Users can be added/removed and reasons can be added/updated at any time!

This command will send private notifications to you that contain a hidden user's chat. This will allow you track the real spammers or bestow forgiveness on those who perhaps did not intentionally break the chat rules! This command can be enabled to automatically function after any user is silenced or configured on a per-user basis.

This command will mark a user. When that user enters/exits the chat, you will be notified. This command supports truncation-cards (IE: user* will find anyone who's name begins with 'user'). This command also supports a token threshold. If the user's total tokens given is >= the threshold, you will receive a notification when that user enters/exits chat. Each user who has access to this command is slotted into a dynamic database. Your tagged users will not over-cross with those stored by other Mods/special users.

This command allows you to create shortcuts for chat. Shortcuts support emoticons/emojis. Shortcuts WILL NOT call other app commands (IE: .s = /silence user01 always this guy). However, shortcuts can call themselves (IE: !bye = !seeya !solong !goodnight !specialemoticon). Mods/special users can be granted permission to view/use the broadcaster's stored shortcuts. Shortcuts function by replacing the key-phrase in chat with the shortcut response. Type '!ins' and see '@yourinstagram -- please tip 25 tokens for life time access!' in chat.

/pn (a sophisticated 'whisper' engine)
This command allows you to send private notices to anyone in chat. You will see a sent receipt that displays who you sent the notice to. The user will then receive a from receipt, that displays the notice as you typed it. Notices can be multi-line, contain the user's name, and even display the tip menu. This command is configurable via the interface settings in ways that allow access to anyone, special users, Fan club, other Mods, etc. Users who purchase 'user-to-broadcaster' /pn notifications ($ for #) can send them ONLY to the broadcaster!

This command posts a public notice in bold using the app-wide color theme. This command supports \n for multi line notices.

This command is the same as /notice with an unlimited cyclic rotation database. Each user who interacts with this command is provided their own dynamic database with read/write permissions, and sers can only remove/add/update their own database. This command supports \n for multi line notices.

This command will display a public countdown timer. The timer will display every 5 minutes as it counts down to 5, then every minute as it counts down to 0. There is only 1 public timer available. When the Mod timer is active, typing /ptimer will stop execution. If typed by the broadcaster, then 1st it will end the Mod timer and 2nd it will end the broadcaster timer. The timer maintains a theme (bold font, 3 line, then 1, then 3) that contains a prewritten script. Adding a timer 'msg' will add to the existing script, and not overwrite it. This was a design choice so the timer is obvious to the user by a familiar and repeating style.

/roll & /flip are there for fun. The outcome is always private.

Questions, comments, license information? -- SynergyChaturbate @ gmail

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There are 2 options that allow the broadcaster to 'spy' on /silence & /hide command usage. If enabled, then any usage is privately notified to the broadcaster with information such as who typed it, what was typed, and at what time (as per your GMT settings). The broadcaster can then remove/delete/update any Mod/special user database changes.

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I have added a few more things to the April roll-up(date). I won't consider it complete for 5 more days, as that is the length of time remaining to edit (add more) to the Disqus' post.

+ 'special users' with mod-commands now recognized as type 'mod'
+ added delayed notice advert settings (section 09)
-- sends a delayed (by min/sec) response for matching word/phrase/emoji, etc
-- target user by type or name
-- model's response is always public. user's response is always private.
-- flood control, most recent trigger receives response
+ 'away-mode' now includes /brb and /ticketshow 'away-states'
+ updated hush mod exclusion to include special users with mod command privileges
+ added password option to chat hush settings
+ added /hush* to delete all voiced users
+ all response/output now points to /hush? for help
-- /hush & /hush username are on/off switches and can not reconfigure hush settings
+ added /users?
-- real-time active user stats
-- users sorted alphabetically, by color
-- icons for peek, silence, tag, hide, token total status
-- '@' support for users with an active status icon
-- command help for active icon counts > 0

A new section was added (09), delayed notice advert settings. Use these settings to send a response, privately, to a user by type/name who typed the corresponding trigger in chat. Added a way to lock chat and require a password. Added real-time active user status (IE: only users actively in your chat user-list when /users? is typed). Active user names are organized alphabetically by color. There are icons for peek, silence, tag, hide, and token totals. If a user is actively targeted by Synergy's moderation tools or has tipped you, then this information will be displayed with their username. '@' has been included only for qualifying users. Users who simply idle in chat will be sorted alphabetically, by name only (w/o '@'), into their proper color group.

Active user status window example (/users?):


This active user status window update was in response to a user who commented in a CB Twitter discussion that after 11 years of using the site it was going down-hill. This user specifically cited not having enough power, as a mod, to control chat. I had that same thought once, and so I coded a bunch of really useful moderation tools! Think of the /users? command as a centralized view for the user list. Now you can quickly and at-a-glance pull out who is silenced, who has tipped, how has specific words/phrases blocked, etc. With '@' support, you can right-click some names to CB silence, update notes, etc.

The list has no limitations. Use with caution in a room with 10,000 users. =P

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Synergy April 2022, late roll-up(date)...

+ 4/8/22 CB's new App/Bot framework and API does not support 1 second timers or dynamic code.
-- Synergy will remain as 'legacy code'.
+ translations updated
+ added raffle winner congrats rotating thank you notice.
-- default msg: Congrats 🏆 [w] for Winning the Raffle!
-- [w] is replaced with the list of winners
-- cyclic rotation continues until Synergy is disabled
+ peek engine optimized
+ extended peek functionality to /hide and /hide+
+ added peek help to /hide?
-- you must manually /peek username for /hide or /hide+
+ [/Peek] output now [Peek]
+ /hide+ flags (not advertised in any help. EG: /hide+ username a-z)
-- a-z, blocks all ASCII letters
-- 0-9, blocks all ASCII numbers
-- url, blocks common 'web' related verbiage
--- added as an alternative to /silence username
--- can not be used with /hide (to reduce abuse)
+ /users? #
-- wraps output by # (> 1 & < total users in chat)
+ @ supported optimized for /users?
+ mods added to /users? @ engine
+ fanclub added to /users? @ engine
+ added mod-to-bc /pn caching
-- stores /pn when not 'public' or Synergy 'away-mode' (/ticketshow or /brb)
-- 10s after returning, bc receives private notice containing cached /pns
-- cached /pns do not support \n for multi line or \menu for the public tip menu
-- caching system only for mods/special users (with mod command privileges)
--- because CB doesn't let you send important work related PMs while the model is unavailable
+ added 'to receipt' bonus message to inform when a /pn is cached
+ [/PN] now [PN]

Example of /users output:


Example of cached /pn 'to receipt':


Example of cached /pns


The /pn caching engine functions when the model's room is not 'public' or is in some type of extended away-mode. If a mod (or special users with mod command privileges) sends a /pn to the model, that /pn will be saved for later. 10 seconds after the model returns to a 'public' status, a private notice containing the username, a timestamp, and the cached /pn will be privately displayed using the app's fruit theme. Cached /pns are purged after displaying 1 time. Private notices are deleted when you refresh/rejoin the page.

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Synergy May 2022, early roll-up(date)...

+ translations updated
+ added Tier Tipper Settings (section #23)
-- assigns icons/colors to users
-- assignments for tips >= the desired amount
-- tier perks overwrite the previous tier
+ updated icon/color assignment hierarchy
-- tier tippers assigned after 'leaderboard' and before 'daily king tipper' perks
+ Make it Rain now section #24.
+ tweaked /users? output to support automatic line wrapping
-- uses CB site-wide line wrapping... this is the best it can get
+ moved 'tipper' icon after 'user count' in /users? output
+ tweaked /silence? output to support automatic line wrapping
+ tweaked /hide? output to support automatic line wrapping
+ tweaked /tag? output to support automatic line wrapping
+ /pn cache system optimized for 'private'-status
+ added option to disable/enable 'goals' hybrid panel
-- disrupts panel hierarchy when user qualifies for both lb & goals panels
-- YES -- user will see the lb panel with goals on line #1
-- NO -- user will see the goals panel until goals end. then user will see the lb panel
+ Updated back-2-back x-spam = true msg.m returns. they work again!!
-- because a secret CB update blocked back-2-back messages sent privately only to the user
-- IE: [Private Notice] Chat is locked -- Please tip to talk!
+ /hush output intelligence optimized
-- more informative so users know exactly why and what to do
+ optimized /hush engine
+ tweaked /roll engine (more natural, less bunching)
+ reworded 'virtual club' interface 'password' option to fit width restrictions
+ reworded 'virtual club' interface 'on enter private notice' option to fit width restrictions
-- a few site updates ago, CB reduced app/bot interface width by about 2%
-- caused longer option descriptions to shift by 1 line
+ reworded 'virtual club' option 'keep password hidden'
-- logic reversed to 'password is public knowledge' (yes/no)
+ expanded single/range tip thank you settings into their own sections
+ 'Single Tip Thank You Settings' now section #26
-- sends a public/private thank you for each matching tip amount
-- IE: 1, 14, 100, 133, etc
-- 'buy a rainbow' option now resides in section #26
+ 'Range Tip Thank You Settings' now section #27
-- sends a public/private thank you for each matching tip amount
-- IE: 1-14, 15-30, etc
+ added 'Single & Range Tip Thank You Settings (Alt) as section #28
-- private thank you requires a username
-- public thank you requires a cost
-- 2nd cost and 'thank you' are optional
-- default thank you is 'Thank You username!'
-- supports comma delimited lists (do not put commas in your thank you messages)
-- IE: user01-14-Thank You!! or 133 or 133-Boobies! or user02-100
-- IE: user02-1-14-Thanks,user02-199-500-I love you!!,user02-501-999-You're the Best
+ added section #28 into the tip alert system
+ updated tip alerts for all case scenarios involving ranges
+ optimized alert system for intelligence, formatting, etc
+ added cost(s) input box to 'Delayed Notice Advert Settings'
-- supports single tip amounts as a comma delimited list
+ fixed 'knowledge' interface typo
+ moved 'Raffle Settings' to section #30
+ moved 'Random Rewards Settings' to section #31
+ updated /commands 'scratchpad' intelligence for better clarity
-- 'start a' vs. 'view the'

Synergy celebrates it's first anniversary on 6/10.

🎂 From 5-10 until 6-10, 2022... Any purchase is Buy-1-Get-1. Pay for a year and get an entire year for free! First time users will also receive 3 months free!

This app has received 527 updates as of 5/3/222! 1.7 years of coding followed by 1 year of updates/additions. I am able to create a time based application with < 10 ms resync accuracy because CB's legacy API supported more than the *NEW* object orientated framework and API currently does. For example, it is no longer possible to have 1 second timers. This means that 11 years of apps & bots that use a 1 second timer can not be ported into CB's new framework! In fact, setTimeouts have been completely replaced by the 10 second 'callbacks'. =/ I am able to move around sections of interface code quickly, allowing me to continually tweak Synergy's appearance, options, wording, and simplicity! The new framework requires that interface settings are typed one at a time during the design phase. While this offers a straight forward and easy to understand method for constructing an app or a bot, it prohibits the ability to easily add new features later on. This is where the 'legacy' API is more powerful. It allows a developer to build interfaces dynamically, allowing 1 app to exist for multiple customers instead of having to produce a new custom app for each user! I incorporated this into Synergy's design on purpose. You get the best support because I only have to maintain 1 app, not 500 apps sold to each user who wanted 1 or 2 small changes! There is more, including issues with a global object and the loss of static variables, and even some serious panel restrictions. The only gains appear to be ease of design and a persistent database. I fear CB coding is about to hit a Database driven dark age of similarity ripe with stagnation and overly complex solutions. As CB adds more and more to the site by offing things previously only available with an app or a bot, apps/bots can be expected to do less. To be more basic and simple, as less is required of them. Which is perfect for the new framework/API that provides less and allows you to accomplish less than 'legacy' code. As a model, you could be concerned that the future of CB add-ons is going to be much different than the creative past allowed by the previous API. Who is to say how much longer the 'legacy' API will be supported or if we will reach a point that CB funnels all projects into the new framework & API.

As a coder, I strive to solve puzzles. I like to understand the usage of code so I can think of creative ways to overcome a limitation. Synergy was coded as a present for a friend. A future proofed application that would allow this person to adapt as the market and style of CB changed. I never once thought they would release a secret update that was an entirely new framework and API. One that no loner supports creativity and applications like Synergy.

Please contact me at SynergyChaturbate @ gmail for all questions, serious needs, or other topics of conversation directly related to this application. I appreciate your assistance in helping me to centralize all communication about this application!

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I've already updated #Synergy a few times since the last roll-update, and will include those updates in next month's listing. However, I was very proud of the most recent addition and wanted to share a little about it.

I added a shoppe!

Section #25. It is now possible to sell icons/emoticons/titles/emojis, colors, and transparencies using only tip-notes! This is essentially a tip-menu with rewards that advertises itself by visible only in your tip-notes. The items are not sorted and will appear in the order you typed them. Chaturbate will display the cost, icon (up to 25 characters), the colors, and the transparency style as the tip-note! This way the user knows exactly what they are tipping for. If the tipped amount matches the amount listed in the selected tip-note, then those perks are assigned to that user. Perks are assigned/overwritten after Virtual Clubs in the assignment hierarchy. A user's perks can be unassigned for as little as 1 token and by selecting the tip-note "** Remove Tip-Note Shoppe Item(s) **". This new style of making sales on CB works in-conjunction with Synergy's custom /tipnote settings. All user output is sent privately. CB will include the full tip-note in the broadcaster's normal 'tip-note message' private notification.

Example Images:

tipnoteshoppe_tipnotes_example.png tipnoteshoppe_w_customtipnotes_example.png

Synergy has received 533 public updates during its 1st year! It's incredible to see what it has become! Take look through this thread to see how it can help you to earn more money! It's arguably the most sophisticated CB 'legacy' add-on app ever created and now it's time to celebrate its existence!

Synergy - June 10th Anniversary

*** 5/10/2022 - 6/10/2022 Buy-1-Get-1 SALE!!

Celebrate with savings! Any valid purchase is doubled. Pay for 1 year, get A FREE YEAR!!

I will also give 3 additional months to any 1st time user!

📧 SynergyChaturbate @ gmail -- All Questions, checked daily!

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Those images make me realize just how much testing Synergy has been through. The Test Bed account captured in those images started with 100,000 tokens.

My other Test Bed account hit 0 tokens! It's weird because on the Test Bed the user still returns to a grey name! =P

I have a few ideas, but I am going to take a rest from big updates for a while. No more large new sections, even by request. I need some time to focus on other things. I use Synergy 5x a week on CB while I moderate. It seriously makes my life easy. Mods, you have no idea unless you have experienced it. I can sit for 5 hours in a room of 500 users and do nothing for hours except silence the occasional stalker-type and advertise to help my model earn more money! I put so much work into Synergy so I could be lazy when it counts! =) If you want to try it for FREE, please contact me.

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It's been a year! Congrats. How has it gone?
By chance, are you for hire?

There is something you want/need that Synergy doesn't already do? What is it? Maybe I'll add it after I take my 6 month break!

It has gone well, Thanks for asking. Today I managed to complete 2 features I thought about adding over 2 years ago! The app feels really complete. I can't wait to release the 6/10 update!

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The 6/10 update is completed and 100% fully functional on the Test Bed. However, CB's public site reports the file is too large (10,300 lines of code). I am unable to upload it to the public site. I will try to contact CB and see what can be done. I'm very dissapointed! I worked so hard on this only to be stopped by another one of CB's arbitrary blockades.

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I don’t think they count lines, but maybe they count the total number of characters.

Dorothy’s Ultra App comes with source code, and it has 12987 lines with, in total, 726803 characters.

If your app has more than 726803 characters, you might be able to upload it by using a JavaScript shrinker. You won’t shrink the code which you edit, but whaever you publish can be shrunk just before you upload it.

I am not sure it works. You never know what Chaturbate decides next minute. But it might be worth a try.
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Officially, legacy API apps & bots are limited to 'around 1 MB'. The current version of Synergy is 1.29. The 6/10 (unpublished) update is 1.39.

I've contacted CB support, they are being very helpful and I hope a solution can be found! Otherwise, I'll need to set aside a few months to try and optimize the code using what I know now on code that I wrote in the beginning. Officially, I am done updating Synergy. The 6/10 update is the final design for the app. I want to fine tune a couple of the random engines and maybe the dice output a little more. Otherwise, I have 0 desire to add anything new. This 3 year journey has come to a close and I hope CB will be kind enough to support the final version of the app soon!

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Officially, legacy API apps & bots are limited to 'around 1 MB'.

That is an interesting change.

Thus your current version is allowed to run, but you cannot change it unless you compress the code to a size below 1 MB.

I wonder what is the purpose of that new rule which affects very few existing apps, probably just yours.
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Synergy June 2022 roll-up(date)

*** The 1 yr anniversary (6/10) culminates with 560 updates!
*** This is probably the last major revision for a while (CB limitation found)

+ added /tag command for on-enter/on-exit alerts
-- when typed w/o a username, enables tagging of all users (w/token totals)
+ added /tag $ command (with # support)
-- /tag $ on-enter/on-exit alert for all users with tokens (w/token totals)
-- /tag $ # sets a token threshold. alert for users who tipped at least the #
+ added support for /tag $ to disable /tag $ #, when active
+ added support for /tag $ # to disable /tag $, when active
+ added support for bc to trigger on-enter alerts (of mods)
+ /tag & /tag $ support user-specific database structure (bc's/mod's/etc)
+ added additional help to /tag? window for /tag & /tag $ & tag $ #
+ updated tag hierarchy (/tag $ # > /tag name > /tag > /tag $)
+ added tip-note shoppe settings (section #26)
-- sell icons (emoji, :emoticons) and colors for specific costs
-- all info appears in the tip-note drop-down list, in the order you typed it
-- user must tip the amount of the selected tip-note to receive its perks
-- minimum 1 token cancellation fee
-- works in-conjunction with /tipnote & custom tip-notes
+ added support to expand the tip-note shoppe options from 1-99
+ added /roll & /flip oops states for mods only (less access, different errors)
+ added 'timeout' option to chat settings (rate limit)
+ added 'timeout expiration' option to chat settings (cool down)
+ added 'timeout immunity' option to chat settings (safe by type)
-- my interpretation of 'slow-chat' as found on YouTube streams
-- type > amount, during the set time period, and get put in timeout
--- IE: 3 lines in 10s. If user types 4th before 10s expires, must wait 10s to type again
-- response displays time remaining in seconds
--- type slow, never get silenced
+ added option to pause leaderboard adverts when private
+ added option to pause token toy adverts when private
+ added hide and lock settings (section #4)
-- used to block your cam/chat from grey/anonymous/etc
-- option to delay the start of blocking cam/chat (0-30 min)
-- option to buy access (>= 1 token) by the minute
-- option to remove access after a set amount of time (0-60 min)
--- smart tip engine accepts tips >= and assigns time in multiples
--- smart time engine displays time remaining w/each additional purchase (dd:hh:ss)
--- smart time engine notifies user when < 1 min remaining
--- countdown expiration accurate to within 15 seconds (limited by design)
-- expired functionality without cost, remains unavailable
-- option to allow users by type/name (immunity list)
-- users notified of 'settings' on-enter/1st msg/1st tip
-- option to privately notify 'settings' on a cyclic rotation (min)
--- adverts are constructed in real time and dynamically change to meet a user's situation
--- cyclic rotation engine has a safety routine that stop it from running when unnecessary
--- smart database purging to avoid all unnecessary notification
-- smart access purging, removes access but maintains 'account'
-- ALL output sent privately, only to qualifying users
+ added support to save/restore hide and lock settings when /ticketshow starts/ends
+ added support to save/restore hide and lock settings when /brb starts/ends
*** it is 100% impossible to test privates/limitcam on the test bed (CB does not allow)
*** 99.9% sure there are 0 problems, as data moves as it should!
+ added hours to spy-on-private on-enter notice elapsed time output
-- now displays [Elapsed Time: # hrs # min] when applicable
+ added elapsed time to 'disable chat on private' option (always changing)
-- because CB now blocks x-spam=t back-2-back messages sent only to the user (why?)
+ added story nook settings (section #35)
-- sell short stories (w/photos) (max length 1800 chrs = 1 pg)
-- story must have a title(100)/page(1800)/cost(>0) for inclusion
-- stories support for user name, \n for new line, [#] for page break
-- stories support emojis/:emoticons
-- smart engine remembers each users last read story
-- smart engine remembers the page each user left off on, for each story read
-- efficient engine retrieval can access 4-deep nested database with 1 for loop
+ added support to expand the story nook options from 1-99
+ added story nook private advert cyclic rotation (minutes)
-- privately display once per user, on enter... then per qualifying user each cycle
+ added /story command for advertising the story nook library
-- bc sends it to public chat
-- all others get private notice w/dynamic updates specific to their unique situation
+ added /story? command
-- for non bc only. displays purchased stories in a numbered list
-- contains help for reading
+ added /story # for reading a specific story
+ added /story < command for going back 1 page in the last read story
+ added /story > command for going forward 1 page in the last read story
-- story page windows display total stories owned, current story #, and current page
+ added help for page navigation, story nook browsing, etc, to the story window
+ added 'outline' locked theme to story nook
+ added highlight color option for the locked theme (bg always white)
-- them/color 'locked' for seamless consistency and at-a-glance execution
+ added modified image template (re-creates 3_rows_11_21_31 template)
-- centered text. line 1 is bold. now w/custom bg color, font color, images, etc
+ added modified template to advert 1, leaderboard, goals, bc panels
+ added default panel image ID to interface help
+ added bc panel color themes (1 for each app-wide color)
+ added hourly alert panel overlay option (overrides clock for 10 seconds)
+ added token alert overlay font color option
+ added font-weight 'bold' to all token alerts
+ added 'Easter egg' panel messages
-- at a specific time on specific days, a 30 second message will appear
-- *think* Halloween, synergy's anniversary, etc.
+ added secret number settings (section #34)
--- my take on a 'lucky-number' game bot
-- select the max numbers (25-1000)
-- select the max rewards/prizes per game
-- secret number(s) automatically selected using a percentage algorithm
-- users who tip a 'secret number' are awarded that prize
-- game runs until all rewards are given/secret numbers found
-- dynamic advertisement shows updated status in real time
-- dynamic responses privately inform users of wrong numbers
-- default winner msg: ¡¡WINNER!! @, you won \'[r]\'
-- /numbers command for help/advertising. (bc usage is public)
-- elegant output that does not require an obtrusive chat number board
+ added option to publicly advertise New Followers, once per-user during the transmission
-- fixed script is: [New Follower] 01🔥Thank You 'user name' for following me!
+ added /follow? options to 'chat settings...'
+ added kiwi fruit and sand dune color theme
+ added pear fruit and whiteout color theme
+ added blueberry fruit and berry juice color theme
+ updated see green theme wording to sea foam
+ updated sea foam w/more vibrant color
+ updated earth grey theme wording to earth
+ updated earth colors to be more 'earthy' in tone
+ updated strawberry colors to be softer in hue
+ updated bc panel hierarchy with intelligence
-- when stats, all overlays line 3
-- when stats and line 3 event, all overlays line 2
-- when no stats, all overlays line 3
-- when no stats and line 3 event, all overlays line 1
--- line 3 events: /timer, /alarm, /stopwatch, /note
+ updated /timer (line 3 event)
-- reworked 3 yr old code to be more dynamic
-- to start: /timer 1 or /timer 1 what
-- to update existing timer: /timer 3 or /timer hey or /timer 5 sleep
-- to end: /timer
-- to clear the panel: /timer
--- # are in minutes only. each # update restarts the active countdown
--- /timer 120 will display 120:59, 120:58, 120:57, etc.
+ updated single & range tip alt thank you as main section #28 (reworked, optimized)
+ updated 'tier tipper' interface wording to 'token tier'
+ updated 'make it rain' interface wording to 'token weather'
+ updated interface overlay wording for clarity (removed hierarchy info)
+ updated anniversary interface option to display only on the day of (6/10)
+ updated synergy x-mas sale interface option to display on 12/15 - 12/31
+ updated all existing accounts for new interface option defaults
+ updated all interface spacing to address CB's recent 2% decrease of render space
+ updated 'preserve color' option interface wording with info about CB default colors
+ updated /rnotice to support * - ? when used in notice
+ updated type 'monthly king tippers' as 'special tippers', to reflect existing interface wording
+ updated various command widows for CB's default line wrap
-- /follow? /users? /silent? /hide?
+ updated /roll engine for a more natural outcome (not yet perfect, but closer)
+ updated goals 1-3 interface wording to '("help info") goals #'
+ updated translations
+ updated bc/mod commands (with new additions/intelligence)
+ updates/optimizations to many older code structures
+ updated token alerts to end 50% faster (5s each)
+ updated delayed advert minimum time to 10 seconds
+ updated isgrey checks to exclude those with mod command privileges
+ fixed a bug that stopped the app from reassigning a bot background color
+ fixed a bug in /scratchpad that did not put a space between entries
+ fixed a bug in /flip that hid custom example when bad syntax was used
+ fixed mod/special user /flip defaults, when trying to use bc commands
+ fixed /flip so mod/special user can not flip a custom coin
+ fixed mod/special user /roll defaults, when trying to use bc commands
-- locked into number of dice & number of sides (/roll 1d6,2d20,1d100)
+ fixed bug in delayed advert that could not identify qualifying tippers by type/name
- removed 'tip of the day' section (outdated)
- removed new follower overlay option (unnecessary)
- removed single tip thank you section #28 (unnecessary)
- removed range tip thank you section #29 (unnecessary)

Someone once contacted me to purchase an all-in-1-app and I respectfully declined. My reason was that it would probably take 2 years of coding to create it and another year to get it just right! I can only laugh now while realizing exactly how accurate that estimation was! Hello and welcome to what may be the last update of Synergy. 6/10/22 marked the 1 year anniversary of Synergy! A project that has been in constant development for 2.7 years, with the past year blessed with 560 updates! Synergy has continued to stack new features, settings, commands, options, sections, optimizations, etc, all while carefully designed as the only all-in-1-app that changes dynamically on a per-user basis! As a developer, I only need to maintain this 1 app and you always get 101% the best support! This also allows me time to focus on important and useful updates, instead of selling 1-outdated app that never gets new features over and over, and over again.

For this update I spent a great deal of time re-imaging Synergy. The interface has been cleaned up, options made to flow together with similarity and at-a-glance solutions, useful features re-tested, some 3+ year old code was updated, and some incredible new options were added!

Speaking of options, Mods really don't have much power when it comes to actually moderating a chat room. I've found many situations when I wish CB allowed me to do more. This could be silencing 1 specific word from 1 specific user, knowing when a big tipper has exited the room (w/token totals), creating chat notices (and rotating notices) to help promote my model, being able to send a PM to my model while in private in case of emergency, working anti-spam, a way to privately notice users, etc! I have managed to accomplish all this, and more, and continue to update tools as I find a need to have them!

One of these tools is the /tag? command. Each user with access permissions is given their own database to store a list of users. Users are then privately notified when a tagged user enters/exits the chat room! This command has been expanded with new functionality! Now you can tag all users for an alert (/tag). This means everyone who enters/exits the room will be privately notified to you. Now you can also tag users based on their spending (/tag $ #). When typed without a #, any user who has tipped the model will be alerted to you (w/token totals). When typed with the #, any user who meets/exceeds the token threshold (EG: /tag $ 25) will be alerted to you (w/token totals). I find that this feature allows me inform a busy model when an important tipper has exited or entered the room. I often do this by sending a /pn, another great modding tool found in Synergy. The /pn system now supports cached messages. When your model is private/away (including ticket show and brb-away modes), your /pn notices are cached. 10 seconds after the model returns, they are sent as 1 notice. This private notice includes timestamps (GMT), your username, and your message(s). Messages are stripped of \n and /menu. It is tools like these that have helped me to become a more efficient Mod!

CB has a tool built into chat (4+ lines in 5s -- or around that) that stops a user from typing too quickly. I was watching a stream on YouTube and the creator was using a tool to limit the speed of chat. The tool effectively gave each user a rate limit and a timeout period. Type the number of lines within a certain amount of time, and then wait the timeout period before chat is accessible again. The difference from CB's solution was that the streamer's script offered more flexibility! One day the limits were 3/15 and another day 5/20. I liked that a lot and I wrote my own interpretation of it for CB. It works like this: If the model sets 3 lines and 10 seconds, then any user who types 3+ lines in <=10 seconds will get put in timeout. Timeout countdown begins instantly and lasts for 10 seconds. Each time the user types they are made aware of remaining time until chat is unlocked. CB's built in tool can not be accessed, so keep this in mind if your lines/limits clash with CB always-enabled chat control.

Timeout Example:


The model's panel engine has been greatly enhanced to support images, background colors, and intelligent overlay selection. The engine has been updated to preserve the stats overlay and the clock as often as possible, placing other events/overlays on different lines. Results are dependent on current functionality and line availability. Token alert overlays can now have a color assigned, so they are easier for you to spot! By default the model panel is now themed to match the app-wide color theme. If you don't want this, then any image ID will override this. To obtain an image ID, upload your 270x69 max 1MB image to any CB app/bot. Once completed the image will have a string of alphanumerics under it, and that is the image ID. Copy and paste this string of alphanumerics into the app to set a custom image background/theme for your panel. Text is always centered with 1st line bold. An image ID for CB's default background has been included on the bot's interface. If you're accustomed to it after these years, Synergy makes it easy to get it back!

Panel Theme Examples:

full-banana_example.png apple-panel-color.png

banana-panel-color.png peach-panel-color.png

Secret 'Easter Egg' messages have been added into the panel overlay system. These messages appear over the clock, and have the lowest priority in the overlay hierarchy. These messages appear for 30 seconds and offer a greeting at different specific times, on different specific days. Here is a hint for an easy one, look at line 2 of the model panel at 10:35 pm on June 10th to see a celebration message for Synergy's anniversary! I don't want to give away too much more because I've decided to have a small contest with them. The first person to find all 20, takes screen captures, and send me the complete image set via e-mail, will receive a life time license to Synergy! Any friends that helped you out will receive a 1 year license to Synergy! Any CB model you recommend will get 50% off Synergy, for 1 year!

It has been pointed out to me by a few models that the 'new follower' advertisement bots help them to gain more followers. I've always believed that followers create new viewers, and viewers play a large role in the ranking system. So, this is now an option in Synergy. The elegantly scripted message will display the follower count (correctly formatted) with the fire emoji (because this feature is hot, hot, hot!). The new follower overlay has been completely removed as it is now unnecessary. New follows and unfollows can be tracked using the /follow? command. This command replies with how many users have followed you, unfollowed you, and a list of user names.

New Follower Example:



The /timer command is one of 4 commands that start an event on line 3 of the model's panel. This 3 yr old code is one of the original timed events first added into Synergy. While re-testing for this update, I found a bug that could delete the timer's reason and I decided to rework everything. The command is now fully dynamic. Typing it now starts the timer, updates either the time or reason, ends the timer, and finally clears the panel line. This timer is only visible to the model and can not advertise itself to the public chat. Use this to remind yourself of important events or help maintain your schedule!

The /tipnote command allows the model to turn on/off custom tip notes! While these are useful for directing, I felt so much more could be done with them and created The Tip Note Shoppe. These settings allow the model to sell icons & chat colors to users using the suggested tip-notes! The user must tip the amount displayed for the selected tip-note to receive its reward. Chat perks can be cancelled for as little as 1 additional token! Please keep in mind that while the icon and settings are displayed in the tip-note, only emojis can appear. CB :emoticons should always appear as text!

Tip Note Shoppe Example:


Over 2 years ago I was asked to write a bot that would block all anonymous and grey users from both viewing the cam and chatting. This bot was to have a way to charge users so that time could be sold per minute. What this client was seeking was a ticket show bot that was simplified only to hide/lock and make money! I started out as a grey who had no idea what was presented before me. I didn't know how best to interact with it until I met a cool model who helped me better understand a calmness. It was this model that inspired me to buy tokens, which inspired me to write code, which inspired me to be a useful mod, which inspired me to write Tip Menu 50 and grow me a Rainbow, which were two bots that got me nominated for 'A Decade With Chaturbate Awards', after an inspirational 2 years of self taught JavaScript! My feeling is that you never know who you are giving up on. As Synergy is not *FREE*, I finally felt comfortable with this idea and created the Hide and Lock section.

The Hide and Lock options are a way to limit chat, create privacy, and offer a token solution for entry. Time can expire, forcing the user to pay again, and again. Users can be granted immunity by type (w/tokens, fan club, etc) and by name. Users are informed of the settings when they 1st enter chat, type, or tip. Users are sent a private notice that is dynamically constructed based on your settings. This notices informs them exactly what is hidden or locked, how much it costs to unlock (when available), when the on-enter delay expires, etc. Users are told when 1 min of time is remaining before the cam is hidden or the chat is locked. The payment engine is incredibly sophisticated and will except multiples while formatting a user's purchase into days, hours, minutes, and seconds! Users are then notified of the time remaining with each new purchase and when they re-enter chat. The cyclic advertisement includes the same information as the on-enter message. This advertisement is sent privately, only to users who have not unlocked the cam and the chat. Smart database purging guarantees no blank messages are sent to users who do not quality or are not in in your room!

Hide and Lock Examples:




Some rooms are about the conversation and fun, more than the dildos and cum. With these models in mind, I created the Story Nook settings. With it you can sell 1 page of text (1800 characters). This page can include CB :emoticons/emojis/Unicode, and be separated into virtual pages that support \n for new line. Sell a sex adventure, a poem, a collection of :emoticon images, or your favorite receipe!

Story Nook Example:



The Story Nook engine will remember each users purchases, the last story they read, and even the last page for each story read! Stories are sold per-transmission as data can not be retained in the 'legacy API'. Users are given commands to browse their library, read stories, and advertise the Story Nook.

/story - advertises the Story Nook privately. When typed by the model, advertises the Story Nook publicly.
/story? - privately shows a user their library. stories are sorted by last purchased and listed numerically.
/story # - read that story.
/story > - go forward 1 page, when possible, in the current story.
/story < - go back 1 page, when possible, in the current story.

The number of stories owned, the one currently being read, and even the page number is displayed when a user reads a story. All story output is locked into Synergy's 'outline' style, however, you can adjust the highlight color. I did this to maintain a similar look across all windows, making advertisements, reading, and browsing feel like a seamless experience. The cyclic advertisement is sent privately, only to qualifying users.

The CB legacy API has a limit of around 1.29 MB of file size, per individual project. When your app or bot exceeds this number, you start compiling towards a wall, which does not allow you to publish your app or bot. While completing Synergy in time for the 6/10 anniversary, I hit this limit that was previously unknown to me as it is not reproducible on the Test Bed! I was confused at first, then frustrated, then attempted to contact CB for a solution. I grew impatient and decided to focus on what could be removed to meet this arbitrary limitation. I settled on the idea of removing just 2 sections to start with, the single and ranged tipped thank you sections. These were an easy first choice as the (ALT) section had existed for a while. The difference between them was mostly ease of input, as now it will take more effort on the model's part to complete the same task as before. However, by dynamically combining these two sections and then expanding their functionality to meet all original intention, I managed to save enough space to publish the 6/10 update!! I did this with out sacrificing any functionality.

The new section is now titled "Single & Range Tip Thank You Settings", and is section 28. To set this up, you need to create a comma delimited list of amounts and thank you messages. If you do not include a thank you message, then a default message is set instead! Any user who tips the matching amount will be shown the thank you messages. Tip amounts can be single or ranged. Here is an example: 1-15-excellent,30-99-wonderful,100,133-Boobies!,100-299-thanks! Messages from the 1st section are sent either publicly to the entire chat or privately only to the tipper. Public messages support anonymous tippers. The 2nd section is specifically for private thank you messages sent directly to the tipper. Here is an example: user01-133-I know you love them,user04-1-15-Thank you Bob!,user04-50-999-I Love you Bob!!. Each set of input fields are expandable from 1 to 99. Each section has options for text/background color and background style.

With that, it's time to rest. Please contact me at SynergyChaturbate @ gmail for all related questions!


p.s. Did I really accomplish all this? 2.7 years? Is the $kv API next? Will I ever return! Stay tuned.... Synergy ++ could be a reality one day! Descansa mis amigas & amigos.


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The Secret Numbers settings is my version of a 'hidden number or lucky number' game. In this example the Secret Number settings are configured for a game 1-100, with 3 prizes each game! When a user tips a secret number, they are rewarded a prize. The prize is displayed publicly, and the model is responsible for remembering the winners! (Sorry! If the CB limit is removed/increased, I'll add a way to store winners) Numbers are selected in favor of the model on an increasing scale, however, a decreasing scale is possible. This means that a prize could be awarded for as little as 1 token, on rare occasions. Blocking lower numbers or creating a system to assign prizes only after a certain number of tips would have been unethical. This way everyone has a chance to win, even if the lower chances are much less likely to occur. Remaining numbers are output on a single line to reduce chat clutter.

This is an example of a game in progress. This user finds all 3 lucky numbers and then a new game automatically beings, because their are 2 more prizes remaining!

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I received an official replay from CB in regards to the legacy API file size limitation. CB has raised the limit to 10 MB.

Another small victory for developers!

If anyone needs to contact me about Synergy, please send me an email to SynergyChaturbate @ gmail. Anything else, or just to chat, msg me on Twitter @cexmental. I think about returning to Synergy during 2023. I want to begin to optimize it, reduce redundancy and increase dynamic implementations throughout. With some effort, I want to modernize the entire structure so it can eventually be plug-n-play with the new $kv framework/API. A lot is happening right now, things beyond my control that need my full concentration. Depending on the outcome, I may lose focus for a time. So... as cliche as this is: Only time will tell.

The current build is the way I envisioned Synergy from the start. Everything I wanted, desired, and hoped for. I have to thank W3Schools for all of their references and help! Self taught learning really needs one thing, a way to reference forgotten knowledge. This site was indispensable during the entire construction of Synergy. I also need to thank the amazing CB support staff that have helped me out since the beginning. I seriously can't thank them enough for always working 'with' me. Synergy exists because of their support! A special thanks to Miss Ambercutie and this forum for allowing me to post about my app! The most valuable information I've compiled can be found in these pages. I don't know when threads are closed, so if this one is before my return, please check my Twitter for updates and new information. Thanks to my family who have supported me during this adventure! With out dropping names, thanks to those few CB developers who took the time to talk with me, make me laugh, or offer me their support. I know you know who you are and who you aren't!

This app would not exist if not for CB model Valery Roldans. Algunos amigas proporcionan la mejor inspiración! Fue un reto, pero una sabia aventura.

Synergy has sales, contest, and all different types of ways to get unrestricted access. If subscribing to a CB app is not in your comfort zone, then make a wish list of your favorite aspects, because I have decided to part-out Synergy. If there is any single part of the app that you would like as a stand-alone Legacy API Bot, please contact me for availability and pricing.

Other than that, I'm resting. descansa, en serio!


p.s. this is so sexy. lol.

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Synergy July 2022 roll-up(date)...

** by request features for current Synergy monthly license users

+ added section #34 Item Shop Settings
-- a tip-menu with quantity limitations
-- sorted by quantity/price (high-low/low-high) or description (a-z/z-a)
-- dynamic output is always up-to-date
-- sold-out items can be removed from the listing
-- discount option (by type/username)
+ added /itemshop? help window
+ added /itemshop* to delete all shop quantity
+ added /itemshop # {#} (#) desc to update/add new item
-- # which item {#} quantity (#) price
-- adding the 1st item will also enable the shop.
-- use {0} quantity and do not advertise out-of-stock to remain 'off'
+ added /itemshop
-- advertises publicly for model
-- advertises privately for all users (w/custom discount output)
+ added /privatemenu username support
-- adds/removes a single username from the list
-- allows you to target this 100% private tip-menu towards specific users
-- do this when you start a CB private to offer a special 'private-only tip-menu'
+ added private menu username list support to /privatemenu? help window
-- displays specific users with private menu permissions, when available
+ added total tokens (per active transmission) to /users? help window
+ added /users -t (undocumented trigger)
-- creates a current list of active tippers w/token totals, sorted alphabetically by color
-- comes in handy when moding. just /pn model 'the output'
+ added /rnotice 00:00 support
-- displays time remaining (IE: [02 in 07:39] 10 • Hello World)
+ added type 'users w/tokens dark-blue+' to hide and lock
+ added type 'users w/tokens dark-blue+' to hush
-- blocks light-blue users who have tipped < 50
+ added [m] [d] [y] to subject
-- replaced by your GMT Month/Day/Year (lcase for Spanish)
+ updated new follower output
-- [new follower] removed, by request
-- '@' removed, because it just doesn't work 3/4 of the time
-- username now bold
-- replaced fire emoji with the app fruit theme, by request
-- EG: Notice: [36] 🍌 Thank You 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛𝟎𝟏 for following me!
+ optimizations
+ translation updated

The Item Shop (section #34) is an alternative tip-menu that runs in conjunction with other per-existing menus and/or advertisements. It differs from common tip-menus by offering a limited quantity of items. Items are advertised displaying their quantity, description, and cost. When the entire stock of a single item has been purchased, it is marked out-of-stock (or removed from the shop -- settings depending). Items can be updated/removed at anytime. New items can be added at anytime. The shop is enabled when the 1st item is added. An item must have a quantity >= 0, a price > 0, and a description for inclusion. Setting all quantity to 0 will stop all activity without disabling the shop. However, if you choose to advertise out-of-stock items, then the shop is disabled when the app is turned off. Advertisements are sent to the public chat when typed by the model. Users are sent a private advertisement (on-enter or /itemshop) that may be tailored to them specifically if they quality for any existing discount (by type or username).

When a private starts, the user is the only one in the public chat who can see the cam. However, the public chat remains available for advertisements and chat. With this in mind, the /privatemenu command was updated with support for usernames. A correctly typed username is added/removed from the private tip-menu's permissions list. This allows the model to target specific users. Thus allowing only these users access to see and interact with a 100% privately advertised tip-menu. This menu can be turned on by typing '/tipmenu on' and turned off by typing '/tipmenu off'. This update was in response to users who have requested a tip-menu available only to the specific user who is actively in a CB private.

Item Shop Examples:



Rotating Notice Time Remaining Example:


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Hello. I've just discovered a problem with CB's legacy API in regards to Apps (NOT BOTS). Any command typed in chat is executing twice, as if two instances of the app are running. I am in the process of contacting CB with a 13 line script they can use for testing! I'm sorry, this is beyond my ability to control! This issue is not related to Synergy in any way.

Edit... This problem only appears to happen in a password controlled room that is actively broadcasting on the public server.

Thank you,
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hello, nice work., is it possible to add feature that for example notices and tipmenu is not sent to broadcaster ? we are using google translation to spanisch and often google translation do not work because of the repeating notifier oor of big tipmenu translation each 10 minutes
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hello, nice work., is it possible to add feature that for example notices and tipmenu is not sent to broadcaster ? we are using google translation to spanisch and often google translation do not work because of the repeating notifier oor of big tipmenu translation each 10 minutes

Synergy has a private rotating notifier and a private tip menu. The advertisements (and responses) are sent privately only to the user. As the broadcaster, you will not see them in chat. The private tip menu has an option that will privately notify the broadcaster when a user tips for an item.

Synergy will never supporting sending ALL notices privately. It wouldn't be an efficient use of my time to add a 'private' option to every single advertisement. It's more work than its worth, and a novelty at best for 99% of clients.

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we are using google translation to spanisch

CB tiene solo 3 opciones. El mensaje en la sala de chat pública. El mensaje al usuario por color (sin gris). O bien, el mensaje solo para el usuario. cuando sólo al usuario, cada mensaje se envía de forma individual. Con la solución CB, es posible enviar mensajes a grupos de usuarios. Sin embargo, los grupos CB están limitados por color. Mi aplicación ofrece más opciones, como solo fan club, solo mod, solo king tipper, etc., por lo que la solución es enviar mensajes individuales a la persona adecuada. Por favor tenga esto en cuenta. la aplicación almacena de manera eficiente a los usuarios que califican y envía mensajes solo a estos usuarios. Si desea utilizar la aplicación de forma gratuita durante 3 meses, comuníquese conmigo con su nombre de usuario de CB.

Los rotating notifier privados y el tip menu privadas se pueden expandir de 1-99. Los valores predeterminados son 5 y 10.

Twitter : @cexmental
Email : SynergyChaturbate @ gmail

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Synergy Aug 2022, roll-up(date)...

+ added on enter/exit grey alerts
+ default load-out reduced for some interface options
-- these can be expanded from 1-99 for licensed users
+ added option to keep secret number rewards hidden until revealed.
+ added 2 extra secret number rewards input boxes (comma delimited)
+ added option to randomize secret number rewards (every advert/matching tip)
-- when random, rewards are not numbered
+ optimized intelligent database purging throughout
+ added option to 'preview' an active ticketshow
-- on enter, the cam remains visible for 0-30 minutes
-- when time expires, cam remains hidden until a ticket is purchased/gifted/etc
+ added option to display ticketshow elapsed time to enter/chat adverts/panel
-- panel line 3 when available
+ follow/unfollow stats added to /users output
+ updated ticketshow panel to synergy image template default

Some examples...



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Synergy Sept 2022, roll-up(date)...

I've found very little to add to this all-in-1-app at this point. This update is for a couple of small, yet necessary additions. Questions or comments, please email me at 📧 SynergyChaturbate @ gmail.

+ fixed a bug that removed token tags (/tag) when a specific user db is empty.
+ optimized privilege user db purging for /tag /tag $ /tag $ #, when all /tags halted/empty/stopped.
+ added item shop title input box.
+ added item shop separator drop
+ added item shop custom separator input box.

I'm AFK until further notice. If you truly need to contact me, please send me an e-mail.

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