AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Scamming girl in pvt reported, but without response

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May 24, 2024
Chaturbate Username
Yesterday I had a private show with a girl who promised me full nudity in a private show but then twisted off from the promises and finally banned me. I reported this incident via Chaturbate support email. Last time when I had to deal with CB support, they answered after a few hours, but this time it takes already over 24 hours. Just wondering if my report is going to be reviewed or maybe was skipped for some reason. Today I checked the girl from my alt account and she is doing the same scam thing using even the same copy paste phrases. Looks like she's trying to scam more users. It would be great if someone from the staff could take a closer look on her. My CB nickname is the same as here and I attached this information in the e-mail message sent to CB. I didn't receive any ticket number. Thanks for help! 😊
Hey. I'm seeing that you continue the dicussion although I'm not going to read it 🤡. Just want to inform you that my tokens were just refunded 😂. Thx CB, and you haters, keep spitting out, but just know that it's pontless. Justice prevailed. As I said earlier, the most seeked answer in this thread was response time from CB Staff. It turned out that it was quite long (nearly 6 business days) but fair. And again, thanks to anyone who brought anything valuable and objective to this topic 🙏.
"do this sexual act or i'll report you" is so freaking exploitative. fucking yuck.
She agreed on showing pussy and taking off panties in 5-10 minutes long private show and didn't inform me about any extra costs. When I asked her to fulfill her promises, she refused, trying to force me to give her more tokens. How is it exploitative? 😂

For the sake of my blood pressure I chose not to read them.
You haven't even read the evidence and you are one of the most engaged people in this discussion 🤡.

I clearly see that in solidarity, a cam girl is defending another cam girl here in this thread. That's okay, I understand and respect this mechanism, but I do not see any point to continue this discussion with mostly women who are very one sided and some of them staying not objective.

I've found out in this thread that waiting over 24 hours for CB support to answer is okay nowadays, and this is the information that I seeked the most. Just going to wait for Chaturbate support to respond to my email and that's it. Thanks to all people who brought to this thread anything objective and valuable. Peace 💪
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team america vomit GIF

🤢 🤮:vomit:

ETA; how ironic a guy like this marks his own post as the solution to his own imaginary problem . Foul.
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She agreed on showing pussy and taking off panties in 5-10 minutes long private show and didn't inform me about any extra costs. When I asked her to fulfill her promises, she refused, trying to force me to give her more tokens. How is it exploitative? 😂

You haven't even read the evidence and you are one of the most engaged people in this discussion 🤡.

I clearly see that in solidarity, a cam girl is defending another cam girl here in this thread. That's okay, I understand and respect this mechanism, but I do not see any point to continue this discussion with mostly women who are very one sided and some of them staying not objective.

I've found out in this thread that waiting over 24 hours for CB support to answer is okay nowadays, and this is the information that I seeked the most. Just going to wait for Chaturbate support to respond to my email and that's it. Thanks to all people who brought to this thread anything objective and valuable. Peace 💪
I don't have to read them to know you are in the wrong. Tootles.
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She agreed on showing pussy and taking off panties in 5-10 minutes long private show and didn't inform me about any extra costs. When I asked her to fulfill her promises, she refused, trying to force me to give her more tokens. How is it exploitative? 😂

we have no idea of the time duration with your screenshots. you might feel enough time was allotted, but 5-10 minutes is quite a gap of time. it could be at the 5 minutes, but she wasn't ready to do so. i can see why she requested a tip if that was the case.

it was fucking exploitative and shitty as hell to threaten to report the model. no wonder the model kicked you, she didn't want to continue the show. like sometimes both you and the model can have a miss of communication or misunderstanding. which doesn't mean you need to report the model because you arent getting your way.
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ETA: There have been a couple of posts since I started typing this up, but I'll leave it as is. I just want to add that I agree with AudriTwo and Misterical that threatening the model was a shitty thing to do.

If a model doesn't want to do something then she shouldn't agree to do that thing. In the chat it is clear that expectations were laid out and agreed to, by both parties, before the private started. This is not a case of the user demanding something for tokens it is a case of the user expecting the model to do what she agreed to do. It is pretty simple tort law and in this case the model was negotiating in bad faith.

Always agree to the terms of the private with the model before you start it.
I like to have recordings of privates and if the model allows recordings I ask if she will speak. I won't be able to see what she types in chat during a playback so speaking is kind of important. I asked this one model if she would speak. She said yes she would. And she did. She chatted up a storm. But I didn't understand a fucking word of it. Now I know to ask, "Will you speak English"

I still chuckle about that.
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I like to have recordings of privates and if the model allows recordings I ask if she will speak. I won't be able to see what she types in chat during a playback so speaking is kind of important. I asked this one model if she would speak. She said yes she would. And she did. She chatted up a storm. But I didn't understand a fucking word of it. Now I know to ask, "Will you speak English"

I still chuckle about that.
This is hilarious. Maybe in this case of the thread too, the model was indeed naked but just not in the view of the camera. :D

I did not scroll back to the screenshots to see if the OP indeed asked for the model to BE naked or did he actually ask to SEE the model naked... Live and learn, huh. :D

And for what its worth, and this will probably be an unpopular opinion... I do feel for the OP, I feel like he did things right for being clear on what he wanted before the show. I think the model could have handled things differently, promising one thing and then doing another is not very cool.

Sayng that, being non nude is totally fine, as is changing your mind mid-show, but these things could be communicated with more grace. If you want to keep your customers coming back to you, blocking them does not help so much..
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but these things could be communicated with more grace. If you want to keep your customers coming back to you, blocking them does not help so much..
lol sorry but clearly she doesn’t want him coming back, that’s kind of the point 🤦‍♀️

ETA; thanks for the psa tho 🤣 if you wanna agree w op cool, but following up w that nugget of preach is a bit of a righteous overstep. How you run your room is up to you, and how other models run theirs, is up to them. And in my almost 10 years of experience, it’s a terrible idea to coddle exploitative (and possibly abusive) customers. No, just no.
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ETA: There have been a couple of posts since I started typing this up, but I'll leave it as is. I just want to add that I agree with AudriTwo and Misterical that threatening the model was a shitty thing to do.

If a model doesn't want to do something then she shouldn't agree to do that thing. In the chat it is clear that expectations were laid out and agreed to, by both parties, before the private started. This is not a case of the user demanding something for tokens it is a case of the user expecting the model to do what she agreed to do. It is pretty simple tort law and in this case the model was negotiating in bad faith.

I like to have recordings of privates and if the model allows recordings I ask if she will speak. I won't be able to see what she types in chat during a playback so speaking is kind of important. I asked this one model if she would speak. She said yes she would. And she did. She chatted up a storm. But I didn't understand a fucking word of it. Now I know to ask, "Will you speak English"

I still chuckle about that.
Specifics are important, you might also add in the subjects you might want her to speak about, might be happy talking about what was for lunch but maybe not the subjects that you want talked about.

Also op... your screenshots do nothing to provide "evidence" if anything they actively work against you, since they show you asking the model to do things other than being naked and from the chat it seems that those requests were done, theres no mention of being or not being naked once the pvt started, so the model was doing what you requested.
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@Slapstick sorry to derail here, I’ll keep it brief. Was the tort part you low key trying to tell us you are a Lawyer? If so I’d love to know that , directly, because it means I’d look at your posts in various threads differently, and they would carry a lot more weight (with me anyways). Genuine question.

It’s hard to know on the internet who’s talking opinion and who’s talking from real experience. That’s why I ask. If I knew there were any real lawyers here, I’d be following their responses, to various topics, way more closely.
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lol sorry but clearly she doesn’t want him coming back, that’s kind of the point 🤦‍♀️ thanks for the psa tho 🤣 if you wanna agree w op cool, but following up w that nugget of preach is a bit of a righteous overstep. How you run your room is up to you, and how other models run theirs is up to them.
Absolutely - each to their own. I had hoped my post did not come across as patronising, I appreciate that every model has their own personality and way of running things and they should always stick to whatever works for them and definitely never let the customers bully or push them into doing anything they dont want to do.

I also agree with that threatening to report was absolutely uncalled for - childish playground move really. I would not tolerate someone trying to throw their weight around like that either.

In my experience, having done this full time for a few years now, it is vitally important to run the room in a way that works for you and use the ban hammer liberately.

Personally, I dont operate the same way as the model in OPs case, but I am nor the jugde or jury, she handled it like that and it works for her, fair enough.

I expected it to be an unpopular opinion but I did not mean to offend anyone. Apologies if I did.
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Absolutely - each to their own. I had hoped my post did not come across as patronising, I appreciate that every model has their own personality and way of running things and they should always stick to whatever works for them and definitely never let the customers bully or push them into doing anything they dont want to do.

I also agree with that threatening to report was absolutely uncalled for - childish playground move really. I would not tolerate someone trying to throw their weight around like that either.

In my experience, having done this full time for a few years now, it is vitally important to run the room in a way that works for you and use the ban hammer liberately.

Personally, I dont operate the same way as the model in OPs case, but I am nor the jugde or jury, she handled it like that and it works for her, fair enough.

I expected it to be an unpopular opinion but I did not mean to offend anyone. Apologies if I did.
You agreeing with op wasn’t an issue with me. It was the last part only (like I tried to say) but I appreciate you clarifying.

Both points can be true. In your room with your style, and the way you operate, it can be important to use the ban hammer liberally (from what you say). in other rooms the opposite. So I wanted to highlight that.
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If a model doesn't want to do something then she shouldn't agree to do that thing.
consent doesn't work like this. circumstances change and consent can be revoked.

i cannot believe i have to keep repeating this but its so fucking disgusting you dudes think a model should perform a sex act because they agreed. nevermind they no longer feel comfortable performing or it wasn't properly or clearly communicated the act they want requires additional payment. like you guys can say no too. you don't have to continue the private.

from what I've seen from CB they tend to be somewhat forgivable to miscommunication and misunderstandings between model and member. OP might get his refund, and hopefully, it isn't taken from the model. really op should tale this as a lesson as he too is responsible for communicating pricing on acts.

really i see this as miscommunication and op acted grossly impulsive.
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You agreeing with op wasn’t an issue with me. It was the last part only (like I tried to say) but I appreciate you clarifying.

Both points can be true. In your room with your style, and the way you operate, it can be important to use the ban hammer liberally (from what you say). in other rooms the opposite. So I wanted to highlight that.
Thank you for clarifying. I really value you and all the models here and do not want to cause any drama.

I probably did not make my point clearly either so just to recap;

I think the OP is not wrong to be disappointed after having had the conversation he had before the pvt, but to threaten the model with a report was uncalled for and totally uncool. The model banning him after that was absolutely expected.

The model always has the right to change their mind and withdraw consent at any point. I think there are many ways that lead to Rome and effective communication could make a difference. In this case, it maybe was not about consent or change of hearts as much as it was about taking the OP for a ride for more tokens. I could be wrong..

Anyone pressuring any model to do anything at all is not cool. I also think it is not very cool from the model to promise one thing and then do another, in this way the model in OPs case did.

(I hope this ends up making some sense - I have retyped some bits a few times now to get my words in the order I want them to come out.)
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really i see this as miscommunication and op acted grossly impulsive.

Same. I did read the screenshots. He didn’t bother to ask if the “naked in private” cost extra & she didn’t specify that it did. Simple miscommunication.

Threatening to report the model for something like that is bullshit. That can be interpreted as “get naked for no extra tokens or I will try to cost you your job,” which is a repulsive thing to do over something this common.
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Those screenshots are cringe. Honestly, if I had agreed to a show with OP and you started trying to direct me like a puppet on strings once the show started I would've just told you to leave. There's nothing that I hate more than when a customer tries telling me each and every little step to do in a show and when/how to do it, as if I don't know how to do my job. I would've blocked you way before she did...and that's where she went wrong.
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Just to say (not that I automatically think she did scam) there have been girls known to deliberately not mention having to pay extra, it's done to lure them in pvt and then charge extra. Heck on the few occasions when I was actually looking into having a pvt, I changed my mind because she wouldn't tell me if I had to charge extra, she just repeated twice that she was ready to accept pvt (after 4 times of me asking if there were extra costs)

I do remember that there was a new girl years ago that in public had boob flash on tip menu but when guys tipped for it she just ignored, didn't seem simply a case of her not wanting to do, more her deliberately lying and funny enough got banned after couple of days.

And yeah a nonnude girl I fell out with (I'll explain at end of post), put a goal of her first handbra at 25k and continued the goal over a few days, apparently when that goal was achieved she didn't take her top off she just put her hands over the top of her clothes and that was it, she had done something similar before with a goal of wearing a bikini.
Now if anyone thinks that was OK, trust me you would lose so many viewers and tippers over lost of trust.
And if anyone thinks good for her, I should say that the reason why I fell out with her was because she said "if a girl gets blackmailed/exposed then it's her own stupid fault for taking off her clothes".

So yeah I don't know if this situation was a misunderstanding or if she did play him. But I do agree that the threat was out of line.
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there have been girls known to deliberately not mention having to pay extra, it's done to lure them in pvt and then charge extra.

Unfortunately true in some cases, and a lot of guys don't look at the bad rating/reviews before hand, either.
On SC I am thinking, there is at least 1 model I can think of, she has about 300 or 400 ratings, and her overall is about 1.7 - the lowest I have ever seen. If you read all the reviews, literally all of them say the exact same thing about her and her "methods", yet she continues on and keeps doing it. I personally like how on CB it does a warning when you tip a model like this "are you sure", so similar should happen on SC and everywhere, and where you can read reviews, it should automatically take you down to those reviews so you can make a better decision
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Just to say (not that I automatically think she did scam) there have been girls known to deliberately not mention having to pay extra, it's done to lure them in pvt and then charge extra. Heck on the few occasions when I was actually looking into having a pvt, I changed my mind because she wouldn't tell me if I had to charge extra, she just repeated twice that she was ready to accept pvt (after 4 times of me asking if there were extra costs)

I do remember that there was a new girl years ago that in public had boob flash on tip menu but when guys tipped for it she just ignored, didn't seem simply a case of her not wanting to do, more her deliberately lying and funny enough got banned after couple of days.

And yeah a nonnude girl I fell out with (I'll explain at end of post), put a goal of her first handbra at 25k and continued the goal over a few days, apparently when that goal was achieved she didn't take her top off she just put her hands over the top of her clothes and that was it, she had done something similar before with a goal of wearing a bikini.
Now if anyone thinks that was OK, trust me you would lose so many viewers and tippers over lost of trust.
And if anyone thinks good for her, I should say that the reason why I fell out with her was because she said "if a girl gets blackmailed/exposed then it's her own stupid fault for taking off her clothes".

So yeah I don't know if this situation was a misunderstanding or if she did play him. But I do agree that the threat was out of line.
You have zero proof that her not showing/performing the goal got her banned. She probably asked for something she's not allowed to ask for or said something she wasn't supposed to say. There's one model on CB that won't show her tits until she's hit a 10K goal, she flashes for maybe 3 seconds. I'm sure most users would like to have that last a lot longer at that rate however, it's called a denial fetish and a lot of men like it enough to put her stream in the top and keep her there for hours.

Some of y'all seem to be really unfamiliar with the concept of pay pigs.
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Unfortunately true in some cases, and a lot of guys don't look at the bad rating/reviews before hand, either.
On SC I am thinking, there is at least 1 model I can think of, she has about 300 or 400 ratings, and her overall is about 1.7 - the lowest I have ever seen. If you read all the reviews, literally all of them say the exact same thing about her and her "methods", yet she continues on and keeps doing it. I personally like how on CB it does a warning when you tip a model like this "are you sure", so similar should happen on SC and everywhere, and where you can read reviews, it should automatically take you down to those reviews so you can make a better decision
orrrrr... hear me out, might be a crazy thought- you guys use your literacy skills to read over the model's page before making impulsive horny decisions.
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You have zero proof that her not showing/performing the goal got her banned. She probably asked for something she's not allowed to ask for or said something she wasn't supposed to say. There's one model on CB that won't show her tits until she's hit a 10K goal, she flashes for maybe 3 seconds. I'm sure most users would like to have that last a lot longer at that rate however, it's called a denial fetish and a lot of men like it enough to put her stream in the top and keep her there for hours.

Some of y'all seem to be really unfamiliar with the concept of pay pigs.

No I don't have proof that she got banned because she wasn't showing. But I did see plenty of proof that she wasn't a pay pig, based on her low rating, tippers complaining that she hadn't done the tip menu and had plenty of time to respond in any way etc etc.
Certainly way more likely her scamming then being a dominant.
3 second tit flash sounds better then lying about showing boobs.

Does anyone here really think a girl would remain popular/successful if she never did anything from her tip menu?

Realistically outside of being a dictator, all people get canned if they get enough frequent complaints about their behaviour so I would be susprised if cb didn't ban girls who gotten loads of complaints. They want guys to continue spending tokens, not quitting and going onto another site.
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You think if the average man doesn’t see vengeance he’ll move on to a whole new site? I don’t think that’s likely. Guys that wrapped up in all, will just move to a new model.

Maybe I misunderstood what you are saying here? But are you actually saying you think if a guy gets butt hurt, and a site doesn’t can a model for him, he’ll rage quit the whole site over it? The amount of grown men, who would do something like, that is a tiny percentage. And the amount of money the random rage guy spends vs the amount a model brings them in over the long term, is probably not comparable. Even with the high rolling giant Baby’s vs the most part time cam model.
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No I don't have proof that she got banned because she wasn't showing. But I did see plenty of proof that she wasn't a pay pig, based on her low rating, tippers complaining that she hadn't done the tip menu and had plenty of time to respond in any way etc etc.
Certainly way more likely her scamming then being a dominant.
3 second tit flash sounds better then lying about showing boobs.

Does anyone here really think a girl would remain popular/successful if she never did anything from her tip menu?

Realistically outside of being a dictator, all people get canned if they get enough frequent complaints about their behaviour so I would be susprised if cb didn't ban girls who gotten loads of complaints. They want guys to continue spending tokens, not quitting and going onto another site.
You don't have to be Domme to take money or benefit from pay pig mentality.

The rating system is in place for a reason.

I've seen loads of women make bank by denying things people have tipped for and not one of them has been banned for it and while you may not think it's an efficient or correct business strategy because YOU don't want to be a part of it does not mean that is actually not an effective business strategy.

Do I need to tattoo it in my signature that I have been on Chaturbate every single day for the past 11 years? Both as a viewer doing recon and as a broadcaster? Because it seems to me that you guys just want to argue with me when I've seen just about everything you can possibly imagine while you guys cherry pick and rarely see the whole picture.
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And if anyone thinks good for her, I should say that the reason why I fell out with her was because she said "if a girl gets blackmailed/exposed then it's her own stupid fault for taking off her clothes".

if she was a nonnude and saying this, this tells me she was a survival sexworker and from an area where blackmail is a common occurrence for women who get outed as sexworkers. I'm not saying what she said is right, but i understand why she feels that way.

also good for her. i hope she is in a better situation and was able to find fulfilling work that doesn't make her feel ashamed.
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You think if the average man doesn’t see vengeance he’ll move on to a whole new site? I don’t think that’s likely. Guys that wrapped up in all, will just move to a new model.

Maybe I misunderstood what you are saying here? But are you actually saying you think if a guy gets butt hurt, and a site doesn’t can a model for him, he’ll rage quit the whole site over it? The amount of grown men, who would do something like, that is a tiny percentage. And the amount of money the random rage guy spends vs the amount a model brings them in over the long term, is probably not comparable. Even with the high rolling giant Baby’s vs the most part time cam model.
No I mean if he keeps getting it done by different girls on the site he would go elsewhere, like if someone kept having a bad time somewhere they would go somewhere else.

if she was a nonnude and saying this, this tells me she was a survival sexworker and from an area where blackmail is a common occurrence for women who get outed as sexworkers. I'm not saying what she said is right, but i understand why she feels that way.

also good for her. i hope she is in a better situation and was able to find fulfilling work that doesn't make her feel ashamed.
Nope she was a girl in Ukraine (yeah I'm aware girls often get blackmailed) took job for easy cash, decided not to do nudity, managed to make money on cb by just talking and luckily had several whales (nothing wrong with that) she just thought girls were dumb to take off their clothes and made it clear she didn't think much of other girls who cammed. And her quote came after another user warned her about a user who had apparently threatened another girl with personal details.
I know you want to automatically think it was us users being mean/not understanding the situation but trust me, she was a prude an insecure one but a prude who looked down on other girls.
Think high school.
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orrrrr... hear me out, might be a crazy thought- you guys use your literacy skills to read over the model's page before making impulsive horny decisions.

Unfortunately too many don't, but i guess it wouldn't be too impulsive if you went and read through every model's profile - but I do agree, and it's something I always do (although reviews/rating aren't always "true" (depends what you expect from the show, I guess)
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