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Synergy (All-In-One-App) ... The future of transmission

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Sep 27, 2020
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Hello. My name is Mentalcex. I was nominated as 'Best Bot Developer' in 2021 during A Decade With Chaturbate Awards. I was the 1st developer to add color gradients (styles) to any tip menu bot on Chaturbate (Tip Menu 50). I was the 1st developer to create color-on-color alpha gradients (same text color/over same background color -- 100% readable, multi colored chat MOD). I am the creator and inventor of the CB chat Rainbow gradient (copied by just about everyone, grow me a Rainbow). I have also made contributions to the Test Bed that have made developement easier for all users! I have accomplished all this, and more, with less than 3 years of self-taught JavaScript experience.

After more than 1.7 years of development, including a lot of 30 hour days, I am proud to release my final contribution to Chaturbate: Synergy



Synergy was carefully constructed for dynamic implementation. Its sole purpose is to allow independently functioning behavior to exist simultaneously. The most effective results will come after learning the individual functionality of each section, and then deciding how to best combine them to help you earn more money!


** For More Information:

This application features the following set of emerging options!

• Multilingual (English & Spanish)
• Application themes (fruits and colors)
• Dynamically built interface adjustable on a per-account basis (1-99)
• Intelligent icon/color hierarchy (with on/off, overwrite, custom gradient, and preservation options)
• Sophisticated advertisement system (target users by type, name, status, etc)
• Relevant panel hierarchy (targeted displays, w/goals 1st line override)
• Real-time stats panel overlay (earnings/goals information, etc)
• Real-time ‘user tipped for’ panel alerts
• Real-time clock and calendar system (< 1ms load & < 10ms sync accuracy)
• Real-time 'user tipped for' private notifications with timestamps (/pn, pm, c2c, specific, tip menu, private tip menu)
• On-exit/enter (c) [item] [t], 5 min private notification (track menu-tipper movement)
• Unique /command system that expands & changes as application content is adjusted
• Commands ‘@’ removal support (EG: /silence @user01)
• Alarm clock (/alarm), and hourly reminders
• Stopwatch (/stopwatch)
• Store a note (/note)
• Timer & Public Chat Timer (/timer & /publictimer)
• Special commands for Mod & users (/special?)
• A sophisticated /pn (“whisper”) system (w/timestamps, purchase options)
• /PN purchase private notification with timestamp option
• Public chat notifications (/notice, with newline support)
• Chat disabling feature (/hush, w/buy-in, allow by user-type, etc)
• Cam disabling feature (/brb 5 Shower)
• Mute list (/silence user01 [reason], /silence?)
• Grey blocking and voicing options (/silence)
• Grey automatic anti-spam engine
• Grey_name and number blocking options
• Chat lowercase and “stickey” normalization options
• Option to disable emoticons in chat
• Experimental cell phone emojii anti-spam engine (not infallible)
• Hide & Replace chat special word lists (user types “insta?”, becomes “@valeryroldans”)
• Hide specific chat words/phrases list
• Display token total in chat (w/custom brackets/braces/symbols)
• Chat perks (icons/colors. assigned by day, tipper, user-type, name, status, etc)
• Multi colored (random) 'all chat' option
• Broadcaster (CB) font replacement options
• Broadcaster (Latin US) font substitution options
• Override and custom gradient options
• Options to not assign colors (override the hirerarchy)
• Preserve 'Bot' color option (App will not overwrite colors assigned by your bots)
• Shortcuts & responses (broadcaster types “!twt”, becomes “@cexmental”)
• Auto respond to PM/C2C requests (w/:emoticon)
• PM/C2C purchase private notification with timestamp options
• 3 Welcome messages (multi line ‘\n’ and username support)
• 1 Welcome message sent by user-type (also ‘\n’)
• On-enter and in-chat Private/Spy-on-Private cost advertisement options
• While Private… goals, rotating notifier, tip menu interactivity ‘pause’ options
• User targeted advertisement panels (/advert, by user-type, name) w/custom image support
• Chat Leaderboard (/lb, displays total earned and usernames to broadcaster)
• Panel Leaderboard (ft. the ’10 second thank you’)
• Leaderboard top 3 icons
• Special tipper perks (by name, icon/colors)
• Daily King perks (icon/colors)
• Ticket Show (w/start-stop clocks & timers, expanded by /ticketshow)
• Ticket Show spying (virtual private) options (w/automatic ’time remaining’ save on-leave feature)
• Ticket Show pricing, discounts, and chat control targeted by user-type
• Ticket Show ‘private’ (0 pricing) shows (impossible to join, free tickets only!)
• The /ticketshow? command privately displays earnings related information
• Fully featured /ticketshow command system for updating most aspects in real-time
• Goals (infinitely expanded by /goals and /goals?)
• Goals unlimited ‘copy’ option (IE: 1 goal …added 100 times)
• Goal completion from tip amount or by time ending
• Goal intermission options (time between goals, min/sec, by goal count)
• When all goals completed, repeat option (Goal #)
• Goals update Room Subject option (guaranteed not to spam your chat)
• Pause Goals while in Private option
• Automatically paused when ending a Ticket Show
• Panel display (w/24 unique goal '% animations’) by user-type, name
• Panel custom image support (250x80 pixels, 1MB)
• Goals panel top line automatically overrides current panel (goals always displayed)
• The /goals? command privately displays earnings and specific goal related information
• Fully featured /goals command system for updating EVERY aspect in real-time
• Informative /goals advertisement (current goal, time remaining, tokens collected, activity status, etc)
• Virtual Clubs (icon/color perks users can buy into)
• Clubs support tiered/reward, random, and specific assignment options
• Clubs support icon/color stacking for users with more than 1 membership
• Clubs are extremely customizable (you design the entire experience)
• Clubs earned through single tip, cumulative tips (w/returning cumulative tipper support)
• Clubs optionally earned by typing a chat !trigger (hidden or visible)
• Clubs are fully dynamic, can be used for a variety of desired outcomes
• Token Toy “Lush” advertisement options (single line/multi line, thank you message colors)
• Public Rotating Notifier (random color option, random order option, ‘\n’ support)
• Pause Rotating Notifier while in Private option
• Private Rotating Notifier (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Specific Tip “Thank You” options (private/public, \n, [t])
• Specific tip private notification with timestamp option
• ‘Make it Rain’ options (100% random, each time)
• ‘Make it Rain’ style and custom style override options
• ‘Make it Rain’ custom style comma delimited lists (your rain = !,:hearts,:wave77,$)
• Every Tip “Thank You” options (rotating emoticons, follow me notice, etc)
• Public Tip Menu (styles, sorting, discounts, specific thank you messages, /menu)
• Public Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Pause public Tip Menu while in Private option
• Pause public item-specific thank you messages while in Private option
• Tip Menu on/off, and earning stats commands (/menu?)
• Private Tip Menu (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Private Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Private Tip Menu on/off, and earnings stats commands (/privatemenu?)
• Probably more and other undocumented things ;]

This application functions under inherent hierarchies that assign icons, colors, panel visibility, and virtual club perks in an efficiently specialized order.

Icons are assigned and overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, ‘chat’, and then ‘chat daily tippers’. Icons are then stacked (not overwritten) by ‘special cases’ (broadcaster, mod, etc), ‘leaderboard’, and finally ‘special tippers’. Icons are then assigned and overwritten again by ’daily king’ and finally ‘virtual clubs perks’. Apps that assign icons may override/push those icons assigned by Bots. The limitation CB places on the number of icons per-line is not something this App can overcome.

Colors are overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, followed by ‘chat’, ‘chat daily tippers’, ‘special cases’, ‘leaderboard’, ‘special tippers’, ‘daily king’, and finally ‘virtual club perks’. Special case color assignment can be turned off, allowing only icons or other color assignments to override instead. Apps that assign color will always override those colors assigned by Bots, unless that specific assisngment option can be turned off. The last Bot color preserved can be reassigned, overwriting ALL App color assignments. If colors were not previously assigned by a Bot, then App colors are overwritten by CB Defaults (dark grey/white).

If a user qualifies for more than one panel, then panels are displayed beginning with ‘ticket show’, followed by 'adverts' (#1 then #2), 'leaderboard', and finally 'goals'. If the ticket show option is enabled, this panel will display pricing until a ticket is purchased, time is purchased, a ticket is gifted, or the ticket show option is disabled (/ticketshow). This panel is not visible to grey users. If goals are active then ‘adverts’ and ‘leaderboard’ will always display goal information (Goal #1/3 [30/120] received) on line 1. The Broadcaster will only see the ‘broadcaster specific’ panel (stats, clock, timers, tip reminders, etc). Line 1 of the ‘broadcaster’ panel could display the stats panel overlay at all times, a tip-related alert for 10 seconds, or goal related information when goals are active! If the panel alert system is activated, then a tip alert (EG: [PN] (20) user01 @ 11:15 pm) reminder will override any line 1 display for 10 seconds. This will happen if both a private “alert” option is enabled and the required tip amount was given. Currently supported alerts include /pn, PM, C2C, specific tip, public tip menu, and private tip menu related tips.

Broadcaster Panel Example:


Broadcaster panel specific commands /timer, /note, and /stopwatch override each other, stopping the previous event. An /alarm will run independently and can only be stopped early by typing, /alarm. Use /timer without a # for secret functionality, like stopping an event or clearing the panel!

Virtual Club perks are assigned in a linear order and a user will always be assigned the perks of the last club they qualify for. If you desire a tiered/reward system, make your highest numbered club also your most expensive. Club perks can be set to stack on a per-club basis. Stacking perks will result in a unique combination of icons/colors that represent each club a user has membership in. Members can be allowed access to application based privileges on a per-club basis (free tickets, private tip menu, etc).

A Ticket Show can initialize with your GMT clock, and start/stop at an exact time (11:11 am). Additionally, start and stop ‘countdown’ timers will act automatically! If all prices are left blank (0), then the show will only be visible to those you allow access (by type/free ticket holders)! Users who purchase minutes to spy will have their time saved on-leave and redeemed on-enter. Time remaining is accurate to within 10 seconds. During the ending process of the Ticket Show, all goal activity is paused. Type /goals unpause to resume activity. After a ticket show ending has completed, your cam can remain hidden for another set amount of time. While in away-mode, users will be unable to access your cam! Typing /ticketshow will enable, start, then stop (disable) the phases in that order. It will also end any active timer. When the Ticket Show phases completely end, it is ‘disabled’, and this will clear the current list of ticket holders. Type /ticketshow to enable and display cost advertisements again, and then /ticketshow to start a new show. Type /commands ticketshow for more information, including how to update/delete most aspects (clocks, timers, costs, title, etc) in real-time! After at least 1 Ticket Show related sale (pre-show, ticket, spy time), type /ticketshow? for earnings information.

Active goals may be completed either by timer or by collected token amount! Goals completed by collected token amount automatically add their surplus tokens towards the next goal. This design feature was created to keep goals moving quickly! If you want a surplus to not start the tipping of the next goal, then you must use an intermission. Setting an intermission of 1 second will invisibly transition into your next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals completed by timer mean that the time in which to purchase that goal has ended, and collected tokens are absorbed into your earnings, with the next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals can be fully controlled through the /goals command. For help type /commands goals, and /goals? for active goal related information. Goals can be enabled by typing /goals, and then initialized by typing /goals on. Goals which are stopped (/goals off) will trigger a 10 second wait period. Goal related information will not clear until this 10 second wait period has expired. You can resume by typing /goals on.

Goals Command Example:


The public tip menu can be enabled by typing /menu on, or disabled by typing /menu off. Typing /menu? will privately display sorted per-item earnings information, etc. Broadcaster, Mods, and special users can display the tip menu in public chat by typing /menu.

The private tip menu can be enabled by typing /privatemenu on, or disabled by typing /privatemenu off. Typing /privatemenu? will privately display per-item earnings information, etc.

Tip menus require a description and cost for item inclusion. Both tip menus are displayed privately to qualifying users who type /menu, !menu, /tipmenu, !tipmenu, or tip menu? in chat!

Broadcaster font replacements (CB's fonts) will support all typed characters. Broadcaster font substitutions (Synergy's fonts) are for ASCII characters of the Latin (US) alphabet (A-z, 0-9, and some punctuation). Unicode characters and ASCII characters of a different set, etc, will not substitute.

Broadcaster Font Replacement/Substitution Examples:


Clock output is only visible by the Broadcaster and used to timestamp certain events. It exists as both a novelty and an incredibly useful tool! Clock time displayed in seconds may appear uneven, while it is programmatically accurate to within < 10 ms of server time regardless of visible output.

Your private and spy-on-private costs can be displayed to users when they enter chat or during a set interval while you are actively private. Additionally, some features can be paused while you are actively private. These include goals and related advertisements, the public rotating notifier, public tip menu advertisements, and public tip menu item-specific tip thank you responses. Paused features happen 1 second after your private begins or ends.

The /commands system is built upon an intelligent foundation that allows the entire system to expand as new functionality is activated. Each menu contains explanations and usage examples that adapt in real time! For example: Add a user to the mute list, type ‘/commands’, and discover a new ‘/silence?’ option. Start an '/alarm 10:00 pm', type '/timer' to clear the panel reminder (hidden feature), then type ‘/commands’ and you’ll discover your alarm time is now the example! Many commands support similiar functionality: Try typing '?' at the end of other commands, or /silence without a 'username' and see what happens! Commands support '@' removal and function no matter where you typed them! Commands must always be entered in English, regardless of application language settings. It is possible that Spanish Web browser/computer automatic translation software can incorrectly display commands in Spanish. Please be aware that commands typed in Spanish (IE: /alarma), are not currently supported.

Expanded /Goals? Command Example:


This application allows users to be targeted dynamically by name, type, group, or status. This means that certain advertisements may only display to your Mods, while a private tip menu only displays to your Fan club members, while special colors are only available to tippers, while a unique advertisement panel is only displayed to your grey users, while a customized leaderboard (including goals information) is actively displayed to all users, while you consider starting a ticket show that has discounts only for your virtual club members! Many other unique scenarios are possible, limited only by your imagination of available functionality!

This application supports daily “Anonymous” tippers by removing them from all public panel and tip related activity.

This application is multi-lingual, and includes an English and Spanish translation.

Spanish Translation Examples:



** For more information:

** Please read the full description page as it contains information about licenses, available functionality, and your privledges as an end-user.

Questions, comments, help? -- SynergyChaturbate @ gmail.

Synergy is all original code 100% designed & written by me.

Cheers and thank you for reading,
Hi. Today I added "Popularity" sorting. It sorts your menu by the items which have been purchased the most. The most popular items will always sort to the top of the list. The /menu? command will always display using the same sort as the /menu advertisement output. This is the only sorting method that happens in real-time.

Currently this is only available on the Public Tip Menu...

However, the private tip menu supports 'all users', making it a silent version of the public tip menu. As such, I will extend this sorting behavior to the private tip menu in the near future.


Examples Images...


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I kept busy today and added Specific 'Ranged' Tip thank you options. These thank you messages respond independently and can be expanded from 1-99. With these it is now possible to create thank you messages for every token toy you use! Combine them with the rotating notifier or private rotating notifer to create custom advertisements for each of your toys! These new options are part of the specific tip settings and as such use the same colors and public/private output settings. However, ranged thank you messages can have their own transparancy/fade/style.


There is no other all-in-one-app on CB that does everything Synergy can! Now available for 30 day *free* trials!

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I have ported the font routine of Synergy into a stand-alone bot. This bot is free to use. Please read the bot's description page for more information. Please keep in mind that CB font exchanges are less dramatic than Synergy font replacements! The Synergy fonts are hard-coded, making Synergy and this bot the only two possible ways to currently use these unique fonts on CB.

The Font Exchange :


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Synergy Aug, 2021 early roll-up(date)...

+ /brb updates supporting the command by itself as a means to start/stop the limitCam, regardless.
-- Use to create voyeristic moments with other bots or during Synergy's 'ticket show'.
+ /brb engine intelligence updates
** Please note -- updating the video window message is not infallible. Often CB/browser choice will cause it to fail. With this in mind, a time (minutes) is always required when updating the message. IE: /brb 25 I want some food! However, the time can be updated without a message.
+ custom 'tip menu' & 'private tip menu' command options
-- IE: /menu is replaced by 'Special Options', or anything you want!
-- because 'menu' denotes consumerism for the humany body, in relation to the discussion of a CB app. This bothered me, so now you have the choice to call it what you want!
+ /PN engine tidy up. The entire system was re-tested & updated.
+ Added /pn? command with tied interface option 3-30/none
-- typing /pn? replays user-to->broadcaster /PNs, most recent is always #01
+ /goals repeating now /goals restart, because of the interface 'repeating' goals option
-- automatically restarts at this goal, after all goals completed!
+ fixed updating of panels if /goals was used to enable
+ Tidy-up, general optimizations, some small updates, and a few tweaks.

Here is an example of the /pn? command:


I also released 1st Alert :

It is a 'rotating notifier' of sorts. It can send a custom message to your users when they 1st enter chat, speak, or tip. It can also send a public or private rotating notification. The database of users can be purged at a set interval (minutes) to reduce the amount of private notifications sent in larger rooms or to reset the 1st Alerts. If there is interest, I will port these options into Synerg's 'Special Event' options
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Synergy September 2021, roll-up(date)...

+ Chat-wide perks relocated below daily color perks.
-- because this is where they fall in the assignment heirarchy.
+ /shortcuts -#, removes a shortcut
+ /shortcuts shortcut-response, stores a new shortcut & response
+ shortcuts related output and translations updated
+ mod /commands update for /shortcuts?
-- they are made aware of /shortcuts? if atleast 1 exists and the option is enabled
-- ** Note ** mods can not remove or add shortcuts, only list and use them.
+ /tipnotes to enable/disable the custom tip-note option
+ additional types for daily icon/color perk assignment (Mod, Fan Club, Ticket Holders, etc)
+ option to disable chat while private
-- automatically mutes/hides all user chat
-- user will see a private response, which includes your cost-to-spy
-- broadcaster/mods can always chat, send emoticons, etc
+ automatically respond to C2C requests minutes option
-- will predect user tips in mulitples of C2C cost
-- Cost is 25 tokens for 1 minute
-- user tips 32, app knows they didn't tip for C2C
-- user tips 100, app knows they tipped for 4 min
+ new flag to add minutes to response options
+ 'thank you, (u) for tipping (c) tokens for C2C (m)' private user response
-- if the 'thank you message' is not set public, then this thank you sends automatically
+ added C2C tips to the private alert system (exact & multiples)
+ added PM tips to the private alert system (exact only)
+ optimized C2C reponse engine
+ optimized grey anti-spam engine in regards to numbers
+ anti-spam+ while private, extended to block more phishing/poaching attempts
+ custom public '/menu' command option (IE: /yourname or /suggestions) optimization
+ custom private '/menu' command option optimization
-- because 'menu' denotes an unnecessary level of objectivity in regards to CB
- removed 'ticket holders' from ticket show discount/free types
- removed 'grey' from private tip menu types
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9/18/21 updates include /rnotice and /hide commands. translation updates. special event advert settings time zones.

/rnotice is for sending a public rotating notification. /rnotice # <msg>. Supports \n for new line. If the # for minutes is left emtpy, the notifcation cycle will default to 10 minutes. type '/rnotice' by itself to stop all behavior.

/hide <bad*words,spam>. Supports words/phrases, and linked (wildcard *) words/phrases. This command is an addition to the 'Hide all chat with these specific words (bad,bad words)' interface option and supports the 'Privately alert on hidden words usage' option. Add with caution, as words/phrases can not be deleted or listed. All behavior is silent and happens in real-time. Wildcard matches happen anywhere, as long as all items are present on a single line of chat. There is some dupe checking to avoid unnecessary memory foot prints.

Special Event Settings time zones are EDT/GMT/PDT from March 2nd until November 10th. The rest of the year they will appear as EST/GMT/PST. Default is EDT/EST. When your clock-timed event message is triggered, it will happen in the selected time zone. Use this to avoid doxing your actual GMT settings or perhaps to organize your events by N. American standards.

More information here:

Moderator Commands Example:


Special Event Output Example:


* In this example both events were set to advertise. Event 1 at 9:59 am Eastern Time. Event 2 at 7:00 am Pacific Time. Synergy's clock was set to Pacific Time (GMT -7).
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Synergy Update - 9/20/21 : Shortcut & Response

Broadcaster shortcuts function much like their name suggests; typing '!ins' in chat could be swapped by @yourinstagram, and appear as if you typed the response yourself! They enable you to have long winded good night messages or a special set of rules, at your finger tips! Best of all, the /shortcuts command allows you to list, add, and delete them in real time!

/shortcuts .night-Good Night\n:sleeep\nTomorrow I will return...\n5pm - 2am ET\n\nPlease Join me!

Mods were previously limited to just listing and interacting with broadcaster stored shortcuts! In an effort to provide more tools for mods, I've expanded the shortcut functionality. Mods can now add, delete, and use their own shortcuts! Mod shortcuts are only available to mods (or special users by permission). Mods can still list and interact with broadcaster shortcuts. When both exists, the /shortcuts? output is now combined so its easier to read in a busy chat room! Duplicate shortcuts are not permitted, however, duplicate responses are (IG: /shortcuts .ig-@yourinstagram).

Broadcaster shortcut permissions can be disabled, limiting mods to only their set (and /commands).


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Synergy Update 9/25/21 -- Image Exchange

This update offers a way to swap out the panel images during your trasmission. Supported panels include Advert #1 (targeted advertising), the leaderboard, and goals. Advert #1 and the leaderboard can have their images swapped on a cyclic rotation (minutes), when a specific single tip is given, or when a chat-wide cumulative total is reached. The goals can have the image swapped on a cyclic rotation or when a goal completes (by time/100% tokens). Goal images will not swap until the next goal begins. Commands that manually forward goal progression can not change the image.

It will look somethig like this...

* image of roldansvalery from CB

More information on uploading images to get a CB image ID...

Uploading an Image File
  • Go to the edit tab on your app page
  • Click Upload Image Files (or Manage Image Files if you have already uploaded an image)
  • Select one or more files and click upload
  • If upload successful you will be redirect to the file management page
  • Each file will have a unique ID
  • The ID should be used as the fileID in the image layer
Images must be a max size of 270x69 pixels and 1MB.

This update also redefines the broadcaster's ability to spy on /pn command usage. Options are now Mod & Special Users/All Chat/None. Special users includes those listed for Mod command privledges or /PN commmand privledges. All Chat includes everyone else, including Fan club with /PN command privledges.


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Someone sent me a note today asking for a custom bot. Basically they wanted my virtual clubs + private tip menus. While it's possible, I tried to respectfually apologize by mentioning that Synergy is the only app I am working on for the foreseeable future. However, what they are asking for is already possible...

Your Virtual Club messages like the 'bonus perks message' or the 'private notice sent to new members', already give you a way to send a special tip menu. You would just need to type it out manually. It might look something like "My Suggestions...\n10 - boobs\n20 - butt". Your user could be made aware of special discounts if they join the club with the 'bonus perk message'. When they join, they would be shown this special discount menu through the private notice sent only to new members! Users can receive prviate thank you messages for tipping, just look at the 'specific tip thank you settings'. These tips can be notified to you privately, either in chat or on your broadcast display panel (alert system). So its a private tip menu of discounts only for a specific virtual club's member list, but there really existed no elegant way to advertise it continually.

I just released a tiny update to rectify that situation.


Anything typed here will be privately sent to the specific club's member when they enter chat. It will use the club's background and foreground settings. Use \n for creating a new line (its like pressing return). The 'U' is replaced by the user's name, in case you wanted to make your message more personal. I hope this helps someone!

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I am... *SO* overwhelmed with the depth and breadth of this app. Holy wow. @punker barbie get this person a job! Like, holy jesus, this is awesome!

Apps and bots have come so far since the last time I was on CB (they were fairly new and kinda clunky last time I played with them) and this here is just... I have no words. It's fabulous. I'm gonna plunk around with it soon.
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Synergy Update 9/29/21

The private alert system has been upgraded, and now includes alerts for Mods (or special users with moderation privledges) & Fan club members. The alert hierarchy is user list (with custom on-enter messages) > Mods/special users with mod privledges > Fan club. The notification you receive will always fall within the hierarchy, is only visible to the broadcaster, and will only send once per-user name, per-chat entry.



* Now with a 90 day free trial... 3 full months to use every option and then decide if Synergy is right for your transmission!

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Synergy Update : /peek command

The /peek command allows you to 'peek' or 'spy' on a silenced user's chat. When typed alone (/peek), the command will enable/disable automatic peeking after a user has been silenced (/silence <username>). This means that if you /silence a user from public chat, everything that user types next will be privately output for your personal viewing pleasure. Anyone who types the /peek command is given their own database, dynamically built in real-time. So each person is shown the output for the specific users they are peeking, and not the entire database! When /peek is typed with a username (/peek <username>), that specific user is added/removed from your database. You must 'remove' or 'unpeek' a user to stop their chat from privately displaying. Silenced users can be peeked/unpeeked at anytime. Type /silence? to see an alphabetical list of all users silenced from public chat!

* Please note that /peek works in conjunction with /silence. So, if you /silence a user 1st, and then type /peek, that user will be in the silence database, but not your specific peek database. In this scenario, you must type /peek <username> to peek on the user you silenced before auto-peeking was enabled!


In the above example...
The 1st line is the broadcaster typing /peek in the chat room. peek is now associated with the /silence command.
The 2nd line is the broadcaster typing /silence user02 in the chat room. This user is now silenced from public chat.
The 3rd line is the user typing in public chat. This message is 100% hidden and only the user who typed it can see it.
The 4th line is the peek command privately displaying the username, your GMT time stamp, and the silenced message.

CB's built-in 'silence' feature completely removes a user from chat and then forgets about them. Synergy's /peek command was designed for those users who may apologize, etc. If you don't know what they are saying, how can you know if you should forgive them?

pssst. @Brett M, more moderation tools!! =)

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Synergy Update: /tag command

I re-imagined the alert on-enter private notices for specific usernames by incorporating it with a new command and updated engine. Now you can add on-the-fly usernames by typing /tag <username> (message). If the user already exists, just type /tag <username> to remove them. In case you forget which of your favorite users you are going to be privately alerted about, just type /tag? to display them in alphabetical order. Additionally, typing /tag? will always display the commands, with help and examples.


There were a few other small things also recently updated:
+ interface adjustments, for the purpose of clarity.
+ /pn engine now outputs with '@', to make reading more familiar with username color
+ /pn engine now supports option only to broadcaster & mods
+ /pn engine general tidyup.
+ all translations updated for new commands
+ 'menu de propinas?' added to auto tipmenu response engine
+ by request, option to not advertise the tipmenu on entry (previously, this was automatic)
+ virtual clubs default reduced from 5 to 3 clubs.
+ rotating images engine tidyup (advertisements, leaderboard, goals - by amount/time)
+ tippers icon/color perk settings. (chat's > tippers > daily tippers)
+ /scratchpad? and the 1000 character interface option.
-- use to save things you may want to recall later. displays only to the broadcaster.


Synergy has been trending at #1 most favorite for the past month. It's also climbing in recently top earning. Please contact me for a 90 day free trial, at SynergyChaturbate @ gmail (checked daily).

Upvote 0
Synergy Mid-October 2021, roll-up(date)...

+ goal panel output truncation at 47 + '..."
+ virtual clubs per-club on-enter private notice option, sent to all members
+ panel alerts are 1st row if stats are not enabled, or 2nd row if they are
+ stickey key and lcase optimzation to allow for uppercase text icons, EG [KIIIING]
+ hide from chat option #2 (also /hide).
-- #1 is now the database of /hide (broadcaster/mod). /hide is a permanent addition.
-- #2 is now for private broadcaster alerts (display what was said)
+ on-enter private alerts (by username, type, etc)
-- notify you abour users w/information (timestamp, tip amounts, etc)
+ on-exit private alerts (by type)
^^ hierarchy is userlist > tippers > mods > fan club > users w/tokens
+ display only when 'private' option for Advert #1 and #2
+ /pn userlist with privledges to send to broadcaster & mods
+ tippers only perks (icons/colors). color can be turned on/off.
^^ hierarchy is chat's > tippers > daily tippers > etc
+ /peek command, privately display a silenced users chat
-- /peek by itself enables auto-peak after you /silence username
-- /peek username enables peeking for that user, if they happen to become silenced
+ /tag (/tag?) on-the-fly, on-enter/exit alerts (user01-fav mod,user02-message02)
-- broadcaster only -- works in conjunction with on-enter private alerts (above)
-- mod only -- alerts notify on-enter & on-exit
-- token totals will replace blank messages, when available
+ clause to catch instances of "menu de propinas?" for automatic tip menu response
+ all references to <username> now just, username. for data input clarity
+ /pn settings relocated to below 'chat perks settings'
+ /alerts? privately displays a listing of the panel alerts & information, if enabled
+ -- broadcaster only -- /alerts? to display & /alerts* to delete all
+ -- mod only -- by special privledges, /alerts? access only
+ /goals, /peak, /pn, /tag, /alerts engines optimized
+ 1st alert engine optimized
+ added ^ throughout the interface. denotes an option linked to something above it
+ per-username, welcome message(s) 5 (user01-hello there ,user02,user01-Hi\nAgain!)
-- send publicly or private (welcome messages 1-4 are only private)
+ translation update (w/new additions for new commands)
+ lemon and orange fruits added
+ sunshine and earth grey themes added, orange cream renamed to rust water
+ /c2c? display unique c2c purchase history (3-30) to broadcaster only
-- works in conjunction with the 'respond to c2c settings'...
-- history numbered in decending order, #1 is always the most recent
-- unique user data consolidated, and always up-to-date
----- users with 2 timestamps have purchased c2c more than once. (first - recent)
-- minute calculations support tips in multiples. (IE: 25 for 3, user tips 100 for 12 minutes).
* plese note * -- advisable to avoid other costs in matching multiples
-- c2c price is required, minutes are optional.
-- purchase alerts, alert panel system, thank you notices, etc. respects anonymous.
+ /c2c* to delete the entire c2c purchase history
+ /c2c username to delete a user, by name. '@' removal supported.
+ optimized alert system. panel alerts now run independently of private chat alerts.
+ updated alert related outputs in an attempt to match formatting
-- things like... c2c total payment and minutes, truncated tip menu item descriptions, etc
+ added more support for '@' in outputs. Some because they look handsome
+ 5 min on exit/enter tip menu alerts (track your tipper's movement) format update
-- truncated item descriptions (30), output string reordered for consistency

Example of /alerts?:

Example of alerts on-enter

Example of /c2c? window

There is more to come. I'm motivated. I will take time off until after Christmas. Safe Halloween and happy holiday's to everyone! :h:

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Synergy Update -- just a small one before my hibernation.

I added the 'unlimited' on-enter messages last update. It supports up to 10,000 characters. With it you can target any user by name, and send them a special private message (EG: user01-hello,user02-my special menu\n50 boobs\n75 butt). This makes it really easy to have custom tip menus or specific lush advertisements, targeted at certain users. However, there wasn't a way to properly respond to given token amounts.

Today I added the 'unlimited' specific tip thank you settings. With it you can respond with a thank you message to a specific users' single or ranged (1-14,etc) token amounts (EG: user01-133-thanks!,user01-1-14-mmm,user01-15-30-i love it!,user03-15-lol your pm in 1 min). It also supports up to 10,000 characters. Input lists are comma delimited. Items entered must be separated by the - character. There is error checking (names/#).

Today I also rearranged Synergy's interface, in an effort to clarify it more. Advertisement cycle settings (min/sec) and colors (fg/bg/style) have been relocated to below their respective settings, for all areas of the application.



So, now you can advertise any toy, any menu, or anything else, to any user, with private thank you messages! Please do not rely on CB to keep your data. I recommend keeping a backup somewhere simple, like Google Docs.

🎁 12/25/21 -- I am giving away 2 life time licenses to Synergy. You must be a CB model, follow me on Twitter, and re-tweet the pinned tweet. On/around/just after December 25th, 2021, I will grab a name out of a virtually randomized hat and notify the two winners via DM on Twitter. If anyone is interested in Synergy classes, I have lowered by consultation fee until 12/25.

With that... descansa. I will rest. Happy holidays everyone!

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Synergy Update, /rnotice command reimagined.

I know I am resting, but I really wanted to add this update for my own usage. This came about after I discovered moments when I wanted to create more than 1 on-the-fly rotating notice. Over the last few days, I sat down and rewrote the entire /rnotice engine. The functionality is now fully dynamic and each user with permissions receives their own database. Users can add a rotating notice by typing, /rnotice 5 brb soon! The default rotation is 10 minutes. Users can delete their database by typing, /rnotice* and users can delete a single notice by typing, /rnotice-#. Users can list notices, commands, and help by typing, /rnotice?.

Notices are listed in decending order, and #1 is always the most recent addition. Notices display publicly and use the app-wide color theme (without your fruit). \n is supported for new line (return). Some outputs are truncated to avoid spamming you, however, the /rnotice? output will always display your rotating notices in full.




Synergy : (with a FREE 90 day trial)

Cheers and safe Halloween,
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Synergy Update 11/7/21: /follow?

New option to store and display your new follower/unfollower stats. The total number of each is always stored, however, the username lists can be limited to a specific number of usernames (3-to-Unlimited, default is 100). This limitation should help to avoid sending huge lists in busy rooms. Lists are maintained by removing the oldest user first. List output is a comma delimited list, and sorted A-z. Type /follow? to output the stats privately.



This is not a 'new follower bot' or option, and will never notifty the user or public chat in any way.

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Synergy Addendum for 11/7/21 -- new follower panel alerts

I added another small update that will display your new followers as 10-second panel alerts. The alerts override the clock/goal % animations, but never token alerts (sales related stats) that can also display on line # 2 of the panel. There is anti-flood protection, and you will only see an alert for the 1st time a user follows you during your transmission. This option functions separately from the /follow? command and related output.


NF = New Follower
2 = Total number of new followers this transmission
user01 = user's CB name
10:26 am = the time (as per your GMT settings) when this user clicked 'follow'

With these updates you can see who follows you in real time, maintain a list of followers and stats, without the need to flood your public chat room with 'new follower messages'.

Upvote 0
Synergy Mid-November 2021, roll-up(date)...

+ /ticketshow now with on/off state. To enable, type /ticketshow (regardless of settings).
+ ;pres; pre-show cost, leave 'blank' to disable/erase
+ /ticketshow mode changes now display in /commands output
-- modes include: active timers, an active ticket show, away-mode, etc
-- use /ticketshow to move between all modes!
+ #-# added to SRT (specific range tip) /alerts? (ooops was missing)
+ /brb engine rewrite (w/new functionality and protection)
+ /brb, turns off/on your cam and disables it constantly. it also purges the limit cam access list.
-- when enabled, even Synergy's /ticketshow can not gain access
-- supports: /brb # msg (# = time until you return, msg = displayed reason)
-- your cam is revealed automatically when (#) time expires
-- mix and match command parameters for different results
+ new tips/tricks added to the interface (last thing you'll see before clicking start)
-- currently there are around 100, with more added each day!
+ translations updated
+ interface uniformity updates (for the better)
+ ranged thank you foreground/background color options
+ follower stats (also /follow?)
-- when enabled, keeps track of session follower habits
-- lists (alphabetical) can be truncated for larger rooms
+ new follower alerts (10 seconds, line #2 of broadcaster panel)
-- hierarchy: token alerts > new follower alerts > goals % animation > clock
+ goals 10% image exchange option
-- panel image swaps every 10% (use for animations, etc)
+ [F] # tippers -- $ total received [F] (fruit) added to leaderboard panel options
+ 'make it rain' multi-cost options (14,100,133,etc)
-- matching tips will trigger the random pattern
+ weather frequency increases as tips increase option
-- multi-cost only, list sorted low-high, matching tips trigger your random weather pattern
-- 2-3 line increase, per matching tip increase
- special event advert time zone settings removed (may be reintroduced later)
-- current output includes your GMT settings (so the displayed time makes sense, but may also reveal your actual GMT time zone)

/follow? example

new follower panel alert

'make it rain'
Upvote 0
Synergy Late-January 2022, update...

+ translation updated
+ *wildcard support added to /tag
-- simplified to 1 wildcard only. IE: /tag user* or /tag *whatever02
-- for when you can't recall a users full name and want to tag them before they enter chat
+ onMessage optimization
+ application section numbering :)h: or #)
+ raffle options (section #22) added (by request)
-- single or multiple ticket purchases per-user
-- single or multiple wins per-user
-- single, multiple, or ranged ticket pricing (IE: 100, 50-75, 25, etc)
-- multiple advertisements (cyclic, on-enter, 1st ticket purchase, every ticket purchase)
-- option to pause raffles and ticket sales while private/password
-- 'multi-day' raffle username list, supports up to 10,000 characters.
+ raffle commands (/raffle?)
-- /raffle?, status, stats, winner lists, new ticket lists, and commands
-- /raffle on/off, to enable/disable raffles
-- /raffle, to select a winner (type more than once to select additional winners)

Example of an advertisement:


Example of a ticket purchase (private response):


Example of the winner selection:


Example of the /raffle commands window:


The raffle update allows users to run a ticket (token) based giveaway. The raffle can be configured as a single ticket raffle or allow users to purchase multiple tickets. Winners are randomly selected from the database of total ticket purchases (user names), which is continuously shuffled. A users winning ratio depends on how many tickets they have purchased versus how many total tickets were sold. Winners are selected using the /raffle command. The total number of winners is limited by how many times the command is typed, per the raffle settings and list of qualified user names remaining in the database. Each time a winner is selected, their single winning ticket (name) is removed from the database. User names stored in the 'Raffle ticket-holder list' text box (10,000 characters) are eligible to win any active giveaway. Use this text box for multi-day ('on-going') raffles by continually adding to the list at the conclusion of each transmission. To view a comma delimited list of new ticket-holders, type /raffle?. The list is ordered by oldest-to-newest ticket purchase for that transmission. The broadcaster can not manipulate the database or select winners while the application is actively running. To choose a winner, disable the raffle or type /raffle OFF, then type /raffle.

** Data is deleted at the conclusion of your transmission. To save data, you must type it into the text box, and then 'start' the application. It is strongly recommended to keep a back-up of your data (Windows notepad, Google docs, etc).

Please direct any questions to SynergyChaturbate @ gmail -- checked daily.

Last edited:
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One small update that dates back to late December that I forgot to mention... Media purchases (photos/videos) from your bio are now fully handled by Synergy. This includes all token stats, the alert system, king status, etc. This means that if a user clicks and makes a purchase, their tokens will count as if they were sent as a normal tip. Anonymous users are supported, and continue to have their name/colors/icons removed from all public chat output.

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Hello. My name is Mentalcex. I was nominated as 'Best Bot Developer' in 2021 during A Decade With Chaturbate Awards. I was the 1st developer to add color gradients (styles) to any tip menu bot on Chaturbate (Tip Menu 50). I was the 1st developer to create color-on-color alpha gradients (same text color/over same background color -- 100% readable, multi colored chat MOD). I am the creator and inventor of the CB chat Rainbow gradient (copied by just about everyone, grow me a Rainbow). I have also made contributions to the Test Bed that have made developement easier for all users! I have accomplished all this, and more, with less than 3 years of self-taught JavaScript experience.

After more than 1.7 years of development, including a lot of 30 hour days, I am proud to release my final contribution to Chaturbate: Synergy



Synergy was carefully constructed for dynamic implementation. Its sole purpose is to allow independently functioning behavior to exist simultaneously. The most effective results will come after learning the individual functionality of each section, and then deciding how to best combine them to help you earn more money!


** For More Information:

This application features the following set of emerging options!

• Multilingual (English & Spanish)
• Application themes (fruits and colors)
• Dynamically built interface adjustable on a per-account basis (1-99)
• Intelligent icon/color hierarchy (with on/off, overwrite, custom gradient, and preservation options)
• Sophisticated advertisement system (target users by type, name, status, etc)
• Relevant panel hierarchy (targeted displays, w/goals 1st line override)
• Real-time stats panel overlay (earnings/goals information, etc)
• Real-time ‘user tipped for’ panel alerts
• Real-time clock and calendar system (< 1ms load & < 10ms sync accuracy)
• Real-time 'user tipped for' private notifications with timestamps (/pn, pm, c2c, specific, tip menu, private tip menu)
• On-exit/enter (c) [item] [t], 5 min private notification (track menu-tipper movement)
• Unique /command system that expands & changes as application content is adjusted
• Commands ‘@’ removal support (EG: /silence @user01)
• Alarm clock (/alarm), and hourly reminders
• Stopwatch (/stopwatch)
• Store a note (/note)
• Timer & Public Chat Timer (/timer & /publictimer)
• Special commands for Mod & users (/special?)
• A sophisticated /pn (“whisper”) system (w/timestamps, purchase options)
• /PN purchase private notification with timestamp option
• Public chat notifications (/notice, with newline support)
• Chat disabling feature (/hush, w/buy-in, allow by user-type, etc)
• Cam disabling feature (/brb 5 Shower)
• Mute list (/silence user01 [reason], /silence?)
• Grey blocking and voicing options (/silence)
• Grey automatic anti-spam engine
• Grey_name and number blocking options
• Chat lowercase and “stickey” normalization options
• Option to disable emoticons in chat
• Experimental cell phone emojii anti-spam engine (not infallible)
• Hide & Replace chat special word lists (user types “insta?”, becomes “@valeryroldans”)
• Hide specific chat words/phrases list
• Display token total in chat (w/custom brackets/braces/symbols)
• Chat perks (icons/colors. assigned by day, tipper, user-type, name, status, etc)
• Multi colored (random) 'all chat' option
• Broadcaster (CB) font replacement options
• Broadcaster (Latin US) font substitution options
• Override and custom gradient options
• Options to not assign colors (override the hirerarchy)
• Preserve 'Bot' color option (App will not overwrite colors assigned by your bots)
• Shortcuts & responses (broadcaster types “!twt”, becomes “@cexmental”)
• Auto respond to PM/C2C requests (w/:emoticon)
• PM/C2C purchase private notification with timestamp options
• 3 Welcome messages (multi line ‘\n’ and username support)
• 1 Welcome message sent by user-type (also ‘\n’)
• On-enter and in-chat Private/Spy-on-Private cost advertisement options
• While Private… goals, rotating notifier, tip menu interactivity ‘pause’ options
• User targeted advertisement panels (/advert, by user-type, name) w/custom image support
• Chat Leaderboard (/lb, displays total earned and usernames to broadcaster)
• Panel Leaderboard (ft. the ’10 second thank you’)
• Leaderboard top 3 icons
• Special tipper perks (by name, icon/colors)
• Daily King perks (icon/colors)
• Ticket Show (w/start-stop clocks & timers, expanded by /ticketshow)
• Ticket Show spying (virtual private) options (w/automatic ’time remaining’ save on-leave feature)
• Ticket Show pricing, discounts, and chat control targeted by user-type
• Ticket Show ‘private’ (0 pricing) shows (impossible to join, free tickets only!)
• The /ticketshow? command privately displays earnings related information
• Fully featured /ticketshow command system for updating most aspects in real-time
• Goals (infinitely expanded by /goals and /goals?)
• Goals unlimited ‘copy’ option (IE: 1 goal …added 100 times)
• Goal completion from tip amount or by time ending
• Goal intermission options (time between goals, min/sec, by goal count)
• When all goals completed, repeat option (Goal #)
• Goals update Room Subject option (guaranteed not to spam your chat)
• Pause Goals while in Private option
• Automatically paused when ending a Ticket Show
• Panel display (w/24 unique goal '% animations’) by user-type, name
• Panel custom image support (250x80 pixels, 1MB)
• Goals panel top line automatically overrides current panel (goals always displayed)
• The /goals? command privately displays earnings and specific goal related information
• Fully featured /goals command system for updating EVERY aspect in real-time
• Informative /goals advertisement (current goal, time remaining, tokens collected, activity status, etc)
• Virtual Clubs (icon/color perks users can buy into)
• Clubs support tiered/reward, random, and specific assignment options
• Clubs support icon/color stacking for users with more than 1 membership
• Clubs are extremely customizable (you design the entire experience)
• Clubs earned through single tip, cumulative tips (w/returning cumulative tipper support)
• Clubs optionally earned by typing a chat !trigger (hidden or visible)
• Clubs are fully dynamic, can be used for a variety of desired outcomes
• Token Toy “Lush” advertisement options (single line/multi line, thank you message colors)
• Public Rotating Notifier (random color option, random order option, ‘\n’ support)
• Pause Rotating Notifier while in Private option
• Private Rotating Notifier (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Specific Tip “Thank You” options (private/public, \n, [t])
• Specific tip private notification with timestamp option
• ‘Make it Rain’ options (100% random, each time)
• ‘Make it Rain’ style and custom style override options
• ‘Make it Rain’ custom style comma delimited lists (your rain = !,:hearts,:wave77,$)
• Every Tip “Thank You” options (rotating emoticons, follow me notice, etc)
• Public Tip Menu (styles, sorting, discounts, specific thank you messages, /menu)
• Public Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Pause public Tip Menu while in Private option
• Pause public item-specific thank you messages while in Private option
• Tip Menu on/off, and earning stats commands (/menu?)
• Private Tip Menu (for specific user-type, all output is private)
• Private Tip Menu item-specific private notification with timestamp option
• Private Tip Menu on/off, and earnings stats commands (/privatemenu?)
• Probably more and other undocumented things ;]

This application functions under inherent hierarchies that assign icons, colors, panel visibility, and virtual club perks in an efficiently specialized order.

Icons are assigned and overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, ‘chat’, and then ‘chat daily tippers’. Icons are then stacked (not overwritten) by ‘special cases’ (broadcaster, mod, etc), ‘leaderboard’, and finally ‘special tippers’. Icons are then assigned and overwritten again by ’daily king’ and finally ‘virtual clubs perks’. Apps that assign icons may override/push those icons assigned by Bots. The limitation CB places on the number of icons per-line is not something this App can overcome.

Colors are overwritten beginning with ‘chat daily all’, followed by ‘chat’, ‘chat daily tippers’, ‘special cases’, ‘leaderboard’, ‘special tippers’, ‘daily king’, and finally ‘virtual club perks’. Special case color assignment can be turned off, allowing only icons or other color assignments to override instead. Apps that assign color will always override those colors assigned by Bots, unless that specific assisngment option can be turned off. The last Bot color preserved can be reassigned, overwriting ALL App color assignments. If colors were not previously assigned by a Bot, then App colors are overwritten by CB Defaults (dark grey/white).

If a user qualifies for more than one panel, then panels are displayed beginning with ‘ticket show’, followed by 'adverts' (#1 then #2), 'leaderboard', and finally 'goals'. If the ticket show option is enabled, this panel will display pricing until a ticket is purchased, time is purchased, a ticket is gifted, or the ticket show option is disabled (/ticketshow). This panel is not visible to grey users. If goals are active then ‘adverts’ and ‘leaderboard’ will always display goal information (Goal #1/3 [30/120] received) on line 1. The Broadcaster will only see the ‘broadcaster specific’ panel (stats, clock, timers, tip reminders, etc). Line 1 of the ‘broadcaster’ panel could display the stats panel overlay at all times, a tip-related alert for 10 seconds, or goal related information when goals are active! If the panel alert system is activated, then a tip alert (EG: [PN] (20) user01 @ 11:15 pm) reminder will override any line 1 display for 10 seconds. This will happen if both a private “alert” option is enabled and the required tip amount was given. Currently supported alerts include /pn, PM, C2C, specific tip, public tip menu, and private tip menu related tips.

Broadcaster Panel Example:


Broadcaster panel specific commands /timer, /note, and /stopwatch override each other, stopping the previous event. An /alarm will run independently and can only be stopped early by typing, /alarm. Use /timer without a # for secret functionality, like stopping an event or clearing the panel!

Virtual Club perks are assigned in a linear order and a user will always be assigned the perks of the last club they qualify for. If you desire a tiered/reward system, make your highest numbered club also your most expensive. Club perks can be set to stack on a per-club basis. Stacking perks will result in a unique combination of icons/colors that represent each club a user has membership in. Members can be allowed access to application based privileges on a per-club basis (free tickets, private tip menu, etc).

A Ticket Show can initialize with your GMT clock, and start/stop at an exact time (11:11 am). Additionally, start and stop ‘countdown’ timers will act automatically! If all prices are left blank (0), then the show will only be visible to those you allow access (by type/free ticket holders)! Users who purchase minutes to spy will have their time saved on-leave and redeemed on-enter. Time remaining is accurate to within 10 seconds. During the ending process of the Ticket Show, all goal activity is paused. Type /goals unpause to resume activity. After a ticket show ending has completed, your cam can remain hidden for another set amount of time. While in away-mode, users will be unable to access your cam! Typing /ticketshow will enable, start, then stop (disable) the phases in that order. It will also end any active timer. When the Ticket Show phases completely end, it is ‘disabled’, and this will clear the current list of ticket holders. Type /ticketshow to enable and display cost advertisements again, and then /ticketshow to start a new show. Type /commands ticketshow for more information, including how to update/delete most aspects (clocks, timers, costs, title, etc) in real-time! After at least 1 Ticket Show related sale (pre-show, ticket, spy time), type /ticketshow? for earnings information.

Active goals may be completed either by timer or by collected token amount! Goals completed by collected token amount automatically add their surplus tokens towards the next goal. This design feature was created to keep goals moving quickly! If you want a surplus to not start the tipping of the next goal, then you must use an intermission. Setting an intermission of 1 second will invisibly transition into your next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals completed by timer mean that the time in which to purchase that goal has ended, and collected tokens are absorbed into your earnings, with the next goal starting with 0 tokens collected! Goals can be fully controlled through the /goals command. For help type /commands goals, and /goals? for active goal related information. Goals can be enabled by typing /goals, and then initialized by typing /goals on. Goals which are stopped (/goals off) will trigger a 10 second wait period. Goal related information will not clear until this 10 second wait period has expired. You can resume by typing /goals on.

Goals Command Example:


The public tip menu can be enabled by typing /menu on, or disabled by typing /menu off. Typing /menu? will privately display sorted per-item earnings information, etc. Broadcaster, Mods, and special users can display the tip menu in public chat by typing /menu.

The private tip menu can be enabled by typing /privatemenu on, or disabled by typing /privatemenu off. Typing /privatemenu? will privately display per-item earnings information, etc.

Tip menus require a description and cost for item inclusion. Both tip menus are displayed privately to qualifying users who type /menu, !menu, /tipmenu, !tipmenu, or tip menu? in chat!

Broadcaster font replacements (CB's fonts) will support all typed characters. Broadcaster font substitutions (Synergy's fonts) are for ASCII characters of the Latin (US) alphabet (A-z, 0-9, and some punctuation). Unicode characters and ASCII characters of a different set, etc, will not substitute.

Broadcaster Font Replacement/Substitution Examples:


Clock output is only visible by the Broadcaster and used to timestamp certain events. It exists as both a novelty and an incredibly useful tool! Clock time displayed in seconds may appear uneven, while it is programmatically accurate to within < 10 ms of server time regardless of visible output.

Your private and spy-on-private costs can be displayed to users when they enter chat or during a set interval while you are actively private. Additionally, some features can be paused while you are actively private. These include goals and related advertisements, the public rotating notifier, public tip menu advertisements, and public tip menu item-specific tip thank you responses. Paused features happen 1 second after your private begins or ends.

The /commands system is built upon an intelligent foundation that allows the entire system to expand as new functionality is activated. Each menu contains explanations and usage examples that adapt in real time! For example: Add a user to the mute list, type ‘/commands’, and discover a new ‘/silence?’ option. Start an '/alarm 10:00 pm', type '/timer' to clear the panel reminder (hidden feature), then type ‘/commands’ and you’ll discover your alarm time is now the example! Many commands support similiar functionality: Try typing '?' at the end of other commands, or /silence without a 'username' and see what happens! Commands support '@' removal and function no matter where you typed them! Commands must always be entered in English, regardless of application language settings. It is possible that Spanish Web browser/computer automatic translation software can incorrectly display commands in Spanish. Please be aware that commands typed in Spanish (IE: /alarma), are not currently supported.

Expanded /Goals? Command Example:


This application allows users to be targeted dynamically by name, type, group, or status. This means that certain advertisements may only display to your Mods, while a private tip menu only displays to your Fan club members, while special colors are only available to tippers, while a unique advertisement panel is only displayed to your grey users, while a customized leaderboard (including goals information) is actively displayed to all users, while you consider starting a ticket show that has discounts only for your virtual club members! Many other unique scenarios are possible, limited only by your imagination of available functionality!

This application supports daily “Anonymous” tippers by removing them from all public panel and tip related activity.

This application is multi-lingual, and includes an English and Spanish translation.

Spanish Translation Examples:



** For more information:

** Please read the full description page as it contains information about licenses, available functionality, and your privledges as an end-user.

Questions, comments, help? -- SynergyChaturbate @ gmail.

Synergy is all original code 100% designed & written by me.

Cheers and thank you for reading,
Wow that's allot and amazing! I look forward 2 checking it out! Thank you for the beautiful contribution! Did u write custom bots for models?
Upvote 0
Synergy Late-February 2022, roll-up(date)...

+ translations updated
+ option to extend /raffle? permissions to mods/special users
-- so mods can read/back-up the new user (ticket sales) list
+ raffle winner list now displayed in winning order (IE: 1st, 2nd, etc)
+ raffle window clean-up
+ raffle engine optimization
+ added /subject?
-- subject window displays hashtags (if available) or character count (w/max 200 warning)
-- subject window displays the full room subject
+ added /subject <what> help example w/GMT day
+ tag window clean-up
+ /tag $ # command optimized
+ successful usage responses clean-up
+ tag engine optimized
+ mod commands window clean-up
+ mod commands window /raffle? help added
-- only when new tickets sales exist
+ /pn options moved from section #5 to #11.
-- click on the ':h:' to reveal the section number
+ general maintenance and re-testing

Example of Mod Raffle Window


Example of Subject (character count) Window


Example of Subject (hashtags) Window

Upvote 0
Did u write custom bots for models?

Hello. Yes I did write custom bots for models. Synergy is actually one of them. Now I am retired from public projects and only maintain Synergy.

If you are interested in trying it out, now is the best opportunity! I am having a special for the month of March (2022) to celebrate my birthday!

🎉 1st time users will now get a 6 Month Free Trial!
-- half a year to decide if it's the right CB app for you

🙌 Paying users get 25% off the monthly cost.

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Synergy March 2022, roll-up(date)...

+ translations updated
+ interface wording updated
-- "type" replaced with "use" for virtual club examples (EG: Use \n for new line)
-- ticketshow/goals color settings 'advertisement' removed (EG: Goals text color)
-- advertise the goals 'never' replaced with 'panel only'
-- added goals public truncation (47 + '...") to goal #2
-- added \n for new line to goals #3
+ interface structure updated (click ':h:' to reveal section #)
-- /pn moved down to section #11
-- auto respond to pm now section #12
-- auto respond to c2c now section #13
+ added color options (font/background/style) to section #12
+ updated 'c2c' detection
+ /tag? window clean-up
+ token toy engine optimized
+ /goals? engine optimized
+ goals engine optimized
+ repositioned /goals 'type /goals' instructions for better visibility
+ added goals advert bonus message (comes 1st, use \n for new line)
+ added \n support to all goals descriptions
+ /goals & /goals? updated to represent fully funded goals
-- /goals, displays a check mark and (tokens collected) for all funded goals
-- /goals? funded goals are prefixed with '*' character
+ goals 'check mark' updated to one that retains visible color w/cb's dark-theme
+ added goals/subject advertisement style (original/elegant)
-- elegant is less verbose in all advertisements
-- elegant removes [cost] from goals subject
+ goals subject 'type: /goals' now replaced by time remaining, when possible
+ goals intermission subject now displays next goal and time remaining, when active
+ subject engine optimized
+ added support to put #hashtags anywhere in the room subject
-- works with subject exchange (change subjects and hashtags, if desired)
-- if hashtag input-box/exchange are enabled, then title + hashtags always
-- subject + hashtags is 200 characters
+ subject engine now supports 'goal subjects' (IE: title + hashtags + goal info)
-- subject/hashtag exchange will add relevant information
-- when goals subject enabled, title is 170 characters (including hashtags)

Example of /goals?


Example of dark-theme advertisement


Example of /commands goals


Example of subject (elegant mode)


Example of subject (original mode)


If you are interested in Synergy, now is the best opportunity to give it a try!

March 1st - 31st, 2022...

🎉 1st time users will now get a 6 Month Free Trial!
-- half a year to decide if it's the right CB app for you

🙌 Paying users get 25% off the monthly cost.

Contact - SynergyChaturbate @ gmail
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Great! I'm gonna use it! Thank you!

Hi. If you're interested, please email me at SynergyChaturbate @ gmail with your CB username. I'd be happy to add you for a 6 month Free trial.

Synergy 3/12/19 1:49 am update.


In the spirit of tweaking elegance, I added superscript and subscript options for the user's in-chat token total. The surrounding character option has been expanded and now supports a comma delimited set of single characters/emojis. (EG: *,^ OR (,) OR | OR ⁽,⁾ OR 🍌,🍌) Default is the "|" character. As far as I can tell this is the only CB bot/app to offer font substitutions.

Example of each style:


Don't forget there are also broadcaster font substitutions and CB font exchanges:


For basic questions about Synergy, like... how are colors or icons assigned. What's up with that panel system...

Commands are in English, and use simple words so they are easy to understand. Commands display help and examples too! With nothing to memorize, just type /commands

March 2022 deal -- 6 Month FREE trial // 25% off any purchase.

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