AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Tier 10, FailPug, Survivor, and nachos.

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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I bailed a little early from my cam show last night to go enjoy some couch time. I missed Survivor since it wasn't on last week and was having withdrawals. So I finally got to watch it last night. Holy hell, Russell is Survivor KING. Whether he ever wins or not, he puts on a great showing.

As some of you might know, Fridays are the one day I try and raid. I've been doing ToC 25 with a mostly PuG group for a few weeks now. Luckily, this week one of the bosses there was also the weekly raid, which I needed to complete my 95 Frost badges. Woooooo Tier 10! First piece, finally.

Unfortunately, the boss for the weekly was the last one we accomplished, as the PuG failed miserably after that. And I swear my CounterSpell was borked or something because it simply was not stopping the heal casting on the target. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL! Also had to listen to a kid who couldn't have been older than 10 on Vent during the last portion of the raid. Why do kids not know when to STFU?

So I logged off promptly after exchanging my badges and made a snack. Wanna-be Nachos. Kraft singles melted over tortilla chips with salsa tossed on top. Oh, and a Corona. In a can. Yup, that's my afternoon. So now I'm just finishing my web stuffs, chatting with a few besties and going to get on cam in an hour or two. It will be a long night!


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Grats on the t10 babe! Let's try for ICC25 soon, only issue is most of those are at night. So Sat night might be best maybe?
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p
TheMightyTB said:
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p

Last week it wasn't. This week it was on Wednesday. (Trust me, I knowz, I'm a Survivor nut). Fucking March Madness. I hate basketball. Not only does it bore me to eyebleeds, it ruins some of my nightly TV schedules. :twisted:
AmberCutie said:
TheMightyTB said:
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p

Last week it wasn't. This week it was on Wednesday. (Trust me, I knowz, I'm a Survivor nut). Fucking March Madness. I hate basketball. Not only does it bore me to eyebleeds, it ruins some of my nightly TV schedules. :twisted:

You do not hate on the best sporting event all year... (World Cup being an exception as it only comes every 4 years. And of course until the Masters in 2 weeks.)
arachn1d said:
AmberCutie said:
TheMightyTB said:
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p

Last week it wasn't. This week it was on Wednesday. (Trust me, I knowz, I'm a Survivor nut). Fucking March Madness. I hate basketball. Not only does it bore me to eyebleeds, it ruins some of my nightly TV schedules. :twisted:

You do not hate on the best sporting event all year... (World Cup being an exception as it only comes every 4 years. And of course until the Masters in 2 weeks.)

Pfft! March Madness being the best sporting event? Please. Best sporting event all year starts in 2 weeks with the hockey playoffs. It's so much awesome that it will keep me away from Amber for a few nights, especially since I have a (desert) dog in that hunt, for once! :)
Personally, I love March Madness... Although, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest sporting events ever is also WrestleMania. And tonight, it was EPIC!
TheMightyTB said:
Personally, I love March Madness... Although, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest sporting events ever is also WrestleMania. And tonight, it was EPIC!


Very few times in my life as a wrestling fan have I yelled out loud during a match since I was above the age of 10. Tonight I nearly woke up the damn neighbors. XD
pyrite1965 said:
Frankie said:
Very few times in my life as a wrestling fan have I yelled out loud during a match since I was above the age of 10. Tonight I nearly woke up the damn neighbors. XD

Don't you do that when you're on cam anyway?

Yelling during a wrestling match? Not to my knowledge. Generally a loud girl? Yes. Always.
TheMightyTB said:
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p
t9 is like badge gear dood.

Just random it up untill you get 100 pieces in ONE day, i use triumph for my ALTS to get Heirloom gear. lol.
TwistedOrder said:
TheMightyTB said:
Congrats on the T10. :) I have been working on T9 for my Warrior. BTW... Survivor WAS on last week. It was on Wednesday night instead of Thursday. :p
t9 is like badge gear dood.

Just random it up untill you get 100 pieces in ONE day, i use triumph for my ALTS to get Heirloom gear. lol.
yeah what if he's more casual and it's his only guy or something or jsut started LOL.
True Devine,

But i dont know of many people who pay the rediculous 15 dollars a month to sit around and not get invited to raids.
TwistedOrder said:
True Devine,

But i dont know of many people who pay the rediculous 15 dollars a month to sit around and not get invited to raids.

I've paid $15/month for years without raiding. I actually am enjoying the grind for all my gear. It took me like a month to get all my tier 9 because I can't/don't devote many hours a week to WoW.

I doubt I'll ever be a raider. Aside from the occasional invite here or there, I really don't have what it takes. But that doesn't mean I enjoy the game any less. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend a mere $15 a month.
AmberCutie said:
TwistedOrder said:
True Devine,

But i dont know of many people who pay the rediculous 15 dollars a month to sit around and not get invited to raids.

I've paid $15/month for years without raiding. I actually am enjoying the grind for all my gear. It took me like a month to get all my tier 9 because I can't/don't devote many hours a week to WoW.

I doubt I'll ever be a raider. Aside from the occasional invite here or there, I really don't have what it takes. But that doesn't mean I enjoy the game any less. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend a mere $15 a month.
I know of some.....

Guild Wars
Xbox Live.
TwistedOrder said:
AmberCutie said:
TwistedOrder said:
True Devine,

But i dont know of many people who pay the rediculous 15 dollars a month to sit around and not get invited to raids.

I've paid $15/month for years without raiding. I actually am enjoying the grind for all my gear. It took me like a month to get all my tier 9 because I can't/don't devote many hours a week to WoW.

I doubt I'll ever be a raider. Aside from the occasional invite here or there, I really don't have what it takes. But that doesn't mean I enjoy the game any less. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend a mere $15 a month.
I know of some.....

Guild Wars
Xbox Live.

D&D and GW are free monthly, but I'd rather pay $15/month for quality and a thriving community. XBox live requires $ membership.
I love the fact that you play WoW. I watch your mfc shows when im on and knowing you play wow and youre a bit nerdy makes you more real and i like it :) I play too, I'm a warlock, same trink btw
AmberCutie said:
TwistedOrder said:
True Devine,

But i dont know of many people who pay the rediculous 15 dollars a month to sit around and not get invited to raids.

I've paid $15/month for years without raiding. I actually am enjoying the grind for all my gear. It took me like a month to get all my tier 9 because I can't/don't devote many hours a week to WoW.

I doubt I'll ever be a raider. Aside from the occasional invite here or there, I really don't have what it takes. But that doesn't mean I enjoy the game any less. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend a mere $15 a month.

Raiding is too much like work. I already have a job.
your obviously not raiding with the right people. Raiding should be fun and not like a job. If its not so fun that you want to raid, then there is a problem. I think you might be referring to hardcore progression raiding. lol.

I belong to a casual raiding guild. We are not hardcore and we still have the first quart of ICC 25 down and are working on Rotface right now. We only raid twice a week. woohoo. And its actually fun. It does help that I am one of the raid leaders. lol. And 38 years old so not a 10 year old. snicker.

My guild was very much like that, being a late-night raiding guild, and suddenly, we became a late-night, hardcore progression, raiding guild. We had/have the core members and a few others, and that's all that ever gets into raids. I've been with the guild the longest aside from the GMs (which I probably would be one if I could stay on regularly) and was only a basic member, so when real life called and I had to attend to that, and then came back, I was unable to get into raids. I haven't played in nearly 5 months now, and once I can come back, I will, but I doubt I'll stay in that guild. I'll be up for server transfer, so if any guild (horde) needs a rogue (preferably mutilate specc'd =P) look up Somadelnocha, and let me know if I'd be a good fit!
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