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Model under 1000 camscore in Top 40

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May 4, 2015
Nine days into the month and a model under 1000 camscore is in the Miss MFC Top 40. This seems quite an exception.

At first, I wondered about self tipping or some variation, but it seems it's all about the hours.
She has been online 103 hours so far this month according to

For such an effort, I hope she gets a breakthrough:

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Wow, that's impressive! I think even if you tip yourself it affects your camscore though right? Because you can't tip from your model account so it's pretty much just tokens to your account.

She seems to have a fairly high countdown at the moment so I'm guessing what she does is has her prices and countdowns as high as the top girls and is just super patient in waiting for it to be completed. I do that to an extent, but I'm not online all that much.

(also, big up my black & Chinese girls!)
Wow, that's impressive! I think even if you tip yourself it affects your camscore though right? Because you can't tip from your model account so it's pretty much just tokens to your account.
Right! My bad at explaining. Models cannot tip from there own account, but they can create a seperate premium account that they could tip themself from. Doing so is a very bad idea in my view, because it gains no new supporters but the idea is sometime given in some questionable blogs.
You fuckin go, girl!!
She seems to have a fairly high countdown at the moment so I'm guessing what she does is has her prices and countdowns as high as the top girls and is just super patient in waiting for it to be completed. I do that to an extent, but I'm not online all that much.

(also, big up my black & Chinese girls!)
There is little doubt that she's putting the time in and this is a good reminder that camscore doesn't in itself necessarily equal a good monthly payout (I'm not saying it doesn't help).

Looking at the graph and the viewers (high) & (average), you can probably guess at when she completed a countdown. The problem with low camscore, high countdowns are that guys are reluctant to put substantial dents in such topics that might never be completed, but that's a whole other topic. So I consider it a possibility that she's had one or two whales decide to clear some countdowns but the sheer amount of time she is spending on is suppressing her camscore.

Although I could of course be totally wrong. I love speculating on camscore science. :shame:
When a model doesn't show camscore, you can guess at it by looking at the camscores of models around her, remember MFC is sorted by camscore.

Ah yes Doh! I knew that!

She's currently in the 250 -279 placing with 50 ish viewers so much respect to her for working so hard.
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If she was maintaining a 1000 camscore, it would be impossible to hit top 50 with those earnings even working 100 hours (I mean, if she has had a 1000 CS for a long time prior to this month). She must have had a much lower camscore before that is bringing down her average, her current earnings have to be somewhere between what a 2-4k camscore girl earns on average.

This isn't meant to bring her down, I'm just pondering how this could be possible. Either way, it's EFFING AMAZING and she rocks! I need to catch her online!
She's online right now and she's 2 girls behind a girl with a 978 camscore. Seems impossible, but it's true. She's very pretty and seems friendly! Go her! :)
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