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Pet Peeves, yo.

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Oct 18, 2011
What are y'all pet peeves? Doesn't have to be camming related, it can be aaaaaaaaaanything :?

I have come to despise with every fibre of my being, the phrase "That awkward moment when..." when followed by an unawkward, inane, and probably made up occurrence. It doesn't even make grammatical sense! Stop it!

I also dislike it when people tell me I owe them money.
My pet peeves:

When someone uses the word holler in any context. Irks me to no end.
People saying, "have another cigarette," when I have a cold and I cough.
When someone drives by in a really shitty car blasting a sound system worth more than double the car.
People that randomly friend you on Skype and then proceed to ask "ASL?" and try to video call you six times in a row.
The color orange.
People chewing--not just open mouth chewing, just chewing in general.

It feels good to get that out! :lol:
Anyone wearing a flat billed hat. Im sorry if anyone here loves them but i immediately think "oh look a douche bag" whenever i see someone wearing one.


anyone who uses the n word or faggot casually. or at all. ever.

on a color note, the color yellow is annoying to me.

people who try to get your pet high whilst smoking without even asking. not cute, nor funny.

people who try to argue with me about veganism when i haven't even brought it up. "nice day out, isnt it?" "we were meant to eat animals!" erm ok.
Two silly verbal fads that don't make anyone look cool, just makes one look silly:

"Anyways" in any context. It's "anyway" or "any way!"

When people finish a statement with "just saying." It really adds no additional information other than some bizarre attempt to both strengthen the original lame comment (it doesn't) and simultaneously subtly apologize for saying something so lame in the first place.

And hats. I hate all hats. When necessary, fine, then they're a necessary evil. But why are you wearing a hat on a warm, overcast day? They piss me off and make my scalp itch. One of the reasons I left the military service. :)
Jaydenrainey said:
Anyone wearing a flat billed hat. Im sorry if anyone here loves them but i immediately think "oh look a douche bag" whenever i see someone wearing one.


:text-yeahthat: ... and the bill goes in front.
Also, those folks that think its some sort of fashion statement to wear 2 pr of boxer shorts and the regular shorts half way down or even below their ass frequently holding them up with one hand just so they can walk. :violent1:

fat people in spandex or anything really clingy and shape fitting. Sorry but, No bb, it doesn't hide the rolls and make U look sexi... examples readily visible at most any Walmart.

non considerate smokers... the ones that know folks dont smoke but persist in blowing smoke directly at you.
also cigar chewers. [there's a lot of those bubbas in the south] Ugh.. :puke-front:
People who tell you to suck it up because you're not a starving Ethiopian with AIDs and five murdered children.

There are people in the world with worse problems than I, but that doesn't mean I don't have troubles of my own.

Just sayin'.

1. Requests that start with "Do you want to" instead of "Will you" or "Please".
Example "Do you want to do the dishes?" Heck no I don't. Ask nicely.

2. Anyone who makes negative comments about my having pets while in my home or at my door. If you don't prize companionship over the ability to wear black without a speck of fuzz stuck to you, cool. That's not how it goes in my house no matter how many times I dust or mop.

3. "Just open my cam. I'm hot not old and fat." I likes me some old and chubby, but thanks for assuming you know what all chicks dig Mr. broke egotistical turd.

4. Clothing with brand names across the front or pseudo-sexy words across the tush.
Rosemary said:
Or wires magically tying themselves in knots.

Ermahgerd, yes! Fucking wires. The ones that drape behind the TV... I don't ever touch them and yet when it comes time to unplug something, it's like someone's gone and done an electrical wire French Plait. I don't even know any French people!
And headphone wires... sweet Harry fuck...

It also bugs me when I'm sat on the bus and out of all the empty seats on said bus, somebody decides that the empty seat next to mine is the one for them. Please fuck off and allow me to wallow in my anti-social self-pity, yeah?
mynameisbob84 said:
Rosemary said:
Or wires magically tying themselves in knots.
Ermahgerd, yes! Fucking wires. The ones that drape behind the TV... I don't ever touch them and yet when it comes time to unplug something, it's like someone's gone and done an electrical wire French Plait. I don't even know any French people!
And headphone wires... sweet Harry fuck...

Closest friend of mine since 8th grade had a saying that fits here...
"Extension cords and rope [we sailed a lot] are like mother-in-laws....
they fight you at every turn." :-D

R.I.P. my friend
A lot of my pet peeves are spelling related.

Like, when someone uses "of" instead of "have" - that shit pisses me off to an extent, you don't even want to know!!! "Maybe they should of done that instead" Maybe you should fucking go back to school and learn to not write like an idiot!!

People using "Gay" to describe something bad or lame ("that's so gay")... Gay describes a person attracted to the same sex as themselves, or it just means happy - it's not a bad word and it doesn't mean "lame"!!

People that are so afraid of offending people or "contribute to the unhealthy body ideals" that they go around calling everyone beautiful and gorgeous... For example critically obese people don't need to hear that they're pretty the way they are, they need to loose weight and get healthy because all that fat will kill them! I'm not saying that all body types are not beautiful, I'm saying that obesity is dangerous and it should not be encouraged - just to make a point about the fact that you don't have to be a toothpick to be pretty!

Guys that I'm completely uninterested in thinking they have a shoot with me... Sends shivers down my spine!
AliceDoe said:
A lot of my pet peeves are spelling related.

Like, when someone uses "of" instead of "have" - that shit pisses me off to an extent, you don't even want to know!!! "Maybe they should of done that instead" Maybe you should fucking go back to school and learn to not write like an idiot!!

People using "Gay" to describe something bad or lame ("that's so gay")... Gay describes a person attracted to the same sex as themselves, or it just means happy - it's not a bad word and it doesn't mean "lame"!!

People that are so afraid of offending people or "contribute to the unhealthy body ideals" that they go around calling everyone beautiful and gorgeous... For example critically obese people don't need to hear that they're pretty the way they are, they need to loose weight and get healthy because all that fat will kill them! I'm not saying that all body types are not beautiful, I'm saying that obesity is dangerous and it should not be encouraged - just to make a point about the fact that you don't have to be a toothpick to be pretty!

Guys that I'm completely uninterested in thinking they have a shoot with me... Sends shivers down my spine!
:-D "lose" and "shot" :)

But yeah, I agree. lol
Nordling said:
AliceDoe said:
A lot of my pet peeves are spelling related.

Like, when someone uses "of" instead of "have" - that shit pisses me off to an extent, you don't even want to know!!! "Maybe they should of done that instead" Maybe you should fucking go back to school and learn to not write like an idiot!!

People using "Gay" to describe something bad or lame ("that's so gay")... Gay describes a person attracted to the same sex as themselves, or it just means happy - it's not a bad word and it doesn't mean "lame"!!

People that are so afraid of offending people or "contribute to the unhealthy body ideals" that they go around calling everyone beautiful and gorgeous... For example critically obese people don't need to hear that they're pretty the way they are, they need to loose weight and get healthy because all that fat will kill them! I'm not saying that all body types are not beautiful, I'm saying that obesity is dangerous and it should not be encouraged - just to make a point about the fact that you don't have to be a toothpick to be pretty!

Guys that I'm completely uninterested in thinking they have a shoot with me... Sends shivers down my spine!
:-D "lose" and "shot" :)

But yeah, I agree. lol

Damn, you beat me to it! :lol:
Nordling said:
AliceDoe said:
A lot of my pet peeves are spelling related.

Like, when someone uses "of" instead of "have" - that shit pisses me off to an extent, you don't even want to know!!! "Maybe they should of done that instead" Maybe you should fucking go back to school and learn to not write like an idiot!!

People using "Gay" to describe something bad or lame ("that's so gay")... Gay describes a person attracted to the same sex as themselves, or it just means happy - it's not a bad word and it doesn't mean "lame"!!

People that are so afraid of offending people or "contribute to the unhealthy body ideals" that they go around calling everyone beautiful and gorgeous... For example critically obese people don't need to hear that they're pretty the way they are, they need to loose weight and get healthy because all that fat will kill them! I'm not saying that all body types are not beautiful, I'm saying that obesity is dangerous and it should not be encouraged - just to make a point about the fact that you don't have to be a toothpick to be pretty!

Guys that I'm completely uninterested in thinking they have a shoot with me... Sends shivers down my spine!
:-D "lose" and "shot" :)

But yeah, I agree. lol

Haha, damn keyboard has a bug of some sort that sometimes makes double letters from just one hit xD Thanks though, I do get some stuff in English wrong and I like being corrected because that helps me learn and avoid being wrong in the future :)
Evvie said:
People who tell you to suck it up because you're not a starving Ethiopian with AIDs and five murdered children.

There are people in the world with worse problems than I, but that doesn't mean I don't have troubles of my own.

Just sayin'.


When the boat is sinking the fact that the 1st mate is going to drown also console me very little!
when this asshole nags about not beeing treated in a humane way... and right after pulls the power plug from my fucking work trailer so i dont have a lamp.. can't make coffee.. and need to stay in the car for 3 hours...
People using or borrowing items and then not returning them to where they're supposed to be.

People driving in the passing lane, a line of cars behind them, and no intention of overtaking another vehicle or turning left in the next couple miles.

When there's no one else at the urinals and a guy selects #2 (see below)


  • Bathroom.gif
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Mirra said:
When there's no one else at the urinals and a guy selects #2 (see below)

Why the hell do people do that? I also hate when people pick the urinal next to me and start making small talk.
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Bras that fall apart after a month
Carpet stains
Toilet paper rolls put on the wrong way
Dudes who think a video should be free because they just want something "soft core"
My inability to smite people
Shaun__ said:
Mirra said:
When there's no one else at the urinals and a guy selects #2 (see below)
Why the hell do people do that? I also hate when people pick the urinal next to me and start making small talk.

I know, right? It baffles my mind every time I witness it.

NerdgasmGirl said:
Toilet paper rolls put on the wrong way
This begs the question... over or under?
The idea that just because I use black to describe someone, I'm racist. I didn't say they were stupid, I didn't say they were poor, I just said that out of the three people I *could* be talking about, the one I *am* talking about has black skin, as opposed to the hispanic one or the white one.

People who tell me I'm too sexy to be a geek.

The drivers who don't know how to follow the rules of the road.

People who use checks in the express lane.

People who go through the express lane with more than the designated number of items, and then just split it in two so they can fit. (Immediately take that back whenever the person is using two different cards for the two different loads, or if it's obvious that one is office stuff and the other is clothes)

Microsoft Word's "did you mean ___ instead" feature, which always suggests the completely wrong word that is a common mistake for the word I'm actually using, which is the right word. (example: That's not the right song. "Did you mean write?" NO! I meant that is not the CORRECT song damnit!)

ON THE TOILET PAPER ISSUE: If you have cats, under. If you don't, over.
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Hair that isnt attached to someone's head grosses me out to no end! I wear rubber gloves to pick up those loose wads of hair that clump up around the drain in the shower and use a 10 inch sticky roller all over my bathroom! hah
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Reactions: Red7227
AllisonWilder said:
Since reading this thread I have more I'd like to add.

People that think they know what fat people need to hear as far as weight is concerned.
People that think that fat people can't be pretty just the way they are.

The thing I hate are fat people who pretend they aren't fat. Like some stinking overweight slob on a plane who thinks he is entitled to a third of your seat. Or 150 kg women who wonder why they can't get a boyfriend.
Red7227 said:
AllisonWilder said:
Since reading this thread I have more I'd like to add.

People that think they know what fat people need to hear as far as weight is concerned.
People that think that fat people can't be pretty just the way they are.

The thing I hate are fat people who pretend they aren't fat. Like some stinking overweight slob on a plane who thinks he is entitled to a third of your seat. Or 150 kg women who wonder why they can't get a boyfriend.

There's no need to stereotype overweight people as stinking and slobs.
People who used to borrow my books and return them with the spines broken (I've stopped lending books all together so I suppose this one is rather moot).

People who use highlighters on books.

People who've never learnt the difference between their, there and they're. I can forgive it in messenger or when chatting in a model's room, as we all make mistakes when in a rush. But I see it in reports etc too.

People who insist on putting salt on food before even tasting it. I spent hours getting the flavours right, so at least have the curtsy to taste how it was supposed to before ruining your palate.

Chuggers* who always ignore me because i happen to hobble around with a walking stick. No I don't actually want to be stopped but at the same time I hate being ignored. They don't even make eye-contact.

For non-Brits, a chugger is a "charity mugger", a person hired by a charity to stop people on the street and try to get them to sign up for regular donations to said charity. They will not accept cash donations right there. Their job is to get you to commit to a monthly donation via your bank. They are endemic in city centres here.
Red7227 said:
AllisonWilder said:
Since reading this thread I have more I'd like to add.

People that think they know what fat people need to hear as far as weight is concerned.
People that think that fat people can't be pretty just the way they are.

The thing I hate are fat people who pretend they aren't fat. Like some stinking overweight slob on a plane who thinks he is entitled to a third of your seat. Or 150 kg women who wonder why they can't get a boyfriend.
Guys that are assholes.
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