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Would it be appropriate to ask to stay in touch?

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Jan 21, 2013
The one model I always hung out with stopped camming about a year ago. She had gotten into the habit of taking long hiatuses without warning, and this time she just simply hasn't come back. That's fine, and I hope she's doing well for herself.

I miss her, though, especially lately. We would hang out every night, we knew each other well and trusted each other with personal information, and I feel like we were legitimately friends. I had the thought that maybe I could message her on MFC (on the off chance that she even logs in and checks her mail at all) and suggest staying in touch through other social media, like Twitter or Facebook. Would it be weird or inappropriate to get such a message after so many months? Is it crossing a line into creepy territory?

Any thoughts are appreciated.
Is hard to give advice not knowing all details but from my point of view sending mfc mail is perfectly fine.:) is also smart cause you will know if it was opened - if she reads it and does not respond means she does not want to stay in touch or is not in the mood to stay in touch in this time frame.
I think it's okay to send an mfc mail just saying hey, but I wouldn't ask to keep in touch outside of there. If she just up and left the cam world, there's a reason for that and she most likely wants to put it behind her. Even if she likes you perfectly well, you're likely a part of her life that she doesn't want to pursue.

It goes for camgirls befriending other camgirls too. I have made friends with camgirls over the years that have disappeared and all I can do is hope the best for them and be grateful if they ever decide to return. I wouldn't want to put them in the awkward position of debating on dragging a part of their late camming life into their real current one.
My thoughts are if she was interested in keeping in touch with you, she would MFC mail you. She may have gotten a job / going to school / etc. and wants to completely leave the camming life behind. It may be best to just move on. Friends do leave IRL too.
Any thoughts are appreciated.

My thoughts are a bit different from others. I've actually done what you are asking about and now keep in chat with a half dozen who no longer cam. I don't think it hurts to write an email. In that simply explain you enjoyed chatting with her and wouldn't mind keeping in touch in real life. Then offer your contact info, twitter, facebook, whatever. Then leave it. It's up to her if she wants to reply or not. Don't email again unless she replies. About all you can do without crossing over into a potential stalker appearance.
I kept in touch with a couple of models for several months after they stopped camming. One decided that she really just wanted to move on with her life, and keeping up with 1/2 dozen of her regulars wasn't good for her. Although, I've stayed in touch with two of her regulars. The other communication just stopped fairly naturally, because much of our discussion revolved around MFC so we didn't really have that much in common once she quit camming.
Some say "what's the harm, she can only say no or ignore you" buuuuuuuuut... What if she comes back and you are now that guy who made her uncomfortable?
If she was comfortable or wanted to keep in touch, she would be and this thread wouldn't exist.
The one model I always hung out with stopped camming about a year ago. She had gotten into the habit of taking long hiatuses without warning, and this time she just simply hasn't come back. That's fine, and I hope she's doing well for herself.

I miss her, though, especially lately. We would hang out every night, we knew each other well and trusted each other with personal information, and I feel like we were legitimately friends. I had the thought that maybe I could message her on MFC (on the off chance that she even logs in and checks her mail at all) and suggest staying in touch through other social media, like Twitter or Facebook. Would it be weird or inappropriate to get such a message after so many months? Is it crossing a line into creepy territory?

It seems very reasonable to want to keep in touch if you two were that close. There's nothing wrong with sending her MFC mail to ask whether she's interested in getting back in contact. Give her your email address (if she doesn't already have it) in case email might be more convenient for her if she's not logging into MFC regularly anymore. Let her bring up the idea social media if she's interested in that. Don't bring it up yourself. If you mention something like Facebook right off the bat it might make her uneasy and question your motives.

I'm friends with two ex-models on Facebook. It can work out quite well. But don't push it. If you insist on anything it will likely go over badly.

Also, be prepared for rejection or to be ignored entirely. If she left without talking to you about it or setting up any other means of communication, she may very well want to put her camming friends behind her. (But not necessarily. I recently got back into contact with a model who had disappeared for a while and she was very happy to hear from me. It turned out that she'd been stuck in a very bad situation for a while and hadn't chosen to cut things short. So that can happen too.)
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