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You Dirty Rat

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 3, 2010
So, being bored and lonely as I am I've been making it a hobby to fuck with everyone I can IRL. So some motorcyclists were being assholes on the road, so I called the cops on them. Insistently they came out of a bar right before doing this... I did tell the 911 operator that they were making rude gestures and trying to run me off the road though.
Today I found some pictures of a 15 y/o girl in her undies and a profile of her talking about how she drinks and smokes pot and all sorts of things. Her principle knows now too. I also called a 19 y/o that was telling her how hot she was and such a pervert and made some Chris Hanson references.
Now I'm bored again. It's not really that fun when I can't watch them get into trouble. Any suggestions?
Holy shit. An IRL troll. I always thought they only existed on the internet. I applaud you sir. Also, I have no suggestions. Sorry.
You could:
Tell every little kid you see that Santa Claus is FAKE, the Easter Bunny was REAL but you shot him, and the Tooth Fairy is a demon that uses you teeth as an ingredient to create the monster under their bed.
If your state has intersections and not those roundabout thingys, stay in the right lane at red lights with no intention of turning right on red (just to piss off the 15 cars behind you that DO want to turn R on red)
Go to McDonald and order like like 10 items off the dollar menu, but with each item having a custom alteration (extra pickles on one, no mustard on another etc)
Go to a sporting event wearing the home teams mortal enemies gear. (Go to an Ohio State game wearing a University of Michigan shirt)
find a group of teen girls and have a convo with someone on how terrible Twilight is and see how long it takes before one of them flips out on you
Drink all but an unusable amount of milk and leave the rest in the fridge.

I'm a evil bastard at heart too
Why is it that whenever I see "You Dirty Rat" I think of Nappa being "sent to the next dimension" in DBZ?

Warning: violence.
When people start talking I always yell "first" to make sure everyone knows I commented first on their topic.
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