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What makes you RAGE!

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can current smokers nag you girls to quit? I am seriously attempting to make myself quit, I realize in three days my lungs will begin to come back to life and any precancerous cells will possibly quickly repair themselves and may be outweeded by new healthy ones. I know my lungs are black right now, I know when I smoke I think about running, and when Im running I think about smoking, I dont run much anymore... I know I have never really studied the effects on the body before smoking, I know the ingredients in cigarettes isnt public knowledge, everything we know is from labs breaking them down. I know that I have studied picture of smokers lung in the past 2 days because my throat is sore, and needed something to help me not crave so badly. What I saw and read, is kind of a sick truth, I realized I knew when I was younger, but have whole heartedly ignored for the past 6 years. Quitting smoking can only be good. The brain stimulation from the nicotine is what you are craving, I say if I can fight that, I can quit, I bet you could too. I just dont know when to start....
reading all the smokers post reminded me that I really hate those Truth anti-smoking and the fill-in-the-blank is my anti-drug commercials, so much so that I'm seriously tempted to start smoking and doing drugs.
they're just so stupid

that leads me into more rageness:
commercials: about 90% of them are freaking retarded and about half don't even have anything to do with what they're promoting. one that sticks out in my mind was an old man and woman were talking about which gender's the worst drivers, so you'd think it'd be about car insurance or something, but it had absolutely nothing to do with that, can't remember what it was for.
reality television: way too prolific because it's cheap to make and people seem to love it for some unknown reason.
Dr Phil: he's fucking worthless and has convinced far too many people that he actually knows what he's talking about, probably because Oprah had him on her show a lot and everyone knows that Oprah's infallible.

this doesn't send me into a full-blown rage, but still annoys me when a model on MFC has a countdown to get naked/do a public show that takes more than 30 minutes to reach and the second she gets completely naked someone takes her private, then when she comes back she's completely dressed and starts the countdown over again. don't think I've seen any of the models from here do that, but I've seen it more than a few times from others.
Indigoxox said:
LadyLuna said:
Indigoxox said:
(Sorry to any christians out there it's just REALLY not my thing)

To each their own path. :h:

Exactly LadyLuna :h:

I didn't mean to call it crap, I was just raging because of this thread I think.haha

No offense taken ^.^
I just encountered another rage trigger this morning. One speed drivers. These are the motherfuckers who drive 40 mph on the highway forcing you to tailgate them for 10 miles then when you get to the city and the speed limit drops to 25 they continue going 40. Fuck those people
Mine are very similar.....idiot drivers, people that can't say nuclear and say nucular weapons, people that think they are better than everyone else and people that try to force their beliefs on you. I despise all the friggin' ads on the idiot box and radios, I'm seriously thinking of killing my TV. Paying a cable bill for the privilege of being bombarded by commercials is ridiculous and now the pop up ads during shows are getting absurd too. WTF is the purpose for radio commercials being louder than the music? :woops:

There could be a whole other thread on MFC/Cam rages. Fucktards that say shit like: "Do you pee?"

Of course they pee dipshit, get a fucking brain cell that works!

Going into a model's room and nearly getting your speakers blown with crappy music is another all time favorite, NOT! There should be some sort of sound check required before models sign on. :whistle:
We have a little bar that tells us if our sound is good or not.

It has a tendency to say that there's no sound when everyone can hear me just fine...
Webpages that have advertisements with sound that can't be muted
When a radio station uses the sound of a car horn in their traffic updates. It is impossible to tell the difference between a real person honking or if it is just the radio station. (there should be a law forbidding honking noises over the airwaves)
The sound of an alarm clock going off. I know, this is SUPPOSED to make you rage.
The sound of someone ringing a doorbell or knocking on TV. My dog *RIP Cheena:(* would go nuts for an hour afterwards thinking it was someone at OUR door.
How it has been ok for computer software or hardware to not perform like we paid for it. If I install new software and it says it is compatible....IT SHOULD BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New rage: making an appointment for 1:30 and the dr not meeting me until 2:30.
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not true RAGE, but seriously annoying to me:

the fact that I want to get a black Wii console.

not the fact that they have them now and didn't when I got mine, but the fact that I want to get it even though I already have a white one that I've played for less than an hour in the past six months so it'd be a complete waste of money that I don't have to start with.
2 new rages:

The fact that my school told me the wrong deadline by 3 different to apply for "graduation" from my AA program. They were all different dates, but in the end, all the dates but one were wrong, and now I can't "graduate" til fall, which makes me lose my scholarship.

And that Comcast cable goes out all the time for no reason for hours on end.
When people don't pay their debts, knowing that you are short on money.
internet outages.

mine was out for ~30 hours, and it was originally going to be out until next Thursday but they were able to get out here earlier to fix it.
Cassidy Nicole said:
morment, do you have comcast!? cable and internet will go off for like a day, i call them and they say they are working on it.... fefhioufh

no, it's a local company called Skybeam.
apparently they had switched the way they send out the signal and our receiver didn't take the transition well.
New Rage:

When my work email service tells me to change my password so I change it and then it says "this password has been used before. Please select another."

WTF? I don't remember when I used that password last. If I can't remember it, it had to have been long enough ago to let me use it again! What do they want me to do? Use this as a password- esioghrogie87wertyt2957^? Like I'll fucking remember that!
geekstick said:
New Rage:

When my work email service tells me to change my password so I change it and then it says "this password has been used before. Please select another."

WTF? I don't remember when I used that password last. If I can't remember it, it had to have been long enough ago to let me use it again! What do they want me to do? Use this as a password- esioghrogie87wertyt2957^? Like I'll fucking remember that!

Yes, yes we do.
When people make replies in posts and won't debate them because they think they're right, when they so obviously are not.
forgetting that good beer doesn't have a twist off top! bleeding hand OUCH!
not being able to find a fucking bottle opener!
That is all for now
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